Saturday, April 07, 2007

Please don't hurt me mister gangsta sir.

Yeah, went to the library today, but I only got three books because I was feeling intimidated by some teens in the *gasp* TEEN SECTION.
I don't know, I didn't want to be all dumb and shy whilst searching for books. THey were just looking at comics anyway.
But it's a thing i have. I have to be ALONE in the teen section or it just isn't right and I hyperventilate. Or not hyperventilate, I just get uncomfortable and leave.
So much for being extroverted.
I think I have split personalities. I mean, I CAN be a total extrovert, but at school and stuff, if I don't know anybody, it's like, "please don't talk to me, I'd just like to get by, maybe read my novel..."
5'10"! HE'S 5'10"! Too bad I don't internet date. Oh well.
Is it prom season already?
I forgot that I like spring.
I FINALLY got Blood and Chocolate, but it's not CDs, it's cassettes, and that makes me angry because I have to use William's CD player. Lame.
We're dying EGGS tonight.
Lol I got a funny result.
Quizmaker: Hott. *drools*
Guy in picture: I take myself too seriously.
Me: Um, ew...nice coat, though.
Other pictures: emo boy with rose (:D), guy with really ripped abs who other than that isn't really worth describing, weird leather coat man, GLADIATOR????, and some random shirtless guy wearing pretty nice jeans.
I like a pair of jeans.
I am in love with clothes.
*conks self in head*
Whatever, that person is seriously messed up. I like the rose picture though.
What's with all these stupid, "Are U the 1 4 me, you? (girls only)" quizzes? And it's RETURN OF THE STUPID PROM DRESSES! "What prom dress are you?" "What prom dress is for you?" "What's your perfect prom dress?" AAAAH. I haven't seen a good Harry Potter quiz in FOREVER.
That's kind of an oxy moron.
Kind of what we were talking about last night. "Smart Al Gore. It cancels them both out." "So what'd you say?" "Nothing."
If you don't know, I'm on quizilla taking REALLY DUMB QUIZZES.
Also, there's a lot of Naruto quizzes.
Y'all should check it out.
Feel my pain.
The "who's your guy? pics will make u drool" quiz is not worth it.

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