You Are Not Stupid |
You got 10/10 questions right! While acing this quiz doesn't prove you're a genius, you're at least pretty darn smart. |
Whatever, most of that quiz was math.
*drool* Mmmmm, Dove Chocolate......
Wow, that was a sufficiently lame quiz.
Why is track so easy now? They're barely working us at all!
The track meet yesterday was fun. We went up against a team of like 200, and got our butts kicked respectively, but it was fun. I'm getting better at Shotput and 200 m, I missed the 100 m because the announcer was a moron, and one time thing I got a relay team. We lost. Woooo. But they've replaced me. Ooooouch. Oh well. THat means I need discus as my third event. >:P
Nathan is watching a Ghandi movie. William supplied me with chocolate. Awwwww, like a little drug dealer. How sweet... But it was nice. We both crave.
This doesn't exactly describe me. Wrong. it doesn't describe me AT ALL.
CHOCOLATE ON CHOCOLATE -- Sexy; always ready to give and receive. Very creative, adventurous, ambitious, and passionate. You can appear to have a cold exterior but are warm on the inside. Not afraid to take chances. Will not settle for anything average in life. Love to laugh.
Okay, it describes me somewhat.
Sexy? Not really.
Always ready to give and receive; well, receive, yes.
Creative (yes), adventurous (for the most part), ambitious (not to the point of being...I don't know what), passionate (what does that refer to?).
Cold exterior; er, yes, actually. But I'm not very warm on the inside.
Not afraid to take chances; again, it depends.
Only the last two parts are very accurate.
I should've picked brownies:
BROWNIES -- You are adventurous, love new ideas, are a champion of underdogs and a slayer of dragons. When tempers flare up you whip out your saber. You are always the oddball with a unique sense of humor and direction. -Dont forget to rate!
Dumb quiz, but I liked thinking about all the desserts.
THere are little kids coming over to our house. Gross, little kids.
Whatever. I like kids, but I want to play Harvest Moon and Nathan's watching Ghandi and it's hot out and I have a handprint on my sunburn.
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