Thursday, August 23, 2007

Let me get this straight...

So Matt likes to see Michael Jackson dance, no, PERFORM, at a distance.
Kara has amazing pickup lines.
"If you were a booger, I'd totally pick you."
I'd mess it up and or start laughing. "Are you a booger? Because... Crap. WAIT, COME BACK, I MESSED UP!"
Lol. Clive...
"I bet I can kiss you without touching your lips. *the obvious ensues* That was worth every penny."
"I bet I can punch you without touching your face. *punches in the balls* I guess you owe me $40 now."
Hmmmmm hahahaha.
This mood ring might be a fluke, but it's still pretty.
It says I am neutral.
What is it, Put-Lauren-Through-Emotional-Trauma day???
Let's have ice cream!
Knowing my father, I'll never get to watch Harry Potter.


Matt Wilson said...

I had buckets of fun tonight...buckets...not being fececious sardonic or sarcastic. it was cool.


Lauren said...

i know, same. worship however should be converted to an all brass accomanyment.
sexual or otherwise??

Matt Wilson said...

I wasn't really thinking of anything particularly sexual at that moment.

Lauren said...

i guess that's good to know.

Matt Wilson said...





Lauren said...

you're the one that said repression and i was thinking along the lines of "flowers for algernon".

Matt Wilson said...

I don't remember the line that your referring too.

but yg was oodles of fun.

Matt Wilson said...


Lauren said...

it was more an idea than a line.
am i seeing an implication here?

Matt Wilson said...

depends on your implications.

Lauren said...

rats. curse the slow working human mind.

Matt Wilson said...


or not.