Saturday, June 24, 2006

Sparkle: it's a Diet Coke thing

So yeah. Um, anyways.
Ah, I'm wearing all black today. Well, not all black...let's not go into that. ANYWAY. I'm wearing all black and my mom was like, "Are you going to wear a hat? Are you trying to go goth?" Well, if I DID want to go goth, I wouldn't be wearing black capris that sort of resembled Mickey Mouse pants. More like the floor length pants that 5 people could fit inside. And a jacket with really long sleeves. And I wouldn't wear my awesome not-cat hat. It speaks more I'm-weird-and-possibly-jazzy-New-Orleans-(pronounced-ORLINS-not-ORLEENS) than black-rules-and-people-assume-I'm-Wiccan-but-I-just-like-black-and-System-of-Down. Do perfect fit tees count?
Barbecue today. I'm pumped. Psyched. Excited. Supposed to clean out the rabbit cage. :( And my legs are all bad and dumb. I look like a paleskin with chicken pox. PALESKINS! *is about to lift shirt, then remembers she's not male* *phew*
Lunch time. I'd rather have some chips. But Mom is at the commisary. And someone is sweeping outside. Hello? Sweeping? Who be it?
Lalalala I have to practice "I Want to Know You (In the Secret)", but I'm counting it in 4/4, not cut time cuz cut time is HARD when you do it fast, 4 is WAY easier.
Expansion pack: very tempting.
Lack of money: very depressing.
Legs: very pale and not pale.
Converse: very flat combat-boot like. But I decided not to wear those with Mickey Mouse capris.
Hair: very brown. very black when wet.
Aspiration: very much to dye hair black, write a novel, get a Sims expansion pack, and go to the BBQ and not be an OUTCAST like I already am. :(

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