Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Boiling da bunny

Wah. I basically spent all of my day on the computer and doing Washington State History homework. I need to finish everything by TOMORROW.
Ew. So THAT'S what they're referring to.
Bunny boiler. Ew.
Ew. So gross.
And sad. I keep picturing Luke up there.
Who doesn't love Cas Haley? Seriously, though.
Aaah. Scary.
In my Lion King piano book, there is the most amazing arrangement of "Can You Feel the Love Tonight". I was like, "Woooow." Cuz it's challenging, but fun and really pretty.
I'm going to wear my Evanescence shirt tomorrow. Yay!
Nathan and William took Sorting Hat quizzes. William's a Hufflepuff (but he says, "No, I'm RAAAAVENCLAW!" Whatever. Can you picture William as a Ravenclaw?) and Nathan's a Gryffindor.
How did Percy get in Gryffindor? He sold out his family. Jerk.
Hahaha. I got a stick from outside, peeled off the bark, and painted it black with black nail polish. It's so sweet. It's my "wand" now.


Matt Wilson said...

didn't hte sorting hat at one point get destroyed or something? probably not but for some reason I got hte notion it did.

Lauren said...

no, it just burst into flames, but i didn't think it was destroyed. because what would we do without the loyal sorting hat?

Matt Wilson said...

loyals an interesting adjective to describe it.

Lauren said...

hey, it makes up songs every year for hogwarts. that's devotion.

Matt Wilson said...

HAHAHAHA lol I remember that. too bad they don't put one in every movie that'd be awesome. lol. a different hogwarts jingle everytime, dude, people would look forward to that.

Lauren said...

i'm totally writing some and randomly hitting notes on the piano whilst singing them.

Matt Wilson said...

cool beans.