Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I'm sure you find this revolting, but I DON'T CARE!

I notice I talk about a lot of things others find disgusting, like bodily functions, sex, puberty, acne, and kidneys. Oh, and serial killers. Maybe it's because my mom's a nurse and I grew up with three guys. Only one of them has really good hygiene. For the most part.
Only even my mom and brother's are grossed out by my frequent discussions of bodily wonders.
And COME ON, people, when I mention puberty, I'm not necessarily referring to GUYS or the growth/stimulation of the sexual organs.
I know some of you are puking right now, and this isn't exactly great dinner conversation, and some of you are hoping I live far, FAR away, but you learn about this stuff all the time and it's normal.
Besides, I'm not like that guy on the British "Office" (which is way better than the American one; amped up sexual humor, could do a little bit without that, but I'm into the darker more cynical comedy) who brings up positions and stuff all casually like. OR TESTICULAR CANCER!
I had a pretty good day. I was reading Anti-Shurtugal.com again and they're pretty good. Because they're hatin, but in a nice way. And they can prove their point without saying, "UR STUPID, HATER!" All in really bad grammar ways.
And they're helping me with my writing and stuff. Like everything about Mary Sue's. Very helpful.
I try not to be a hypocrite, but Christopher Paolini is now one of my least favorite people on the planet. I used to love his books, but now I see they're nothing special. The only reason that bothers me is because I don't know if this opinion was formed before or after A.S.
Like the people who are neutral until they read one piece of information that they start quoting word for word. -_-

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