Holly Black is such a loser. Believes WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too seriously in fairies.
Then again, I totally used to, too. But that was then, this is now.
Apparently fairies are like a Satanist symbol?
Whatever. Just because Wiccans totally go for that doesn't mean all fairy literature is demonized.
And Wiccans aren't always Satanist.
Hold on.
Okay, from a Christian standpoint, it could be said that they are.
But that's the "POD isn't a Christian band, and I'm a Bible-thumper" standpoint.
DANG IT, it's like, I don't want to get all in your face and prove the world's stereotype of Christians, but come on, that REALLY bothers me, so how do I say it in a nice way without making myself seem more tolerant than I really am?
Because I want to be loving, not just tolerant, but I also want to be moral and let everyone know where I stand.
Wow. Why is life so complicated?
Whatever. By the way, why is everyone always asking me my stand on gay marriage, or bringing it up every five minutes and then glaring at me because the know I don't agree. It's not like I'm against gay people: they're just not normal people, your sexuality doesn't define you, so screw everyone who says it DOES, but I don't agree with their practices (as in being gay and proud), just like I don't agree with my dad's relatives some of the time, but I don't SHUN them, I actually like them more than my other family sometimes because they're so COOL and nice and they live in pimp states.
Enough on that.
We have another game tomorrow. Against Kingston. Wooooo. We're probably going to lose. I jammed my finger on Monday, and it was purple, but now it's GREEN with purple spots and it doesn't hurt, it's just really swollen and grossed a bunch of people out. I CAN'T HELP IT, I have BIG FEET, and I TRIPPED, causing my hand to become very friendly with the floor.
Who knew how much you use your pinky on a day to day basis? The first day it was jammed, it hurt like heck and I couldn't DO anything, which was annoying.
I just read a book about peaches. It was even called "Peaches". It was okay, pretty good, I did like it, and the coolest character was the most messed up, so I didn't really relate to her, but she was cool like that. And her name was Murphy??? And it took place in Georgia.
I really want a papillon. Or a dog of some sort. Really bad.
There must be something called dog therapy. I know there's horse therapy. If we could even RENT a dog, or take CARE of a dog, I would be soooooooooo happy. Especially if it was a collie. Or a papillon. Or, dare I say it, a Golden Retriever. Those things are so cliche, EVERYONE has one, but I do like them, because all my weird Oregon relatives have one and bring them to the fourth of July so they can lick the babies and run around and be annoying.
WHY do my relatives ALWAYS bring their dogs to fourth of July? Which is dumb, because we always took Oggy, but it was such a PAIN, because during the big picnic, we either had to hold him or tie him up with the other dogs and he would bark and fall down the cliff sometimes, so we had to go down to the beach and pick him back up and hold him AGAIN. And the dogs always bite people, like that stupid dog Prince, and I wasn't even related to those people, not even distantly, so I don't know WHAT they were doing on Dory's property, but he bit this kid's arm and he cried. The kid, not Prince. So I kicked him, I think. Even that kid got on everyone's nerves.
I feel like a cupcake. The special kind that my aunt makes that are chocolate and cream cheese. Ooooooooh yeaaaaaaah.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
I LOVE AMY LEE AND MURTAGH! Well, not like that...except for Murtagh.
Murtagh: *shooting people sexily* I SUGGEST YOU LEAVE QUICKLY!
Eragon: Uh, sure.
Cameramen: *leave with him*
Basketball was cool today. I had an adrenaline rush third quarter. That is my best quarter. It was also the only quarter I played, and even then not for that long, but I respect coach and I was glad she didn't put me in for longer, because I only played 2 minutes and I was so TIRED after stabbing the other players with my bony elbows. Sucka...
I hate History Day. I hate it SO MUCH. The theme was "Triumph and Tragedy", so I assumed doing something on BALTO would be an easy topic. NOT. I guess it's my fault, it's due tomorrow and I saved it all for the last day, but still, I got a BUNCH of pictures and information, but they're in black and white because the CPU TEACHER wOULDN'T FREAKING PRINT THEM FOR ME WHEN I ASKED HER TO, SO I DIDN'T WAIT FOR HER CUZ SHE'S STUPID, and the toner was bad, so they SUCK, and I ran out of R's so it says "The Serum Un". What the heck is an UN????????? And I had to write my process paper and I can't find the stupid thirty pages of my bibliography. DANG IT. and this is all due TOMORROW.
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh boy.
But I'm almost done...Kind of.
I have everything typed up and stuff...
I just need to put it on my board.
Come on, print, print, print...
The board looks cool, though, it's white, with light blue letters. Aaaaaand that's all I have on it.
Dang, there was too much paper. I hate this thing, it's like 80 years old.
Man, I have to do this all right now but I LIKE sitting here and being a menace to society. And I don't want to watch STUPID american idol because it's so LAME and "Grease: You're the One That I Want" is better.
Why is Max so adorable? WHY? He's incredibly HOT for a geeky looking slacker. He better win. Then I would pay MY OWN money and NOT mooch off my mother to go see him perform...in tight pants.
Ew...I just fantasized about someone in tight pants.
HOW WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!
Yet a total turnon?
Murtagh: *shooting people sexily* I SUGGEST YOU LEAVE QUICKLY!
Eragon: Uh, sure.
Cameramen: *leave with him*
Basketball was cool today. I had an adrenaline rush third quarter. That is my best quarter. It was also the only quarter I played, and even then not for that long, but I respect coach and I was glad she didn't put me in for longer, because I only played 2 minutes and I was so TIRED after stabbing the other players with my bony elbows. Sucka...
I hate History Day. I hate it SO MUCH. The theme was "Triumph and Tragedy", so I assumed doing something on BALTO would be an easy topic. NOT. I guess it's my fault, it's due tomorrow and I saved it all for the last day, but still, I got a BUNCH of pictures and information, but they're in black and white because the CPU TEACHER wOULDN'T FREAKING PRINT THEM FOR ME WHEN I ASKED HER TO, SO I DIDN'T WAIT FOR HER CUZ SHE'S STUPID, and the toner was bad, so they SUCK, and I ran out of R's so it says "The Serum Un". What the heck is an UN????????? And I had to write my process paper and I can't find the stupid thirty pages of my bibliography. DANG IT. and this is all due TOMORROW.
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh boy.
But I'm almost done...Kind of.
I have everything typed up and stuff...
I just need to put it on my board.
Come on, print, print, print...
The board looks cool, though, it's white, with light blue letters. Aaaaaand that's all I have on it.
Dang, there was too much paper. I hate this thing, it's like 80 years old.
Man, I have to do this all right now but I LIKE sitting here and being a menace to society. And I don't want to watch STUPID american idol because it's so LAME and "Grease: You're the One That I Want" is better.
Why is Max so adorable? WHY? He's incredibly HOT for a geeky looking slacker. He better win. Then I would pay MY OWN money and NOT mooch off my mother to go see him perform...in tight pants.
Ew...I just fantasized about someone in tight pants.
HOW WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!
Yet a total turnon?
Amy Lee,
History Day,
i hate social/class groups,
Sunday, February 25, 2007
I enjoy being a girl (NOT)
Being a girl sucks. I don't care what you say, it does, we have more problems than guys do, and it's so freaking ANNOYING. Every five seconds some emotional trauma has to explode on us, or maybe it's something that's been happening for a long time and you just can't take it anymore.
But I have to stay this way because if I were a guy I'd just be an oblivious self-centered visually-oriented moron. yeah, you think GIRLS are bad??? LOOK IN THE FREAKING MIRROR!
I read "Animal Farm". Why are these "classics" being forced upon us? If something is a classic, it usually is a. boring b. pointless and c. STUPID. The only exceptions to the rule are "The Scarlet Pimpernel" and "Animal Farm". EXCEPT FOR THE END. I swear, it was like watching a Shyamalan movie: big build up, sucky ending. And Animal Farm was really good, but then the pigs turn into humans and humans into pigs and they can't tell them apart AND THAT'S THE END.
I don't understand allegories, give me a normal, STRAIGHTFORWARD ending, and I'll get back to you.
As you can tell, my day hasn't exactly been WONDERFUL. It started with church and went downhill from there.
Then again, it always starts with church.
Please God, let me go to a different church somewhere other than here, preferrably GEORGIA, where they have Checkers drive-thrus and a weird unintelligible dialect and NICE PEOPLE.
Washington sucks.
So does church.
Life is just grand.
But I have to stay this way because if I were a guy I'd just be an oblivious self-centered visually-oriented moron. yeah, you think GIRLS are bad??? LOOK IN THE FREAKING MIRROR!
