Tuesday, February 17, 2009

So much coffee, so little time: Michael Phelps does NOT have an IQ of 127

You Are Coffee

You are highly ambitious and goal oriented. You feel like there isn't enough time in your day to get it all done.

You are outgoing and creative. You love talking with people, thinking up crazy plans, and then acting immediately on them.

When it comes to caffeine, you'd like a refill. You can almost always use an energy boost.

Life is too short. You're going to get as much out of it as you can. You live for today.

Wow. I'm VERY behind in schoolwork, and my hormones are going off the rails on a crazy train, but we won our last basketball game, so that's good news.
Seriously. Why are there suddenly so many good-looking guys at my school?
And everyone's hooking up all of a sudden.
Wait till spring!!!!
Shoot. The math project.
My science review.
The math worksheet.
Section 5-7: General Solutions.
I am SO behind and I failed at least two quizzes today.
Sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow it on down.
And take the Straight Road to Kyle.
Mmmmmmhmmmm, Kylie Minogue...
...is a tone-deaf loser.

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