Saturday, March 01, 2008

Gross? Yes. Refreshing? You have no idea.

Aww, I missed my chance to post on Leap Day!!! I was sort of busy with basketball, dancing, and spaghetti.
I kind of love pep assemblies, and I actually got to play with the pep band this time (which is so much better than helping the ASB do whatever they're doing), but afterwards I always feel really, REALLY tired. Like screaming at the top of my lungs and playing "Another One Bites the Dust" is so exhausting.
But the freshmen won (AGAIN), basketball was pretty cool (losing team had to sing to the wrestlers), and the dance was funner than usual.
Who knew dancing was that intense? And sweaty? And fun?
Not like I can dance. And I'll never get "Souljah Boy" down.
Oh well. I love my school.
I'm good to go, and I'm going nowhere fast, it could be worse, I could be taking you there with me.
I'm good to go...and it looks like I'm still on my own.
Heheh, just reread "Princess Mia". I love JP. Kitchen scene = amazing.
"Omg. JP is in love with me. And we blew up the school."
Yay, it's March 1st!!! I love March. Pretty much the best month!
Hey, today was solo ensemble. I attempted to dress nice and ended up looking like a ninja. We'd been pretty worried because Kevin said he wouldn't come, but he came and CONNOR DIDN'T. Argh, not happy with him. Not like we needed him, because he's not a brass instrument and was just doubling on my part, but way to not tell us. Well, he told Micah and Robert YESTERDAY, THE DAY BEFORE THE PERFORMANCE, but not me or Kevin. WE DIDN'T SUCK! It was amazing. Micah got a little off, but he managed to get back on track.
Rodeo cheeseburgers, Burger King milkshakes, Snickers and soda, and lame picture retakes, orange grease that flies off those good chicken wings,
At this rate, I'll grow another inch and cup size.
Like Princess Mia.

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