Monday, May 07, 2007

Maria Cantwell says it doesn't matter the color as long as the party...

That was my brother's genius slogan for Maria Cantwell vs. Barak Obama.
Loooooong story involving cellphone video and voyeurism.
But I made my CAMPAIGN POSTERS TODAY!!! Tonight. Whatever.
They are so COOL! And it was a LOT of fun making them.
Will Turner: "She's not a blacksmith..." ...or a pirate. SHe's the best person for the job. Vote for Lauren.
Barak Obama: "Vote for Lauren, the next great president!" If Barak Obama likes her, she MUST be good!
And my personal favorite.
Hillary Clinton: Next woman president? Think Lauren.
Ooooooh yes.
Now to practice my inferior speech.
Me: I will not be like Chancellor Palpatine.
Audience: *crickets*

Harvest Moon: Goooood. My banana tree won't yield bananas. I WANT BANANAS!!!!
Nami is a better wife. This chapter is TWO YEARS LONG!!!! I'm almost done with this one, though. One more to go. My cow is having a baby, and I have no bull, so noooooooo stupid extra calves for me. Hopefully it will be a girl. Aren't they always girls? I hope so...

WE GET TO TOUR THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS TOMORROW! I'm supposed to not care anymore, but I really wish I'd gone to a real elementary school for 4-6 grade. :( I don't blame my parents, but I REALLY hate the school I went to.
I made chocolate cheesecake yesterday. It's pretty goooood. Too many lumps, though. I'll use the mixer next time. BUt it was fun to make and I added like half a box of cocoa.

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