Sunday, April 06, 2008

You killed him...with your bad karma!!!

Charlton Heston is dead. Apparently he died yesterday. I feel bad because I watched the very end of "Soylent Green" and was thinking about "Planet of the Apes" quite a bit this morning, and about how stupid those movies were and how dumb Charlton Heston was.
Now he's dead.
Okay, I'm kind of super jealous of my parents. Every week, they talk about their WONDERFUL Sunday School class and how encouraging it was and how it touches all sorts of people.
Even William at least has fun in his class.
I don't know, I just REALLY HATE mine. It's like sitting through church again, and I like church, but this is just...boring. And it's sort of impersonal and...the only interaction is the 20 MINUTES beforehand where everyone sort of just...hangs out. Not so fun if you don't know anybody. But the main reason I hate it? Seriously, their worship band really sucks. You can defend them all you want, and say that they're teenagers and they're trying to get better, but it's painful.
Yaaaaaah, at least I got music from the OTHER worship team. There's going to be a horn section on April 20. Pretty excited.

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