I read "Animal Farm". Why are these "classics" being forced upon us? If something is a classic, it usually is a. boring b. pointless and c. STUPID. The only exceptions to the rule are "The Scarlet Pimpernel" and "Animal Farm". EXCEPT FOR THE END. I swear, it was like watching a Shyamalan movie: big build up, sucky ending. And Animal Farm was really good, but then the pigs turn into humans and humans into pigs and they can't tell them apart AND THAT'S THE END.
I don't understand allegories, give me a normal, STRAIGHTFORWARD ending, and I'll get back to you.
As you can tell, my day hasn't exactly been WONDERFUL. It started with church and went downhill from there.
Then again, it always starts with church.
Please God, let me go to a different church somewhere other than here, preferrably GEORGIA, where they have Checkers drive-thrus and a weird unintelligible dialect and NICE PEOPLE.
Washington sucks.
So does church.
Life is just grand.
Animal Farm,
the South,
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Pete Wentzness
I'm still pretty much destined to be with Joe from Fall Out boy. I do like Patrick's sideburns, though. I really feel like taking that test again.
There are no more hot Pockets. And I didn't wake up early enough to go to the commissary, so I don't get to buy Phish Food. :(
Ew, Fall out Boy is messed up.
I kind of want their new Cd, though...
This font is weird and it's freaking me out.
Joe Trohman...
Pete is mad about the "emo scene".
Um...whatever, Pete.
Wow, Joe is currently 23. Not sure this is going to work.
I'm thinking of writing another book.
That probably won't work out so well.
And he and Pete cofounded Fall out Boy.
Poor Patrick.
Pete: Hey, don't put Dance Dance on the Kidz Bopz CD.
Kidz: Why?
Pete: um, there's a...sexual overtones?
Kidz: Cool, what are those?
AAAAAAAAAGH, JOE IS 5'10"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess I'm a Trohmaniac, then.
Hehehe. I love wikipedia.
There are no more hot Pockets. And I didn't wake up early enough to go to the commissary, so I don't get to buy Phish Food. :(
Ew, Fall out Boy is messed up.
I kind of want their new Cd, though...
This font is weird and it's freaking me out.
Joe Trohman...
Pete is mad about the "emo scene".
Um...whatever, Pete.
Wow, Joe is currently 23. Not sure this is going to work.
I'm thinking of writing another book.
That probably won't work out so well.
And he and Pete cofounded Fall out Boy.
Poor Patrick.
Pete: Hey, don't put Dance Dance on the Kidz Bopz CD.
Kidz: Why?
Pete: um, there's a...sexual overtones?
Kidz: Cool, what are those?
AAAAAAAAAGH, JOE IS 5'10"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess I'm a Trohmaniac, then.
Hehehe. I love wikipedia.
fall out boy,
Joe Trohman,
new CD,
Pete Wentz,
Friday, February 23, 2007
Wow. Emily pretty much had the best party ever. We all played Mafia, followed a bogus menu, ate cake and mints, and had a rockin good time.
And I was wearing a DRESS. I love this dress, though. Makes me feel semi feminine.
RUMOR CONFIRMED: Everybody DOES think I'm a lesbian. Especially GUYS. So part of my day was spent sulking. Because I'm not WRONG, I'm not IMAGINING things, it's TRUE, all guys think I'm GAY, and will never be interested in me because of it.
OOooh, lookit.
I'm dating Joe from FallOut boy. I didn't even know there was a Joe.
I really could go for a coconut cream donut. But I'm soooo not hungry right now.
I'm so dehydrated. I forgot to put "Definitely Maybe" on my ipod. :(

Isn't it wonderful? I don't know if it will actually show up...
Ew, if it says Barak obama is a hottie, I will kill myself.
I actually have nothing against Barak. I just don't think he's hot OR sexy, he's anti-war, which is ANNOYING, and, unfortunately for Mr. Anderson, I am NOT a Barak advocate.
Hm, I have low Oscar knowledge. oh, the N, and their fun but stupid quizzes.
Man, I got ONE question right. I suck. Oh well, it was about Oscars, something no one needs to know about. Now am I destined for stardom?
All Johnson did during practice today was make us do Around the World (I MADE A LAY UP) and talk (YESSSSS) and I got to leave early, so it was all goooood.
Results pending...
I'm destined for a QUIET sort of stardom??????
Well, yeah, I want to write a book, BUT A TV SHOW WOULD BE NICE!!!!! It's not like TV hosts have TALENT.
Okay, I REALLY have to see who's my presidential hottie soulmate.
Ew, weird: Stand underneath my window at midnight screaming my name, despondent.
Pleeeeeeeeeeease, nooooot an eeeeeemoooooo....

That's horrible, I'm taking this again.
And I was wearing a DRESS. I love this dress, though. Makes me feel semi feminine.
RUMOR CONFIRMED: Everybody DOES think I'm a lesbian. Especially GUYS. So part of my day was spent sulking. Because I'm not WRONG, I'm not IMAGINING things, it's TRUE, all guys think I'm GAY, and will never be interested in me because of it.
OOooh, lookit.
I'm dating Joe from FallOut boy. I didn't even know there was a Joe.
I really could go for a coconut cream donut. But I'm soooo not hungry right now.
I'm so dehydrated. I forgot to put "Definitely Maybe" on my ipod. :(
Isn't it wonderful? I don't know if it will actually show up...
Ew, if it says Barak obama is a hottie, I will kill myself.
I actually have nothing against Barak. I just don't think he's hot OR sexy, he's anti-war, which is ANNOYING, and, unfortunately for Mr. Anderson, I am NOT a Barak advocate.
Hm, I have low Oscar knowledge. oh, the N, and their fun but stupid quizzes.
Man, I got ONE question right. I suck. Oh well, it was about Oscars, something no one needs to know about. Now am I destined for stardom?
All Johnson did during practice today was make us do Around the World (I MADE A LAY UP) and talk (YESSSSS) and I got to leave early, so it was all goooood.
Results pending...
I'm destined for a QUIET sort of stardom??????
Well, yeah, I want to write a book, BUT A TV SHOW WOULD BE NICE!!!!! It's not like TV hosts have TALENT.
Okay, I REALLY have to see who's my presidential hottie soulmate.
Ew, weird: Stand underneath my window at midnight screaming my name, despondent.
Pleeeeeeeeeeease, nooooot an eeeeeemoooooo....
That's horrible, I'm taking this again.
emo screaming,
fall out boy,
fun parties,
immature guys,
not gay,
the N
Thursday, February 22, 2007
...but his racist counterpart didn't think so.
Still working on my new Teen Titans powerpoint. Denzel Washington, after losing his job, goes gangsta, steals a car, and walks around in cemeteries when he has nothing to do.
We got our butts kicked BAD today. Varsity lost a close game. JV lost a not so close game. BUT I GOT TO PLAY! Only a minute in the 3rd and 4th quarter. BUT STILL! Aaaaaand I got a REBOUND!
I was going to wear a skirt today, but I chickened out at the last minute.
I stole an army man from Kelsey and named him...COMMANDER CODY! Commander Cody says you have a smart mouth.
Chris: I bet he's really Commander Matt. OOOOH! OOOH! OOOOOH!
Me: No, gross, his name is Cody.
Chris: More like Commander Matt. OOOOOOH! OOOOH! OOOOH!
Um, right.
You can find Evanescence fans in the weirdest places: Hiding in corners, trees, in computer labs, under desks, in food, Dizmas CDs....
Must play LEGACY.
I ate SHELLS for dinner.
And jelly beans.
And cheese.
I was going to eat some yogurt, but then I was full. And someone ate all the key lime.
Playing basketball makes me want to eat pasta.
We got our butts kicked BAD today. Varsity lost a close game. JV lost a not so close game. BUT I GOT TO PLAY! Only a minute in the 3rd and 4th quarter. BUT STILL! Aaaaaand I got a REBOUND!
I was going to wear a skirt today, but I chickened out at the last minute.
I stole an army man from Kelsey and named him...COMMANDER CODY! Commander Cody says you have a smart mouth.
Chris: I bet he's really Commander Matt. OOOOH! OOOH! OOOOOH!
Me: No, gross, his name is Cody.
Chris: More like Commander Matt. OOOOOOH! OOOOH! OOOOH!
Um, right.
You can find Evanescence fans in the weirdest places: Hiding in corners, trees, in computer labs, under desks, in food, Dizmas CDs....
Must play LEGACY.
I ate SHELLS for dinner.
And jelly beans.
And cheese.
I was going to eat some yogurt, but then I was full. And someone ate all the key lime.
Playing basketball makes me want to eat pasta.
army men,
Commander Cody,
Denzel Washington,
Teen Titans
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
William's watching "Mulan". I like the "Be a Man" song. Tis cool.
