Saturday, February 09, 2008


Curse you, Kate Brian.
All of her books are the same.
"Megan Meade's Guide to McGowan Boys" was good.
"The Princess and the Pauper" was unbelievably lame.
I'm not sure exactly how I feel about "Fake Boyfriend".
The idea was pretty funny: two friends create a fake Myspace page for the perfect boy so their best friend will be able to get over her skank ex-boyfriend.
But the ending was SO OBVIOUS.
And Vivi was such a LOSER. Aargh, just a loser control-freak, and she didn't change at all, and Kate Brian tried to make it seem like everything she did (lie to her best friend, insult Johnathan, persecute her supposedly gay brother) was okay because everything worked out in the end. AND she got the guy!!! Aargh. She should have either died in a fiery conflagration or been rejected big time.
Lane was kind of a pushover, but she grew a spine at the end and was all, "Curtis, I love you!" She also told Vivi to screw herself and left her at an airport, which was PRETTY funny.
Isabelle is amazing. They made her seem kind of ditzy, until the end, which was pretty great.
Omg, Marshall. How shocking. And then how shocking again. Shocking everywhere.
Aaargh, every guy in the book was BLONDE. Nothing's wrong with that, but whenever a guy was considered "HAWT", they were blonde with no other distinguishing features. They all sort of blurred together after a bit. I've read books where there's nothing but dark-haired guys and the same thing happens. Also, I was trying to think of famous blonde people so they didn't all look the same, so Johnathan ended up looking like a broad-shouldered Will Pugh.
Curtis was the only guy with brown hair and he was pretty annoying.
I'm hoping to read something less formulaic and frothy.
Or maybe just as formulaic and frothy.
Pony Pals?

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