Sunday, February 17, 2008

Kotex lied to me (My butt is large and unsatisfactory)

I was going to write a song with that title, but I didn't.
That could almost be a Fall Out Boy song...if Fall Out Boy was an angry girl band.
Yeah. I haven't really posted. I've been...busy, I guess. I don't know where I've been.
This four day weekend seems ridiculously short. I think it was because for half of it I had basketball practice. LAME. None tomorrow, though.
Today was the last day of the "Rekindling the Romance" series at church, thank God. Now I don't ever have to hear about the marriage bed ever again. Hopefully, anyway.
I went to Sunday school, finally. It was okay. The message was cool and I really liked the speaker (" heart flutters every time I see him..."), but it was like sitting in another hour of church. I knew a couple people, but I didn't want to say hi to any of them. I talked to one person the entire time. Who says I'm not social?
Ow. Ows. It's like my stomach hurts 24/7 now. Better than my hip, though.
Rereading Princess Diaries!!! Was trying to figure out which one was best. Time for another list.

1. Princess In Love (awwww...)
2. Princess Mia (DEMOCRACY! JP!!!)
3. Party Princess (Mostly because of Fat Louie's Pink Butthole)
4. Princess Diaries (the original one, which I first listened on tape, read by Anne Hathaway)
5. Princess in Pink (PROM!!)
6. Princess in Training (Except for Michael being a sex addict, it was pretty funny. And she became president of the sophomore class. w00t.)
7. Princess on the Brink (At least she broke up with Michael)
8. Princess in the Spotlight (JoCrox was the only cool part)
9. Princess in Waiting (70 pages of her stay in Genovia? So boring)

Yeah, I didn't count any of the 4 1/2's or whatever. That was invigorating. Crap, I have to go.

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