HOW COULD I HAVE NOT TALKED ABOUT THIS AMERICAN IDOL SEASON AT ALL YET????? I don't really like any of the girls. AAAAAAAAS USUAL. But some of the guys are okay. Tell you the truth, this was a real boring season. All the interesting people got cut and the girls can't dance. I like Chris Sligh, though. He's one of the best voices and he's hilarious. he looks just like Jack Osbourne and reminds me a lot of Mario off "Beauty and the Geek" WHICH IS TONIGHT! Yeah, who cares about the girls, I wanna watch "Beauty and the Geek: The Reunion". Because Jennylee and Nate are getting back together and ONE OF THE CONTESTANTS GOT MARRIED!!!!!
I bet it's Mario.
"Dododododo. *pantomiming squeezing* DEE! DEE! DEE!"
I really want some shells. Like the pasta. Yum.
With lots of butttttter. And a burger with American cheese and that I didn't finish at Red Robin on Monday. :( I'm so STUPID. But I was eating a chocolate malt with the malt still visible on the bottom, which was kind of nifty. POTATOES. And the fries were okay, but the burger was delicious and I GAVE IT ALL AWAY WHEN I NEEDED YOU TO STAY! OPEN UP YOUR HEART, I NEED YOU HERE! Wow, that was a random little burst into a "Red" song.
I wonder what "The Outsiders" was about last night. *shrug* Hm, I'll never know.
Uhhhhhhh...I'm playing "Legacy" again. Have Cocktail and ZickZack AGAIN, because I ALWAYS get them, I never get Barbie, even though she's fast, and I guess I could pick any other horse and it wouldn't matter, I'd still win, because I totally kicked butt with Alpha, and he's hecka slow.
Basketball was crazy, but I didn't wimp out during practice like I did Monday. I missed school AND the game against S. yesterday. We lost. We are 0-3. Varsity is 3-0. Life just isn't FAIR.
Danny hates my Teen Titans powerpoint because I said Coach Boone's counterpart was racist to help with the plot.
HOW COULD I HAVE NOT TALKED ABOUT THIS AMERICAN IDOL SEASON AT ALL YET????? I don't really like any of the girls. AAAAAAAAS USUAL. But some of the guys are okay. Tell you the truth, this was a real boring season. All the interesting people got cut and the girls can't dance. I like Chris Sligh, though. He's one of the best voices and he's hilarious. he looks just like Jack Osbourne and reminds me a lot of Mario off "Beauty and the Geek" WHICH IS TONIGHT! Yeah, who cares about the girls, I wanna watch "Beauty and the Geek: The Reunion". Because Jennylee and Nate are getting back together and ONE OF THE CONTESTANTS GOT MARRIED!!!!!
I bet it's Mario.
"Dododododo. *pantomiming squeezing* DEE! DEE! DEE!"
I really want some shells. Like the pasta. Yum.
With lots of butttttter. And a burger with American cheese and that I didn't finish at Red Robin on Monday. :( I'm so STUPID. But I was eating a chocolate malt with the malt still visible on the bottom, which was kind of nifty. POTATOES. And the fries were okay, but the burger was delicious and I GAVE IT ALL AWAY WHEN I NEEDED YOU TO STAY! OPEN UP YOUR HEART, I NEED YOU HERE! Wow, that was a random little burst into a "Red" song.
I wonder what "The Outsiders" was about last night. *shrug* Hm, I'll never know.
Uhhhhhhh...I'm playing "Legacy" again. Have Cocktail and ZickZack AGAIN, because I ALWAYS get them, I never get Barbie, even though she's fast, and I guess I could pick any other horse and it wouldn't matter, I'd still win, because I totally kicked butt with Alpha, and he's hecka slow.
Basketball was crazy, but I didn't wimp out during practice like I did Monday. I missed school AND the game against S. yesterday. We lost. We are 0-3. Varsity is 3-0. Life just isn't FAIR.
Danny hates my Teen Titans powerpoint because I said Coach Boone's counterpart was racist to help with the plot.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Just watched two VERY good episodes of "matlock", it was more like a soap opera, people.
FIRST, Ben's goddaughter is getting married, and Leanne offers to have the pre-wedding reception at their house, which Ben hates, and this evil guest keeps taking all the appetizer platters, and then there's a bachelor party COMPLETE with strippers (like on "The Office"), and the goddaughter's brother shows up, angering one of the other bachelors, because the brother (Chuck) injured the other guy's (Brad) brother in a drunk driving accident. The groom (Paul, I think?) takes Brad to a church to sober up, where he (Brad) is stabbed to death by some unknown person.
*deep breath*
I could've summarized that into an actual SUMMARY, not giving you every detail of the first 10 minutes, but hey, it's more fun this way.
Second one was about this lawyer at another firm being sexually harassed by her boss, who got killed by RYAN PHILIPPE!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOO! Ryan Philippe, it turns out, is a very bad actor.
Actually, I think ALL actors are bad.
Except for Denzel, who just came out with a new book?
Oooooh boy, can't wait for that.
AAAAAAAGH, I have to do my bibliography, I don't waaaaaaaant to, waaaaah, WHY is William watching "The master of Disguise" for like the 80th time THIS MONTH!
My hair is really greasy and it's kind of gross.
I have a real craving for Ritz.
I have never actually had plain Ritz in my life.
I also want frosting.
And milk.
My cereal tasted SO GROSS this morning.
And then my dad added 1% to my 2% so it was like, "Why me?"
I had a Pepsi with lime.
I also missed the away game today.
Which I wouldn't have played in...
Don't think coach is too happy with me anyways.
PLEASE don't let me have a cough tomorrow.
FIRST, Ben's goddaughter is getting married, and Leanne offers to have the pre-wedding reception at their house, which Ben hates, and this evil guest keeps taking all the appetizer platters, and then there's a bachelor party COMPLETE with strippers (like on "The Office"), and the goddaughter's brother shows up, angering one of the other bachelors, because the brother (Chuck) injured the other guy's (Brad) brother in a drunk driving accident. The groom (Paul, I think?) takes Brad to a church to sober up, where he (Brad) is stabbed to death by some unknown person.
*deep breath*
I could've summarized that into an actual SUMMARY, not giving you every detail of the first 10 minutes, but hey, it's more fun this way.
Second one was about this lawyer at another firm being sexually harassed by her boss, who got killed by RYAN PHILIPPE!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOO! Ryan Philippe, it turns out, is a very bad actor.
Actually, I think ALL actors are bad.
Except for Denzel, who just came out with a new book?
Oooooh boy, can't wait for that.
AAAAAAAGH, I have to do my bibliography, I don't waaaaaaaant to, waaaaah, WHY is William watching "The master of Disguise" for like the 80th time THIS MONTH!
My hair is really greasy and it's kind of gross.
I have a real craving for Ritz.
I have never actually had plain Ritz in my life.
I also want frosting.
And milk.
My cereal tasted SO GROSS this morning.
And then my dad added 1% to my 2% so it was like, "Why me?"
I had a Pepsi with lime.
I also missed the away game today.
Which I wouldn't have played in...
Don't think coach is too happy with me anyways.
PLEASE don't let me have a cough tomorrow.
Dana Carvey,
Ryan Philippe,
sexual harassment
I'm sorry...
OMGEEEEEEEEEZ, I'm still sick. *cough cough* *cough* Sorry, I feel another one coming on. *cough*
And I've been up for like 5.5 hours and all I've done is listen to my ipod (now with 277 songs on it!) and do sudoku. Not even kidding.
And I was just thinking of random things and they were REALLY HILARIOUS!
From some story on Quizilla: CARSON???? NO! I loved you and you never called me!
From "Princess and the Pauper": [Erika] What's wrong, Wolfy? Are you sick? Something in your throat? Wait a minute...are you trying to...MEOW? [Wolfy] MmmmmWOOF!
From real life/South Carolina: Here I am! LBLBLBLBLBLBLB!
HAHAHAHAHA! I must be high on...something. I only had a bowl of cereal like four hours ago? I don't know.
Wonder who wants to write a trail journal with me, hum...
Who should come, I wonder?
how bout...MURTAGH AND AMY LEE!!!!
Is it okay for someone to be your role model just for being pretty?
It doesn't seem right...
but I don't care, because she's ALSO a good singer.
Hm. *looks at deodorant* It says "Little Black Dress approved". MY DEODORANT IS LITTLE BLACK DRESS APPROVED.
OMGEEEEEEEEEZ, I'm still sick. *cough cough* *cough* Sorry, I feel another one coming on. *cough*
And I've been up for like 5.5 hours and all I've done is listen to my ipod (now with 277 songs on it!) and do sudoku. Not even kidding.
And I was just thinking of random things and they were REALLY HILARIOUS!
From some story on Quizilla: CARSON???? NO! I loved you and you never called me!
From "Princess and the Pauper": [Erika] What's wrong, Wolfy? Are you sick? Something in your throat? Wait a minute...are you trying to...MEOW? [Wolfy] MmmmmWOOF!
