Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Brooding vampires make me salivate

I HATE Stephenie Meyer.
Actually, I probably hate Bella more.
Nah, it's pretty even.
Seriously, it's impossible for me to feel any kind of sympathy for that girl.
And who could ever love Edward?
What a controlling jerk.
From what I learned about abusive relationships last year (and, trust me, we learned WAY more than we wanted to know), Edward's and Bella's is verging on one.
Personally, I like Jacob a lot better. He actually seems like a worthwhile person who (for some unknown reason) actually cares about Bella.
Edward is SUCH A JERK. Can't get over that.
He took all her stuff so she'd forget him.
He left her alone...but only because "he loved her so much".
And Stephenie Meyer was trying to show how "mature" and "wise" he was when he thanked Jacob for watching Bella, but then he wouldn't allow Bella to talk to Jacob.
And Jacob had been worried because he thought Edward was controlling her.
They're compared to Romeo and Juliet.
Hm, that's pretty accurate.
Those two were also horny, melodramatic teenage idiots.
Another thing that really bugs me: Stephenie Meyer is being called the next J. K. Rowling.
What a horrible, HORRIBLE thing to say.
J. K. Rowling wrote books that managed to make you care what would happen to the characters, and made it easy for both kids and adults to enjoy them.
Stephenie Meyer has written an average (actually, very sub-par) vampire novel for horny teenage girls that really enjoy necrophilia and bestiality for some reason.
That's not talent.

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