Note the sarcasm.
Driver's Ed is FINALLY over.
We had our final test today and I passed!!
Eh, I was pretty sure I would, because the test wasn't too hard, but it's good to know anyway.
Except I didn't have time to feel cocky and triumphant (which is good; I need to work on NOT feeling that way) because nearly everyone else failed.
My aunt visiting for a week. My dad picked her up at the airport and is on his way.
It's too bad, though, that it's raining so hard.
She lives in Florida and was just in San Diego, so a thunderstorm might be a bit of a shock.
Welcome to Washington, Lisa!!! did this happen?
You Should Follow Islam |
You believe that there is one true God and that it's your duty to submit to his will. Life may be trying, unfair, or painful here on earth. But you're waiting for the Paradise in the afterlife. Religion is the most important thing in your life, and you are fully devoted to God. You are willing to fast, pray often, and follow all of God's rules to make sure you have a place in heaven. |
Yeah, it's a monotheistic religion that believes in God and God alone, but that's where the similarities between Islam and Christianity end.
Well, not really, but I don't believe agree with Islamic beliefs.
Ah, and I was one question away from getting Christianity as my answer.
Don't judge me!!! (Ha, taking a leaf out of Pastor Ty's semi-ridiculous and confusing sermon)
Rather shocking news today. A girl from my former church got pregnant...on purpose.
I did NOT see this coming.
Not only was this completely random and out of the blue, but it sort of evoked feelings like, "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING??? WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT ON PURPOSE??? 'JUNO' WAS JUST A MOVIE!!!"
Seriously, WHY does watching "Juno" make someone want a baby??
She didn't even KEEP the baby!!
Yeah, yeah, Pastor Ty, don't judge.
Um, I read that passage in the Bible yesterday, and it TOTALLY cleared things up.
1 Corinthians 5:12-13
12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13 God will judge those outside. Expel the wicked man from among you.
Still, he did make a good point about not condemning anyone, because that is setting yourself up as God, but if it is someone who is KNOWINGLY and WILLFULLY sinning, you need to have a talk with them.
That sounded totally psycho-Christian, I know, but pregnancy??
GRAWR the grapevine amazes me with its fiery awesome speed.
Woa, my church?
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