From real life/South Carolina: Here I am! LBLBLBLBLBLBLB!
HAHAHAHAHA! I must be high on...something. I only had a bowl of cereal like four hours ago? I don't know.
Wonder who wants to write a trail journal with me, hum...
Who should come, I wonder?
how bout...MURTAGH AND AMY LEE!!!!
Is it okay for someone to be your role model just for being pretty?
It doesn't seem right...
but I don't care, because she's ALSO a good singer.
Hm. *looks at deodorant* It says "Little Black Dress approved". MY DEODORANT IS LITTLE BLACK DRESS APPROVED.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
We're Marley and Marley

AAAAAAAAAH, ISN'T SHE ADORABLE? He? She? I don't know. I love him. Her. It.
According to the Dog Breed Quiz, we should have a Toy Poodle or a Bichon Frise. I WANT A PUG!
Okay, there was this pug in South Carolina and we couldn't tell if it was named Molly or Marly because her owner had this heavy Southern accent.
And there's this one scene in "A Muppet Christmas Carol" where Statler and Waldorf are both Scrooge's dead partners, Marley and Marley. Soooo, I give you.
We're Marly and Molly.
I want to adopt her and take her home.
FINALLY, I can listen to Evanescence!!!! And Dizmas! and the Barbie movie soundtrack collection!!!!! Did I just say that out loud????
I'm thinking about writing another trail journal. Who should come, who should come...
I'm still sick with a fever of 101.6?
I guess that means no practice tomorrow.
Amy Lee,
Marly or Molly,
still sick,
trail journals
Pippin's song...on a Sunday
Yay, got to skip church, because I'm still kind of sick. Not a lot of coughing, but more sneezing and dripping of the nose. Yeah, you really needed to know that.
I just watched the last of "ROTK". I love that movie. But they're not as good as the books. I remember the first time I watched that movie, I started screaming bad things about Peter Jackson because he cut out like half of Return of the King and added a bunch of Two Towers stuff.
I want to read all the books again. I tried last summer, but I got through part of Two Towers and had to stop.
So I'll try again. And then I'll see if we can watched all three...in a ROW.
I'm sooooo hungry. I already ate some Lucky Charms but that didn't sit well. oh well.
Man, three hour basketball practice tomorrow. This sport is kind of my life now. Dang. Hope I can find my shorts. *glares at shorts-stealer* Actually, probably no one stole them, I just put them in the jersey bucket accidentally or something.
But still.
It's not like I'm LOVED by everyone on the team.
Nah, it's only one person that I suspect because they don't like me and I don't like them, in short, we don't like each other.
Fm Static must die.
I just watched the last of "ROTK". I love that movie. But they're not as good as the books. I remember the first time I watched that movie, I started screaming bad things about Peter Jackson because he cut out like half of Return of the King and added a bunch of Two Towers stuff.
I want to read all the books again. I tried last summer, but I got through part of Two Towers and had to stop.
So I'll try again. And then I'll see if we can watched all three...in a ROW.
I'm sooooo hungry. I already ate some Lucky Charms but that didn't sit well. oh well.
Man, three hour basketball practice tomorrow. This sport is kind of my life now. Dang. Hope I can find my shorts. *glares at shorts-stealer* Actually, probably no one stole them, I just put them in the jersey bucket accidentally or something.
But still.
It's not like I'm LOVED by everyone on the team.
Nah, it's only one person that I suspect because they don't like me and I don't like them, in short, we don't like each other.
Fm Static must die.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Hey, wanna see the grayish yellow coating on my throat? *sticks out tongue*
If horoscopes are really so accurate, why are they always different from paper to paper, magazine to magazine, website to website? Hehehe. I mean, read this.
02/17/2007 Your social needs are stronger than ever, and you should make a few solid connections with folks you may not know all that well just yet. You may not make millions of friends, but the ones you have are quality.
Yeaaaaaah, sure, like WHO? Oooh, and the star sign thing is even FUNNIER.
Symbol: the Sea Goat
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Ruling House: Tenth House
Element: Earth
Quality: Cardinal
Body Parts: skin, teeth, bones, knees
Date with destiny: Taurus, Virgo
Run for the hills: Aries, Libra
Where you glow: in charge
What makes you tick: hard work
Fitness forecast: golfing
Play date: dining at an exclusive restaurant
Perfect jobs: news anchor, anthropologist
Best accessory: personal digital assitant
A sure thing: managing a stock portfolio
Destination: Japan
Pleasure: patience, respect, success
Pain: disorganization, miscalculation, boredom
Kindness: Armed with dogged determination, you refuse to give up the fight for justice until everyone has been comforted and served.
What's my line? The one with the most toys wins.
Destination JAPAN? I've already BEEN to Japan, and I HATED IT. And my perfect accessory is NOT a digital assistant. It happens to be an IPOD. Or a CELL PHONE, but I don't HAVE ONE.
Forget this.
I have to pee REALLY BAD. I didn't eat dinner last night, but I'm only a little hungry and I still feel like a diptheria victim, only my throat doesn't hurt as bad, and I think my fever went down. Must take temperature.
I love this Ipod. Lots of Fall Out Boy...and FM Static. If I ever go see them in concert, I'm going to shoot Trever in the head with a Bebe gun. Serves him right.
If I ever make a band, and play drums for it or something, or manage to learn guitar (actually, that will never happen. I hate guitar.), I have a good name for it.
But you'll never get to know it unless I make it big, as to keep it safe and copyrighted.
Relient K's new CD isn't that great. True, I've only listened to like three of their songs, but it's really bothering me how mediocre it is. Funny, but like 80's dance pop? Hahaha, i almost typed dance poop.
Barbie.com. That sounds glitterfabulous. Lol.
02/17/2007 Your social needs are stronger than ever, and you should make a few solid connections with folks you may not know all that well just yet. You may not make millions of friends, but the ones you have are quality.
Yeaaaaaah, sure, like WHO? Oooh, and the star sign thing is even FUNNIER.
Symbol: the Sea Goat
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Ruling House: Tenth House
Element: Earth
Quality: Cardinal
Body Parts: skin, teeth, bones, knees
Date with destiny: Taurus, Virgo
Run for the hills: Aries, Libra
Where you glow: in charge
What makes you tick: hard work
Fitness forecast: golfing
Play date: dining at an exclusive restaurant
Perfect jobs: news anchor, anthropologist
Best accessory: personal digital assitant
A sure thing: managing a stock portfolio
Destination: Japan
Pleasure: patience, respect, success
Pain: disorganization, miscalculation, boredom
Kindness: Armed with dogged determination, you refuse to give up the fight for justice until everyone has been comforted and served.
What's my line? The one with the most toys wins.
Destination JAPAN? I've already BEEN to Japan, and I HATED IT. And my perfect accessory is NOT a digital assistant. It happens to be an IPOD. Or a CELL PHONE, but I don't HAVE ONE.
Forget this.
I have to pee REALLY BAD. I didn't eat dinner last night, but I'm only a little hungry and I still feel like a diptheria victim, only my throat doesn't hurt as bad, and I think my fever went down. Must take temperature.
I love this Ipod. Lots of Fall Out Boy...and FM Static. If I ever go see them in concert, I'm going to shoot Trever in the head with a Bebe gun. Serves him right.
If I ever make a band, and play drums for it or something, or manage to learn guitar (actually, that will never happen. I hate guitar.), I have a good name for it.
But you'll never get to know it unless I make it big, as to keep it safe and copyrighted.
Relient K's new CD isn't that great. True, I've only listened to like three of their songs, but it's really bothering me how mediocre it is. Funny, but like 80's dance pop? Hahaha, i almost typed dance poop.
Barbie.com. That sounds glitterfabulous. Lol.
copyright laws,
lotsa fall out boy,
Relient K,
Friday, February 16, 2007
Friday Blues
AAAAAAAAGH basketball practice was...pretty much torture. I somehow GOT SICK? so my throat closed up like that of a diptheria victim and it pretty much sucked. And then we scrimmaged and it was burning up. So I asked to sit out...and coach was totally OKAY WITH THAT? I love Coach Klein. SHe RULES. But scrimmaging is cool, I really like it. Playing wing...isn't that bad. If she made me play wing in the game, I would be SO COOL with that. Kick the other girl's butt. "BALL! BALL! BALLBALLBALLBALLBALLBALL!" *slap* *steal* "SUCKER!" Only you can't call someone a sucker during basetball.
We threw Mrs. Schultz-Story a surprise party today. My grape soda totally disappeared and I know for a fact no one drank any. Which sucks. I wanted some, but noooo... Victoria's mom made this really good cake. Holy cow, I hate like three pieces. Call me a pig. But I'm a growing girl. Like sled dogs, I need 10-14,000 calories a day. Actually, that's a lie, I need like 25,000.
oooooh well.
