Wednesday, December 24, 2008

White-coated ninja stalks at night

It's 35 degrees outside, which is supposedly WARMER than the past few days, but the weathermen neglected to tell us all about the wind chill factor.
So, in actuality, it's 5 degrees outside.
Is it really that weird to be able to drink a milkshake in snowy weather? Hot cocoa just isn't the same.
Francesca Lia Block keeps blowing me away. "Necklace of Kisses" is somehow better than "Baby Be-Bop", the best of the Weetzie Bat books.
We got at least 3 more inches of snow, and it's been snowing off and on (but it's also been raining and sleeting, so the chances of us getting any more snow today are low).
Church has been cancelled - again.
That's twice this week. GET BEHIND ME, SATAN! I have Jesus on my side!!
And Meg and Jack White, but they don't count nearly as much.
It doesn't seem like Christmas Eve, but it most definitely is. We couldn't wait till this evening, so the 5 of us got up early and opened our presents.
Aha, I have cellphone!! Finally!!
And it's green.
Someone made a book of some of the best lolcatz. It's pretty funny.
Halp! I'm in ur cupz...soaking up your teaz.
I also got "Folie a Deux" and "The Silver Cord" - at last.
"Folie a Deux" is pretty good. Yes, that's the extent of my musical commentary. Because saying, "Oh my gosh, Patrick has SUCH an amazing voice and Joe is SOOOO good at guitar and that one song was AWESOME!" seems to carry just about as much meaning.
I'm pretty musically retarded.
Or at least musically close-minded.
Or close-minded in general. Hey, Republican.

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