Saturday, August 30, 2008

This tent is for champions...and friends.

Preach it, Viktor, preach it.
Couldn't get to sleep last night. Nice. And I'm supposed to be resting it up for a relatively early morning.
Okay, so a 9:00 band practice isn't that early.
But it's unpleasant.
So I'm back on the horn section. Dean and my dad were right: I AM just an average high school player.
Huh. How humbling.
But the music he gave us made much more sense when it was played with the whole group there. Otherwise, it just sounded like crap.
School starts in 4 days!!! I'm so excited I wish it would go Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and skip Monday.
I have to spend some time with my family at the beach on Monday, when I REALLY wanted to be spending time with Khaled Hosseini.
"The Kite Runner" is getting better and better.
One of the characters just blew the story wide open.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? How did THAT happen?
DOOMSDAY (danger has gone)
Good song.

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