Certain people suddenly hate my gates. Or maybe it's not sudden. Maybe they already did and I didn't notice. *shrug* Oh well. At least it's someone I could live without.
Unlike other people.
Actually, that's not true. I can TOTALLY live without those people. Or that person.
Okay, I don't want to make a huge deal out of this again, because it's over and done with, but COME ON!!!!! What's with the eternal silent treatment? I know we weren't friends before, like, AT ALL, and we didn't talk, AT ALL, but what happened was only PARTIALLY my fault.
Yeah, I shouldn't have acted like an immature MORON, because this has happened before, and I should've learned from last time, but SERIOUSLY. I do exist. Don't act like you're better than me. And if you think THAT was immature, you should see me on my bad days.
We threw Mrs. Schultz-Story a surprise party today. My grape soda totally disappeared and I know for a fact no one drank any. Which sucks. I wanted some, but noooo... Victoria's mom made this really good cake. Holy cow, I hate like three pieces. Call me a pig. But I'm a growing girl. Like sled dogs, I need 10-14,000 calories a day. Actually, that's a lie, I need like 25,000.
oooooh well.
Certain people suddenly hate my gates. Or maybe it's not sudden. Maybe they already did and I didn't notice. *shrug* Oh well. At least it's someone I could live without.
Unlike other people.
Actually, that's not true. I can TOTALLY live without those people. Or that person.
Okay, I don't want to make a huge deal out of this again, because it's over and done with, but COME ON!!!!! What's with the eternal silent treatment? I know we weren't friends before, like, AT ALL, and we didn't talk, AT ALL, but what happened was only PARTIALLY my fault.
Yeah, I shouldn't have acted like an immature MORON, because this has happened before, and I should've learned from last time, but SERIOUSLY. I do exist. Don't act like you're better than me. And if you think THAT was immature, you should see me on my bad days.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
"Get away from my daddy, tramp!"
Lol, that's like the one good line from "Daddy's Little Girls". I kind of want to see "Music and Lyrics". I need to read "Bridge to Terabithia", even though I'm not going to go see the movie and I already know the ending. "GET AWAY FROM MY DADDY, TRAMP!"
AAAAAAAAAGH, it's just too funny.
We had our first away game today. Played the Knights? i thought they were the Bulldogs, but no, they're the Lady Knights. I GET TO PLAY NEXT THURSDAY! YESSSSSSSS! Thank God for tryouts... Buuuuut, it was a long day. *phew* I didn't even play. I kind of want to play...and in a way, don't really want to? I don't know.
It was nice to come home, take off my jacket and tie (I was seriously wearing a blazer and tie. We had to dress up today. Everyone kept commenting on the tie?), and find pizza sitting on the table for me (awwwwww... Follow that up with Skittles and possibly a milkshake? Yesh.).
There was a cute baby at the game.
Nicole had cupcakes. I took one and stole another.
They had pink frosting. Which might go in my milkshake?
Why do I really feel like some alchohol? I always spell that wrong. Apparently drunkeness and addiction runs in the family. I used to be morally opposed to alchohol, but there's a difference between drinking and DRINKING, you know what I mean? Besides, Jesus drank wine. So if you don't get drunk, one drink is fine, i guess. Just as long as it's legal. As soon as I'm 21, I'm buying myself a six-pack of Mike's Hard Lemonade.
AAAAAAAAAGH, it's just too funny.
We had our first away game today. Played the Knights? i thought they were the Bulldogs, but no, they're the Lady Knights. I GET TO PLAY NEXT THURSDAY! YESSSSSSSS! Thank God for tryouts... Buuuuut, it was a long day. *phew* I didn't even play. I kind of want to play...and in a way, don't really want to? I don't know.
It was nice to come home, take off my jacket and tie (I was seriously wearing a blazer and tie. We had to dress up today. Everyone kept commenting on the tie?), and find pizza sitting on the table for me (awwwwww... Follow that up with Skittles and possibly a milkshake? Yesh.).
There was a cute baby at the game.
Nicole had cupcakes. I took one and stole another.
They had pink frosting. Which might go in my milkshake?
Why do I really feel like some alchohol? I always spell that wrong. Apparently drunkeness and addiction runs in the family. I used to be morally opposed to alchohol, but there's a difference between drinking and DRINKING, you know what I mean? Besides, Jesus drank wine. So if you don't get drunk, one drink is fine, i guess. Just as long as it's legal. As soon as I'm 21, I'm buying myself a six-pack of Mike's Hard Lemonade.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Here...have a sampler.
Today is Valentine's Day. Not my favorite holiday. It's just another holiday to make normal significant-otherless people feel bad. Jerks.
We had to write a letter to the principal on why or why not we should celebrate this holiday. I wrote a long letter on why we shouldn't.
Toni did a pros and cons list. Now I'm thinking hers was better.
Because I don't really mind Valentine's day. I do hate it when people have like cupcakes and roses and bears and crap for all their friends and you don't get anything. 9/10 times they never even look at the bear again or forget the rose in their locker or throw the cupcake away half-eaten. Why are you giving them the freaking cupcakes, I'm hungry, woman!
But it's not that bad. I only got three or four Valentine's. One was from my mom and one was from Mrs. Schultz-Story (mmm...cherry flavor. WANT A TASTE?) (actually it was apple, but who really cares?).
Chris is evil and wrong.
Just thought I'd say that.
Lol that would be funny if any of my friends actually read this and were like, "Um, wth does she mention me every five seconds."
Hopefully that will never happen. But it would be funny...
I love basketball. Although there's this one girl that's just like AAAAAGH. It's like, "I know you want me to do it right, but come on, give me and everyone else a break." Coach likes her, though. Thinks she's nice and helpful. Whatever. I'm not being pushed around by this short wimp. *punches in the face* Oooops, you're supposed to pay attention, remember?
Grrr. She's mean.
Mr. Anderson thinks I'm a Barak Obama advocate. Which is funny. Cuz I'm not. Although, if there aren't that many worthwhile candidates, he would be the best leader of our country as opposed to, say, HILLARY. Devil worship...
I WANT CLASSIC CRIME! AND HELLOGOODBYE! Not so much Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. If I don't have to pay for EVERYTHING ELSE (sweatshirts $30????????? Mine says "Emo" on it. hehehehe), I might go buy them at Walmart or something.
OMG, these girls in math were seriously fighting over where Walmart was and one was asked to draw a map.
Good times, good times.
The red in my hair is faded... :( It's more blonde than anything else. Ew. I'm blonde.
We had to write a letter to the principal on why or why not we should celebrate this holiday. I wrote a long letter on why we shouldn't.
Toni did a pros and cons list. Now I'm thinking hers was better.
Because I don't really mind Valentine's day. I do hate it when people have like cupcakes and roses and bears and crap for all their friends and you don't get anything. 9/10 times they never even look at the bear again or forget the rose in their locker or throw the cupcake away half-eaten. Why are you giving them the freaking cupcakes, I'm hungry, woman!
But it's not that bad. I only got three or four Valentine's. One was from my mom and one was from Mrs. Schultz-Story (mmm...cherry flavor. WANT A TASTE?) (actually it was apple, but who really cares?).
Chris is evil and wrong.
Just thought I'd say that.
Lol that would be funny if any of my friends actually read this and were like, "Um, wth does she mention me every five seconds."
Hopefully that will never happen. But it would be funny...
I love basketball. Although there's this one girl that's just like AAAAAGH. It's like, "I know you want me to do it right, but come on, give me and everyone else a break." Coach likes her, though. Thinks she's nice and helpful. Whatever. I'm not being pushed around by this short wimp. *punches in the face* Oooops, you're supposed to pay attention, remember?
Grrr. She's mean.
Mr. Anderson thinks I'm a Barak Obama advocate. Which is funny. Cuz I'm not. Although, if there aren't that many worthwhile candidates, he would be the best leader of our country as opposed to, say, HILLARY. Devil worship...
I WANT CLASSIC CRIME! AND HELLOGOODBYE! Not so much Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. If I don't have to pay for EVERYTHING ELSE (sweatshirts $30????????? Mine says "Emo" on it. hehehehe), I might go buy them at Walmart or something.
OMG, these girls in math were seriously fighting over where Walmart was and one was asked to draw a map.
Good times, good times.
The red in my hair is faded... :( It's more blonde than anything else. Ew. I'm blonde.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
30 points isn't bad...really...not much, anyways...
First game of the season: I can't play. Seeing as I joined late (not my fault), I don't have 10 practices and don't qualify for gameplay. I did get to suit up, though, which felt good, even though my shorts were way too small and it bothered me.
Varsity game went GREAT. We were behind by like 2 points the whole time, but in the last quarter we beat them 44 to 38.
JV...not so good. We almost got first blood...but no. It didn't go very well. We PLAYED good, awesome defense...but we couldn't make any baskets.
