Friday, June 23, 2006

You see, there are different kinds of love-

We watched "The Village" last night. What. A. Disappointment. M. Night Shyamalamalama, you've done it again. You've made another really, REALLY pointless movie (come on, "Unbreakable"?). Sure, it started out really good. Kinda weird, but good. And really scary. Even tho Nathan kept saying stuff like, "Hehehe, this is a scary part." so that we'd chase him upstairs, then yell for him to come back down when it was really scary. But the ending was complex, but kind of random. You have all this wonderful build up, then the characters go, "Oh, sorry, the creatures aren't real, and we're actually a group of mournful modern day freaks who created a utopian society because all of our spouses/relatives were killed and we'd rather live in the 1800's then the 2000's." And I'd actually liked Noah. Until he started KILLING PEOPLE. Then it's like, "Um, sorry, don't like you anymore." But then my dad started imitating him and we were like, ":O" and then everyone told me to stop making fun of Lucius Hunt/Joaquin Pheonix because he had a cleft lip. Oh, sorry. MY BAD.
I just found some helpful Sim cheats. Yay! Hmm, the magic garbage can trick...I could use this...
Lalalala someone ate all the Twinkies.
AAAAAAH Nathan and I started "Willow" last night. I forgot how much I love that movie. *sniff* But I'd forgotten like EVERY LINE and all the character's names (except Madmartigan/pedophile man and Sorsha and Willow). I'm going to finish it in like half an hour. I need to finish Sky High, too, cuz I'd brought it to the beach house to show my grandparents, but we only watched half an hour and I haven't seen it for like 3 months? Probably less than that. Whatever.

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