Lacee sent me this weird thing about fruit. I picked coconut. See if this sounds like me.
COCONUT: The coconut lover is a serious, very thoughtful and contemplative person. Though you enjoy socializing, you are particular about the company you keep. You tend to be stubborn but not necessarily foolhardy. Shrewd, quick-witted and alert, you ensure that you are right on top of any given scenario, especially at work. You need a partner with brains, and while passion is important it certainly isn't very thing for you.
Serious, thought and CONTEMPLATIVE? Stubborn, sure, particular, not really, shrewd, heck no I couldn't convince my mom the half and half was sour and then she DRANK IT. Ew. And I need a brainy boyfriend? That would be cool, but WHY BOTHER? "Omg, my fiancee has the HIGHEST SAT's! That just TURNS ME ON!" Forget the big guns and all that... Even tho I usually don't notice if a guy is (quote) "buff".
I looked through all the fruits and this one is most like me.
APPLE: If apple is your favorite fruit, you are an extravagant (?), impulsive (yes) and outspoken (HECK YES) person, often with a bit of a temper (this thing knows me SO WELL!). While you may not be the best organizer yourself, you make a good team leader and are good at taking things forward (leader yes, forward...maybe?). You can take quick action in most situations (SHOOT SHOOT RUN! AAAH!). You enjoy travel immensely ("Can we go on a plane, can we, can we, can we?). You ooze with charm when you are with your partner (HAHAHA YOU'RE VERY FUNNY! Um, no, NWH barely even TALK, so the most charm I could be oozing would be at his back). You have an enthusiasm for life, unmatched by most (enthusiasm...you mean like, "AAAAAAAAAAAH I'M SO TOTALLY PUMPED!"?)
Aha, Julia Roberts is really...TINKERBELL! Only she has weirdo hair. DUSTIN HOFFMAN HAS A GROSS MUSTACHE. And the Cory guy from "Extreme Days" is Rufio. RUFIO! RUFIO!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah last day of band tomorrow. And PE. Well, we still have classes on Monday, but it's just YEARBOOK SIGNING DAY! And CLEANING ROOMS DAY! Hurray. AND ADVANCED BAND TRYOUTS ARE TOMORROW! DON'T FORGET!
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