We got cupcakes for Johnson's birthday, though. And I don't have to run 17s with a medicine ball.
Office: boring. Got to read my teen angst book and answer the phone occasionally. What is wrong with the world?
Chris is wrong.
Varsity game went GREAT. We were behind by like 2 points the whole time, but in the last quarter we beat them 44 to 38.
JV...not so good. We almost got first blood...but no. It didn't go very well. We PLAYED good, awesome defense...but we couldn't make any baskets.
We got cupcakes for Johnson's birthday, though. And I don't have to run 17s with a medicine ball.
Office: boring. Got to read my teen angst book and answer the phone occasionally. What is wrong with the world?
Chris is wrong.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Only Michael doesn't dance. Michael sings. As in Michael Tait. Look it up.
Wow. I can't techinically be classified as a stalker when I don't SEEK information, I just happen to HEAR interesting bits of information. YAY! I'M NOT A STALKER! But it's kind of weird because I'm not trying anymore and SUDDENLY things start to get interesting? Um...okay.
Good news: Got my jersey.
Bad news: Didn't get 22 (that was my number in 5th grade)
Good or bad news: I'm not playing in the first game of the season because I don't have enough practices. Good, because I have no clue what's going on. Bad, I was planning on freaking out some of my friends who didn't know I was on the team? Oh well...
Ipods are a fickle thing...
Fickle...that's a COOL word.
The police were forced to shoot a man today because he had a gun? Reminded me of Dally's REALLY BAD death in "The Outsiders". That was so hokey in the movie. Dally: *gets shot like 10 times* *crawling across the ground* Ow...ow... Greasers: NOOOOOOO, DALLY! Patrick Swayze: I'm OLD! Dally: *suddenly falls on his back?*
I want to see "The Last Sin Eater". I kind of read all the spoilers, though. But it looks pretty sweet. Pluggedinonline said the rituals were creepy. Hello? The Sin Eater doesn't eat their flesh. He just drinks wine put on the corpses chest. Wine that is in a bottle, people. Not creepy.
Kwaaaaaa, I just luuuuuurve youth retreats. We had one over the weekend and it was pretty sweet. Minus game time...and spending too much time with the same people...and lack of sleep...and breakfast on the last day...
I need basketball shoes. My ankles will fall off. I wish we could wear our jerseys to school. How come football players and soccer players can be all school spirity and wear their jerseys, but basketball players can't? I WANT TO WEAR MY JERSEY! I WANT TO MAKE MY SCHOOL PROUD! Actually, judging on my performance as a wing today, I won't be making anyone proud.
Coach: Lauren, you won't be playing tomorrow.
Lauren: Huh?
Coach: Because (thinking: because you suck) you don't have enough practices.
I didn't have to do the reader board today. Jason and Vanessa had to do it. So I felt kind of bad, because I just pulled letters and made a few deliveries and answered the phone and read "The Princess Bride". William Goldman rules. Why did he never write "Buttercup's Baby"? I wanted to read it. BADLY. Snorg.
Wow. I can't techinically be classified as a stalker when I don't SEEK information, I just happen to HEAR interesting bits of information. YAY! I'M NOT A STALKER! But it's kind of weird because I'm not trying anymore and SUDDENLY things start to get interesting? Um...okay.
Good news: Got my jersey.
Bad news: Didn't get 22 (that was my number in 5th grade)
Good or bad news: I'm not playing in the first game of the season because I don't have enough practices. Good, because I have no clue what's going on. Bad, I was planning on freaking out some of my friends who didn't know I was on the team? Oh well...
Ipods are a fickle thing...
Fickle...that's a COOL word.
The police were forced to shoot a man today because he had a gun? Reminded me of Dally's REALLY BAD death in "The Outsiders". That was so hokey in the movie. Dally: *gets shot like 10 times* *crawling across the ground* Ow...ow... Greasers: NOOOOOOO, DALLY! Patrick Swayze: I'm OLD! Dally: *suddenly falls on his back?*
I want to see "The Last Sin Eater". I kind of read all the spoilers, though. But it looks pretty sweet. Pluggedinonline said the rituals were creepy. Hello? The Sin Eater doesn't eat their flesh. He just drinks wine put on the corpses chest. Wine that is in a bottle, people. Not creepy.
Kwaaaaaa, I just luuuuuurve youth retreats. We had one over the weekend and it was pretty sweet. Minus game time...and spending too much time with the same people...and lack of sleep...and breakfast on the last day...
I need basketball shoes. My ankles will fall off. I wish we could wear our jerseys to school. How come football players and soccer players can be all school spirity and wear their jerseys, but basketball players can't? I WANT TO WEAR MY JERSEY! I WANT TO MAKE MY SCHOOL PROUD! Actually, judging on my performance as a wing today, I won't be making anyone proud.
Coach: Lauren, you won't be playing tomorrow.
Lauren: Huh?
Coach: Because (thinking: because you suck) you don't have enough practices.
I didn't have to do the reader board today. Jason and Vanessa had to do it. So I felt kind of bad, because I just pulled letters and made a few deliveries and answered the phone and read "The Princess Bride". William Goldman rules. Why did he never write "Buttercup's Baby"? I wanted to read it. BADLY. Snorg.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
The Green Mile
So. Oggy is dead. I didn't even get to see him at all today. So last night was the last time I ever saw him. This reminds me a lot of "The Green Mile". Like John Coffey (like the drink, only spelled differently) was all innocent, but they had to kill him anyway and they felt like murderers after the electrocution.
Funny, it also reminds me of "Empire Strikes Back" when they were putting Han Solo in carbonite.
Only Oggy's not going to come back as a ghost and let me down with his healing powers after my significant other has died in a bus accident or make out with Carrie Fisher when he's unfrozen.
He's dead.
First and last dog I've ever had.
And I'm not getting another one....ever?
Because my dad does not want one.
I do. I always want a dog. I just never thought I'd HAVE to get another one. Okay, lies, but my parents were always like, "Oh, Oggy won't last another Thanksgiving." Oggy: *lasts Thanksgiving* Parents: "Christmas, then." Oggy: *lasts Christmas* Parents: Okay, we're putting him down.
I want my dog back.
School: Interesting. Keep running into people in the office. Hey you. Yes, you. Please don't transfer. Because...you shouldn't. It would be cool if you stayed around a little longer. Like forever. We acquired another third period Office Assistant. All the ladies in the office are like, "Oh, how wonderful, more help!" and I'm just like, "Dang." Cuz I like working by myself. This will make for more phone-answering. I had to put someone on hold AND SHE HUNG UP! But he's pretty nice. The new guy, anyways. I let him do a delivery. It killed me, but I did it. Mrs. Serra wanted us to get to know each other and we were like, "Okay, whatever. *don't talk all period*."
Inuyasha is my new favorite word. I saw the end of an Inuyasha movie down South and I wanted to start reading it, but I haven't yet. But now I have more...motivation to read it. Lol. Hahahaha, I'm such a loser.
Basketball: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! Okay, I love it, and I know I can get better through practice, but COME ON! I was there till 4:30!!!!! ON AN EARLY RELEASE DAY! And we finished scrimmage, but no, we had to shoot around for 30 more minutes. I'm being whiny. But I'm also being tired.
Wow, my Sky High character quiz has direct quotes from the movie.
Matt Dillon: Where did you go so wrong? YOU USED TO BE HOT??????? *sad sigh*
Funny, it also reminds me of "Empire Strikes Back" when they were putting Han Solo in carbonite.
Only Oggy's not going to come back as a ghost and let me down with his healing powers after my significant other has died in a bus accident or make out with Carrie Fisher when he's unfrozen.
He's dead.
First and last dog I've ever had.
And I'm not getting another one....ever?
Because my dad does not want one.
I do. I always want a dog. I just never thought I'd HAVE to get another one. Okay, lies, but my parents were always like, "Oh, Oggy won't last another Thanksgiving." Oggy: *lasts Thanksgiving* Parents: "Christmas, then." Oggy: *lasts Christmas* Parents: Okay, we're putting him down.
I want my dog back.
School: Interesting. Keep running into people in the office. Hey you. Yes, you. Please don't transfer. Because...you shouldn't. It would be cool if you stayed around a little longer. Like forever. We acquired another third period Office Assistant. All the ladies in the office are like, "Oh, how wonderful, more help!" and I'm just like, "Dang." Cuz I like working by myself. This will make for more phone-answering. I had to put someone on hold AND SHE HUNG UP! But he's pretty nice. The new guy, anyways. I let him do a delivery. It killed me, but I did it. Mrs. Serra wanted us to get to know each other and we were like, "Okay, whatever. *don't talk all period*."
Inuyasha is my new favorite word. I saw the end of an Inuyasha movie down South and I wanted to start reading it, but I haven't yet. But now I have more...motivation to read it. Lol. Hahahaha, I'm such a loser.
