Saturday, April 25, 2009

Football coaches aren't soft

Yoast seemed suspiciously Feeler-ish, though.
We watched "Remember the Titans" to build our comraderie.
Kristine, Sierra, and I formed a huddle of blankets and were quite comfortable.
Until Sierra's face got cold and she had to resort to listening to the movie rather than watching it, and Kristine burst into tears after Bertier's accident, and I followed soon after, more from consequences due to an extremely unbalanced diet in the past 12 hours than from sadness.
But 45% from sadness, definitely.
I got put on the 1st Grade team and I'm really excited. First grade is one step up from kindergarden, meaning the kids are still adorable and cuddly.
I don't envy the people who were put on the Jr. High team.
The people in my group seem to be really cool, too. There are no instant personality clashes, anyway. Well, maybe one. But it's completely one-sided.
I might just be imagining things.
Sorry. Bitter.
I also signed up for the Drama Team, but they haven't said anything about that yet.
Parent meeting tomorrow!
Gooooo team!

You Are Vitamin A

You see the world vividly. You are a very visual person, and you pay special attention to colors.

And while you appreciate a sunny, beautiful day - you also like the subtle visuals of night.

You are youthful both in appearance and spirit. You are likely healthier than average.

You shine brightly and are best in small doses. Too much of your company can be overwhelming and even dangerous.

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