Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Rhett Butlah...it's got the whole Southern thang going on...

Grrrr, "She's Out of Control" is making me way angry. It's a lot better than the first one, and there's more of Dr. Kevin (ooer), but Seth is still a dork. HATE HATE HATE. He's suddenly appearing at Ashley's door being all, "Come with me to India. Please please please." And she's all, "Um, we're kind of broken up and I don't want to go to India."
CRAPPY RESPONSE OF THE CENTURY: Oh...I just wanted to know that the woman I love would follow me anywhere.
And he's bald.
I'm not against baldness in a Chris Daughtry way, but this kid is so annoying...baldness does not become him.
My dad bought the "High School Musical 2" soundtrack last night. He made me listen to it with him so he wouldn't feel ashamed. Only he made me listen to it with him at 7:00 A.M.
I know I'm going to have to do this 5 days a week come September, but come on. It was pretty hellish.
But I got my new military ID today. My old one expired 2 weeks ago. My new one has the world's crappiest picture. I swear, I look like a man. If Sirius Black had glasses, I WOULD BE HIM.
It's really freezing today. It's all rainy and stuff. I zipped up my sweatshirt and I look like a nerd AND it's not helping. XP
Yeah, kids. I'm going back upstairs and reading my book. DOWN WITH SETH!


RRock_With_It said...

What was his favorite song?

Lauren said...

i don't know, but he seems to like corbin a lot. quote "he is the coolest" unquote.

Matt Wilson said...

I'm guessing your dad is a really different person at home than in public. sorta like me. school vs. yg...seeing as how apparently were the same personality type.

Matt Wilson said...

which I only half way believe in.

Lauren said...

my dad has like five different personalities. all of them have a bad memory for harry potter details.

Matt Wilson said...

I see...

sometimes I think I have multiple personalities, its highly affected by whom I'm around at the moment, which sounds really fakeish/dumb but uhm I dunno I sort've draw off the traits of people around me, only kinda...in an opposite way? I dunno...I'm like peter petrelli o.O

Lauren said...

you paint pictures of dead cheerleaders?

Lauren said...

i know, same here. it was weird at leadership camp because everyone was a dominant personality and it's like, "how are we supposed to get along?"

RRock_With_It said...

I think everyone has Multiple Personality Disorder to an extant.

RRock_With_It said...


Lauren said...

lol jasymne (from camp) was like, "E or I...I'm both. S or N....I'm both. T or F...I'm both. J or P...I'm BOTH!"

Matt Wilson said...

I like this 3 way conversation we've got goin on, its rad.

I'm only a dominant personality at yg...and even then I"m not that dominant. its onyl cause I"m the only boy practically now.

"brockus tries to dance...but not so well...sean tries to march but...not so well..." hahaha so funny.

Lauren said...

and you'll probably be the only boy...forever.

Matt Wilson said...


Lauren said...

nah, sean's still going.
and it is so pronounced "oh em jeeez"