Basketball: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! Okay, I love it, and I know I can get better through practice, but COME ON! I was there till 4:30!!!!! ON AN EARLY RELEASE DAY! And we finished scrimmage, but no, we had to shoot around for 30 more minutes. I'm being whiny. But I'm also being tired.
Wow, my Sky High character quiz has direct quotes from the movie.
Matt Dillon: Where did you go so wrong? YOU USED TO BE HOT??????? *sad sigh*
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Dad's birthday and amazing happenings
Today's my dad's birthday. He turns 51 like his older brother.
Just thought I'd mention that.
Because 3 people quit (one due to injury, one due to grades, one due to stupidity) and I was one of the people almost picked apparently?
We scrimmaged. I suck. :( I like being post, though. And Kylie helped me work on my shot. I need basketball shoes. BUT I LOVE MY CONVERSE! The JV coach is cool.
I still love office. Didn't have to answer the phone hehehe. Okay, I did once. Clue that it's for you: Your phone rings and the SYSTEM light blinks bright red. Almost transferred the person to the wrong place????? Which would've been BAD. But Mrs. Preecha's cool. She helps me. And I got like 20 million papers to hand out from 3 different people. YES!!!! AND I got to fill them out. I could totally be a principal/secretary/dog. Wait. Scratch the dog part.
They're killing Oggy tomorrow. Putting down. I'm sure it's so humane. But I'VE HAD HIM FOR 7.5 YEARS!!!!! *sniff* I miss him already.
We watched "The Outsiders" today. It was funny. Bad acting. Pretty good, though. Dally and Soda were HOT. Smokin. BUFF. Dally walked around without a shirt on half the time and I was like, ":O". It was pretty sweet. But Sodapop would be all hot, then like a second later, it was a different not-as-hot person? ?????????? Dally.... *drools* That movie was made in 1999, and Tom Cruise was in it, so he was in his 30's then? EW! He was playing like a 17 year old.
Ponyboy looks weird blond. Johnny looked kind of cute after they cut his hair. And then he got caught in the church fire and turned black. And then he died. I shouldn't have laughed when he was dying. There were some good lines.
Johnny: No, I don't want to speak to my mother. She'll just yell at me for all the trouble I'm causing her. Just tell her to leave me a....*croak**passes out*
Johnny: P-p-p-p-ponyboy. *cough cough*
Ponyboy: *leans down* *looks like he's going to kiss Johnny and it's REALLY WEIRD*
Lauren: Um...where is this going?
Johnny: S-s-s-stay...g-gold, Pony. *dies*
Dally: Don't die, Johnny. Come on, man. This is what you get for helping people. JOHNNY, COME ON! DON'T DIE! *man cry*
Good stuff.
I want emo hair. Only I'm not a guy and it would look bad.
Just thought I'd mention that.
Because 3 people quit (one due to injury, one due to grades, one due to stupidity) and I was one of the people almost picked apparently?
We scrimmaged. I suck. :( I like being post, though. And Kylie helped me work on my shot. I need basketball shoes. BUT I LOVE MY CONVERSE! The JV coach is cool.
I still love office. Didn't have to answer the phone hehehe. Okay, I did once. Clue that it's for you: Your phone rings and the SYSTEM light blinks bright red. Almost transferred the person to the wrong place????? Which would've been BAD. But Mrs. Preecha's cool. She helps me. And I got like 20 million papers to hand out from 3 different people. YES!!!! AND I got to fill them out. I could totally be a principal/secretary/dog. Wait. Scratch the dog part.
They're killing Oggy tomorrow. Putting down. I'm sure it's so humane. But I'VE HAD HIM FOR 7.5 YEARS!!!!! *sniff* I miss him already.
We watched "The Outsiders" today. It was funny. Bad acting. Pretty good, though. Dally and Soda were HOT. Smokin. BUFF. Dally walked around without a shirt on half the time and I was like, ":O". It was pretty sweet. But Sodapop would be all hot, then like a second later, it was a different not-as-hot person? ?????????? Dally.... *drools* That movie was made in 1999, and Tom Cruise was in it, so he was in his 30's then? EW! He was playing like a 17 year old.
Ponyboy looks weird blond. Johnny looked kind of cute after they cut his hair. And then he got caught in the church fire and turned black. And then he died. I shouldn't have laughed when he was dying. There were some good lines.
Johnny: No, I don't want to speak to my mother. She'll just yell at me for all the trouble I'm causing her. Just tell her to leave me a....*croak**passes out*
Johnny: P-p-p-p-ponyboy. *cough cough*
Ponyboy: *leans down* *looks like he's going to kiss Johnny and it's REALLY WEIRD*
Lauren: Um...where is this going?
Johnny: S-s-s-stay...g-gold, Pony. *dies*
Dally: Don't die, Johnny. Come on, man. This is what you get for helping people. JOHNNY, COME ON! DON'T DIE! *man cry*
Good stuff.
I want emo hair. Only I'm not a guy and it would look bad.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Pretty in punk
I've kind of been connected to my ipod since yesterday.
Listening to a lot of Fall Out Boy and FM Static.
I love this new semester. Being an Office Assistant RULES!
Today started out lame, because they had me sharpening 5 million school pencils that said "#2 pencils for #1 kids". And that pencil sharpener SUCKS. It would only sharpen ONE SIDE so the pencil had no tip. And if a pencil got stuck it would start WHINING and it was like, "Shut up." But I got to dump the pencil shavings in the trash. Yeah. Lame, I know, but I like it. I find beauty in the mediocre. It looked kind of like moss.
And then they had me stop doing that FUN job (my "teacher" keeps calling me by something other than my name. Yesterday it was Nicole. Today it was Monica.) to go deliver stuff. YES! Best part of my day. And it showed God has a sense of humor. Don't ask. Mr. Ross actually recognized me from last year. ???? No clue why. I think in 10 minutes I saw every single person I knew.
I will not have a black car.
Talked to Johnson in the hallway. Got my hopes up. We'll see if that actually happens...
There are some WEIRD people at my school. Some of the teachers? Yeah. Try "You Are A Stalker".
Then again, so am I...
I could go for a school sweatshirt.
I HATE 2ND LUNCH! Mrs. Dickson made us switch from 1st to 2nd lunch and it SUCKS. I'm hungry and it's boring. No one I know is there, only a bunch of REALLY LOUD ANNOYING sevvies. "BAAAAAAAAAAH! Why is everyone running away? Oh well. BAAAAAAAAAH!" Which is how I act at church... Why is it that I act different at school than I do at church?
Maybe it's cuz school is more fun.
I am going to live in a shack with my six kids... Sounds like fun.
I will have a white car. What kind of car? NOBODY KNOWS!
A CHEVETTE, that's what kind of car.
I will be a Canadian for a living. Hm...sounds like an interesting profession.
Now who will I marry?
Not Denzel Washington or Majorly Hot Emo.
Or Justin Bartha. :(
Channing Tatum and Kid From Class.....
Maybe I shouldn't have picked 89 as my favorite number...
You will live in Shack.You will drive a white Chevette.You will marry Channing Tatum and have 6 kids.You will be a Canadian in NY.
Listening to a lot of Fall Out Boy and FM Static.
I love this new semester. Being an Office Assistant RULES!
Today started out lame, because they had me sharpening 5 million school pencils that said "#2 pencils for #1 kids". And that pencil sharpener SUCKS. It would only sharpen ONE SIDE so the pencil had no tip. And if a pencil got stuck it would start WHINING and it was like, "Shut up." But I got to dump the pencil shavings in the trash. Yeah. Lame, I know, but I like it. I find beauty in the mediocre. It looked kind of like moss.
And then they had me stop doing that FUN job (my "teacher" keeps calling me by something other than my name. Yesterday it was Nicole. Today it was Monica.) to go deliver stuff. YES! Best part of my day. And it showed God has a sense of humor. Don't ask. Mr. Ross actually recognized me from last year. ???? No clue why. I think in 10 minutes I saw every single person I knew.
I will not have a black car.
Talked to Johnson in the hallway. Got my hopes up. We'll see if that actually happens...
There are some WEIRD people at my school. Some of the teachers? Yeah. Try "You Are A Stalker".
Then again, so am I...
I could go for a school sweatshirt.
I HATE 2ND LUNCH! Mrs. Dickson made us switch from 1st to 2nd lunch and it SUCKS. I'm hungry and it's boring. No one I know is there, only a bunch of REALLY LOUD ANNOYING sevvies. "BAAAAAAAAAAH! Why is everyone running away? Oh well. BAAAAAAAAAH!" Which is how I act at church... Why is it that I act different at school than I do at church?
Maybe it's cuz school is more fun.
I am going to live in a shack with my six kids... Sounds like fun.
