Sunday, September 23, 2007

LARPing sounds crazy fun.

OMG HOW COULD I HAVE NOT BROUGHT UP "BEAUTY AND THE GEEK"? I swear, this is my favorite show of all time. They just started a new season. There's this one guy who reminds me so much of my band teacher. I bet they're distantly related. And there's this one girl who didn't know who wrote "Beethoven's 5th". Everyone likes Amanda because she has fake boobs. So my mom and I started this game while we were watching and whenever each girl would come up, we'd be like, "Fake...real...fake...real...real? Fake. Definitely fake." It was pretty fun. Jasmyne is really amazing, but she got paired with the LARPer guy (Live Action Role Player), who reminded me of a guy in my math class. And he was all, "I really want to be paired up with Katie. She and I have a connection. I DO NOT WANT TO BE PAIRED UP WITH JASMYNE. JASMYNE IS AN IDIOT." But he got paired up with Jasmyne. And it was really funny. Their first challenge was (for geeks) to make out with a mannequin and answer psychological questions and (for beauties) answer questions that involved brains. Only my mom kept feeling sorry for the Beauties and making sympathetic noises and saying things like, "This makes you feel really sad!" Um, not really, it's mindless entertainment.
Yeah. Pretty much.
I'm wasting away to nothing. My literary diet consists of...Pony Pals. Yeah. Sad. I'm thinking of reading "Equus", since my dad banned me from ever seeing the play. And I'm going to read every classic on the AP book list before senior year. Yeaah.
Aaagh. Don't want to go to Pre-AP tomorrow. Mrs. Sims thinks I'm in the KKK probably. I'M NOT PUSHING A POLITICAL AGENDA! It was just an essay on how to make the world a better place...never mind. Too painful.

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