Monday, June 26, 2006

Phone hog...

AAAAAAAH I was TRYING to blog yesterday when both my mom and Nathan are like, "Um, I'm/he's waiting for Blake to call." So I had to get off MID-POST. GAAAAAAAH! AAAAAH WILLIAM GOT A BLOG!!!! It's kinda lame and random but his profile's funny, and it'll get better.
Yeah, that's basically it.
I restarted my old Harvest Moon game. I am now Dax at Dairy Farm with my faithful cow HolyCow and annoying dog JoeBob. And I'm trying to get Nami with my awesome possum fossils, but I CAN NEVER GET INTO HER STUPID ROOM. Gyaaaaah.

1 comment:

Crazy Monkey said...

You have to follow her at night when she's going to the inn. And thanks for the compliment.

Your wonderful clone,
William (oops D.Monkey)