Monday, November 10, 2008

Would it still smell gross if I was alive?

We just started "Night" in English class.
The narrator concludes that God is dead after watching children burn in the ovens.
The foreword was about a Christian who met up with the author and had no way to comfort him.
It's pretty heartwrenching.
Some people are really cool, but they never talk!!
Sing it, Corbin, sing it!
My friend and I spent a whole weekend thinking one was mad at the other.
Seems like everyone's full of lies these days.
I got my ASVAB results back!
I'm in the 99th percentile in my class for verbal and math scores, but only in the 80th percentile for science.
Then, in the packet they gave us, we had to fill out a survey of activities we'd like to do.
I'd rather write a musical than fix a leaky faucet.
Surprisingly, I scored in the 96th percentile for Social careers.
So, with high verbal and math scores, I should be a secondary English teacher.
That made me kind of excited.

What Your Height Says About You

You are a true adventurer, and you live for the thrill.

You have a lot of charisma, and you're good at convincing people to join you in your schemes.

You are open to the world, and you make connections easily. You have lots of friends.

You are likely to have many life paths to choose from. There are many possibilities open to you.

You are about as tall as the average British man.

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