I will have a white car. What kind of car? NOBODY KNOWS!
A CHEVETTE, that's what kind of car.
I will be a Canadian for a living. Hm...sounds like an interesting profession.
Now who will I marry?
Not Denzel Washington or Majorly Hot Emo.
Or Justin Bartha. :(
Channing Tatum and Kid From Class.....
Maybe I shouldn't have picked 89 as my favorite number...
You will live in Shack.You will drive a white Chevette.You will marry Channing Tatum and have 6 kids.You will be a Canadian in NY.
Monday, February 05, 2007
I am playing Mash for the first time in years. Wow. Have I sunk this low?
Whatever. It's fun.
Hm, let's think of some eligible bachelors?
Well, it's his birthday...and he's pretty hot. DEFINITELY HIM! Um, him, I guess. And him.
Automobiles: Horse is an automobile? I suck at this part. I'll just make up some horse-related cars.
All east coast places. Very east coast places. Aw, there he goes...
You will live in House.You will drive a Black Mustang.You will marry _______ and have 12 kids.You will be a Doctor in England.
Gross. I don't like him.
I'm having a WEIRDLY good day. Like REALLY GOOD. Don't know what's wrong with today.
Started Office Assistant today. Best class of the day. I got to run around giving people hall passes. I got to go to the bandroom TWICE. Hot guys in the bandroom.
Okay, new game...
But today was really awesome.
Ipod status: Working. Great. I love Ipods now. Thank you Jeannie for the Fall Out Boy.
I'm taking this to school tomorrow morning and rocking out. Just to have the musical satisfaction.
Uh oh, this might take a while. No Mansion...or jeep...or saturn...or CESNA????? NOT DWAYNE, DWAYNE ROCKS, SO DOES ROB BROWN, NOOOOOO! I will not have 18 kids. I won't be a secret agent? Or an engineer or anime artist? Apartment, sweet. A bronze...bug. I'M GOING TO BE A RAPPER! NO, I LOVE SHANE! NEVER MIND, I GOT ____!!!!11
You will live in Apartment. You will drive a Bronze Bug. You will marry ____ and have 4 kids.You will be a Rapper in Southwest.
Southwest where? I can't rap. Oh well. it was going so well, too. I'm going to live in an apartment with sexy Emo and my four kids...must think of names.
Not pete.
Um...Dwayne? Shane? Rob? And...Aleesha.
Whatever. It's fun.
Hm, let's think of some eligible bachelors?
Well, it's his birthday...and he's pretty hot. DEFINITELY HIM! Um, him, I guess. And him.
Automobiles: Horse is an automobile? I suck at this part. I'll just make up some horse-related cars.
All east coast places. Very east coast places. Aw, there he goes...
You will live in House.You will drive a Black Mustang.You will marry _______ and have 12 kids.You will be a Doctor in England.
Gross. I don't like him.
I'm having a WEIRDLY good day. Like REALLY GOOD. Don't know what's wrong with today.
Started Office Assistant today. Best class of the day. I got to run around giving people hall passes. I got to go to the bandroom TWICE. Hot guys in the bandroom.
Okay, new game...
But today was really awesome.
Ipod status: Working. Great. I love Ipods now. Thank you Jeannie for the Fall Out Boy.
I'm taking this to school tomorrow morning and rocking out. Just to have the musical satisfaction.
Uh oh, this might take a while. No Mansion...or jeep...or saturn...or CESNA????? NOT DWAYNE, DWAYNE ROCKS, SO DOES ROB BROWN, NOOOOOO! I will not have 18 kids. I won't be a secret agent? Or an engineer or anime artist? Apartment, sweet. A bronze...bug. I'M GOING TO BE A RAPPER! NO, I LOVE SHANE! NEVER MIND, I GOT ____!!!!11
You will live in Apartment. You will drive a Bronze Bug. You will marry ____ and have 4 kids.You will be a Rapper in Southwest.
Southwest where? I can't rap. Oh well. it was going so well, too. I'm going to live in an apartment with sexy Emo and my four kids...must think of names.
Not pete.
Um...Dwayne? Shane? Rob? And...Aleesha.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Funeral marches are unusually gloomy...
So. It's settled. This is Oggy's last week alive. Then we're putting him down.
So sad. :(
And we're probably not getting another dog "for a while". Whatever. That means never.
I still have to make those cupcakes.
Martha Stewart called, she wants her job back.
We bought a lot of junk food. Over $200 in groceries.
But it was SOOOO worth it.
Apparently next time we go to the store and I bring my own money, I can buy PHISH FOOD! LIKE IN MY SOAP! THAT I'M NO LONGER WRITING! YEAAAAAAAH!
Hm, "Messengers" doesn't look bad. I won't be able to sleep for a week, but still....
Football cupcakes, football cupcakes...
and CHEETOS and Hostess cupcakes and soooooda...
So sad. :(
And we're probably not getting another dog "for a while". Whatever. That means never.
I still have to make those cupcakes.
Martha Stewart called, she wants her job back.
We bought a lot of junk food. Over $200 in groceries.
But it was SOOOO worth it.
Apparently next time we go to the store and I bring my own money, I can buy PHISH FOOD! LIKE IN MY SOAP! THAT I'M NO LONGER WRITING! YEAAAAAAAH!
Hm, "Messengers" doesn't look bad. I won't be able to sleep for a week, but still....
Football cupcakes, football cupcakes...
and CHEETOS and Hostess cupcakes and soooooda...
And my mom gave me half a Diet Pepsi, so I feel all alert and peppy. Ohhh boy.
RETREAT THIS WEEKEND! Next weekend. Whatever.
We're getting lots of FOOD today. And I have to make cupcakes that look like footballs for the Super Bowl party. >:P I feel like Martha Stewart.
Martha Stewart probably doesn't ravage Google searching for trendy online games. Such as destruct-o-match. I had to go to neopets just to play it.
Ew, that reminds me of Barbie Diaries somehow.
"Do you know how hard it is to find foods that start with Z?" "How about...zocholate zip zookies? Or zupcakes? Or zice cream!"
Seriously, it's between the most popular guy in school and her nerdy best friend: who do you THINK is sending her love notes?
Lauren: Nooo duh...
William: Come on, you thought it was Todd.
Lauren: Uh, no, are you kidding me? Any movie that involves a guy best friend will have that same best friend falling for and ending up with the female heroine.
William: You said it was going to be Todd.
Lauren: No, I said she was going to THINK it would be Todd, but of course it's Kevin.
William: Whatever.
I could use some chocolate chip cookies.
RETREAT THIS WEEKEND! Next weekend. Whatever.
We're getting lots of FOOD today. And I have to make cupcakes that look like footballs for the Super Bowl party. >:P I feel like Martha Stewart.
Martha Stewart probably doesn't ravage Google searching for trendy online games. Such as destruct-o-match. I had to go to neopets just to play it.
Ew, that reminds me of Barbie Diaries somehow.
"Do you know how hard it is to find foods that start with Z?" "How about...zocholate zip zookies? Or zupcakes? Or zice cream!"
Seriously, it's between the most popular guy in school and her nerdy best friend: who do you THINK is sending her love notes?
Lauren: Nooo duh...
William: Come on, you thought it was Todd.
Lauren: Uh, no, are you kidding me? Any movie that involves a guy best friend will have that same best friend falling for and ending up with the female heroine.
William: You said it was going to be Todd.
Lauren: No, I said she was going to THINK it would be Todd, but of course it's Kevin.
William: Whatever.
I could use some chocolate chip cookies.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Total grode...I totally RORFED that.
I just love half days. They make life worthwhile.
Eat out, get movies, watch movies. Not a bad day.
AAAAAND I watched "Barbie Diaries".
The closest Barbie ever got to a catfight was pouring water on her archenemy Racquelle in an outtake. But she stopped Chelsea from killing her. Which was unfortunate. It would've been funny.
"Toddy Bear!" "Could you please not say that in front of everybody?" "I TOTALLY caught that drumstick." Oh, and the description was a real winner. Something using "totally", "like", and "fabulous" a lot.
"I totally rorfed it. That's a word Kevin made up. NOW LET'S WATCH HIS PAPERCLIP FEATURETTE!"
Eat out, get movies, watch movies. Not a bad day.
AAAAAND I watched "Barbie Diaries".
The closest Barbie ever got to a catfight was pouring water on her archenemy Racquelle in an outtake. But she stopped Chelsea from killing her. Which was unfortunate. It would've been funny.
"Toddy Bear!" "Could you please not say that in front of everybody?" "I TOTALLY caught that drumstick." Oh, and the description was a real winner. Something using "totally", "like", and "fabulous" a lot.
"I totally rorfed it. That's a word Kevin made up. NOW LET'S WATCH HIS PAPERCLIP FEATURETTE!"
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