Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Okay, I love Tie to death, but I could come up with a surprising amount of things about her that bug me. I guess that's true of everyone, I guess, but Tie is the one I'm compiling a list of Pet Peeves about.
Top 20 Pet Peeves About Tie
1. She has a loud, high-pitched bark.
2. She barks often.
3. She barks at all my friends and their dogs.
4. She barks at strangers.
5. She barks in the middle of the night. It's often Nathan's fault.
6. She loves going on walks, but even after all these walks, she's NEVER tired out.
7. She likes to RUN during these walks. Even if it's 90 degrees outside. And you're in flip-flops. She made me run through a field today. I got dew on my flip-flops and kept sliding around in them.
8. After these walk/runs, she's ready for a rousing game of "tug-of-war" with her "rope".
9. She always wants to bite the HANDLE of the rope, which was made to make tug-of-war easier for the owner. But nooooo.
10. She bites your fingers during tug-of-war.
11. My slippers are fuzzy, therefore they are fair game.
12. If you spend a minute on the computer, she will come downstairs and lie by the wheels of your rolly chair, putting her in potential danger if you decide to move.
13. She hates baths. If you give her a bath, she won't look at you for hours.
14. Right after a bath, she goes out and rolls in the dirt.
15. And that's when she decides to go sit on your lap.
16. She sits at the table and naps on the bed like a "people".
17. She never backs down from a fight. I often have to carry her away from other dogs. Like the fat little sausage dachsund we saw today.
18. She's PUSHY! She nevers ASKS to sit on your lap anymore; she just does. And then today, when Dad wanted me to take her on a walk, she brought my flip flops downstairs and stared at me while I played "Avatar Prom". Then she repeatedly opened my door while I was CHANGING MY CLOTHES to make sure I was ACTUALLY changing clothes and not, you know, sleeping.
19. She's scared of the saxophone. Probably because Dad chased her around while playing a REALLY high note yesterday. Things like that could scar a dog for life. But still. Now she barks at it, runs away in terror when Dad starts to play, and has to sniff it every time she goes downstairs to make sure it is, indeed, "dead".
20. She's a Patterdale Terrier, so when people ask me what kind of dog she is, I say, "Patterdale Terrier," and they have NO idea what I'm talking about. So I just say, "Terrier," but THAT doesn't help because then they either don't believe me or ask what KIND of terrier. And THEN they ask where I got her and I have to admit I found her on the internet. Even though it wasn't me. It was my mom.

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