Sunday, April 16, 2006


Lol that was totally on someone's Myspace. I don't have one, so don't think I do. But seriously, what is with peope's obsessions with Myspace? You just blog, put scary photos of yourself on it, get random people to be your friends and then shun them by putting a selected few in your top 8, and seeing cults of people online obsessed with pretending to be celebrities (so far the cult includes a few Jessica fans, several Paris followers, and a Britney double. that I've seen, anyway. As of like, yesterday)
So, yesterday. No youth band practice, like my dad and I thought, so rather than wait there while the adults practice for a seemingly endless two hours, Mrs. Rarig dropped me off at Jocelyn's and Jeannie straightened my hair. After which everyone at youth group (minus the guys, who could care less) was like, "OMG IT'S ADORABLE!!!!" I thought I looked slightly punk goth. But it wasn't that bad. But I washed my hair this morning (like always, why stop now?) and it's back to curlyish whatever.
Soooooo Easter today....I actually don't want to go on in detail, so read on:
Morning: skipped church breakfast for the first time in like ever in favor of bear claws and oatmeal. Oh yeah, and chocolate. SCORE: got a Big Ears. Mrs. Moon might not like Palmer bunnies, but I do. :) Half his ears are gone already. I'm just past where the left ear (his left, my right; Big Ears', I mean) flops over. So yeah. I consumed a lot of chocolate.
Church: Wore my green striped Montanaan shirt (no offense, Montanaans, I like the shirt) and rocked out to "Your Grace is Enough" on drums. Got freaked out, tho, when I started to play and THERE WAS NO SOUND!!!!! But then they gave my drums sound and I was like, "Phew." Couldn't sing Easter hymns (which, believe it or not, I actually enjoy) with the choir or listen to what my parents said was a really good sermon because I was in NURSERY!!!! It was SO pointless, cuz all the moms of the babies WOULDN'T LEAVE, so they didn't even need me, but I had to miss Easter Sunday anyways? I did get to play with Payton, tho, cuz his mom did leave and came back several times to walk him around and stuff, but he was funny, even tho he almost killed Olivia by sitting on her (accidentally).
Grandma's: Ate Easter lunch (for me, ham, a lot of rolls, chicken, and turkey. And the majority of the Easter candy she gave me. Was kind of weirded out that people have forgotten how much I like horses. Sure, I like ducks, but I've been liking horses FOR A LOT LONGER and I like them a HECK of a lot more than ducks. But I doubt there were chocolate Easter ponies. Oh well. It tasted good. Braeden got a white chocolate/milk chocolate swirl cat. Looked good. But she's too smart to trade. And she's only 5!!!!! Greg has a Johnny Storm (aka HUMAN TORCH) haircut. But it looks good. And little cousins (Brooke and Lachy) are funny, even when throwing tantrums. And they can kind of say words now. Lachlan has moved on from "Baniiiiis" to "NANAS!!!", which he screams at my grandpa and his parents while they're eating banana cream pie. The rest of the day, I just ate a lot of pound cake and tried to read "Princess in Pink" and "Dark Sunshine" while waiting for Grandma's computer to finish installing Printshop so I could blog/look at my library account, but that never happened, so I just played solitaire and attempted minesweeper (her custom setting didn't work. Nyaaaah). Then we left with pound cake, pie/cake stuff, and a few movies we could borrow ("RED BOOTS FOR CHRISTMAS"! MY FAVE!!!! It's like this Lutheran cartoon, and it's hilarious without trying to be funny. Or maybe I just have a sick sense of humor. Whatever). So yeah.
Okay, I know I love to write, but I already have a blog, and that's basically an online journal (omg, journal is THE dumbest word on the history of the planet. Besides DIARY!! I remember when I was like 9 and my stepcousin ((I think that's how we're related, anyways)) Corey was like, "YOU'RE WRITING IN YOUR DIARY!" and I got really mad cuz diaries are for losers. And when I saw a Zorro cartoon and he talked about his diary, I made fun of him till the end of time. That Zorro cartoon was NOT very realistic. Robots were involved and I was like, "WHEN does this take place???? Uh, BEFORE ROBOTS!!!"), and they're pretty, but what use are REAL journals to me? I've TRIED keeping a blog and keeping a NOTEBOOK (I REFUSE to give into your stupid journalish terms!!) and it's not easy. It's one or the other. And I can't just be like, "Oh this one will have my early writing attempts in it," cuz it says JOURNAL ON THE FRONT! That means DAILY RECORD!!!! How bout no? And if I try to write fantasy novels on here, y'all will be like, "Aaaaaaah, she's CRAZY!!!"
Omg, I just reread that. And I take myself way too seriously. Like that girl I once read about who was like, "Oh, I'm so POSITIVELY brilliant, I wish EVERYONE were as smart as ME!" Like I'm really gonna be a novelist when I grow up. Because in like EVERY student textbook on the PLANET (okay, no, that's just college ed texties), they're all, "YOU CANNOT BE JUST A WRITER, YOU NEED ANOTHER JOB TO SUPPORT YOURSELF." And I'm all, "Hello, that's why you get MARRIED to someone who HAS a job!" But in College Ed, they're all, "YOU ARE NEVER GETTING MARRIED, NO ONE IN YOUR PARENT'S GENERATION WENT TO COLLEGE, GET A JOB AT MCDONALD'S CUZ IT IS REWARDING." Which isn't true. Although, I do spend a lot of time saying how I'm never getting married lately. I'm not going like feminist or anything. I just don't really want to. I mean, basic American couple scenario: Man has job. Woman cleans house and BALANCES CHECKBOOK! I don't know HOW to balance a checkbook!!! And when I hear my parents talk about our monthly budget, it takes like 2 HOURS to plan that stuff out!!!! And it's all because of US KIDS!! I'd rather be a loner writer working at a bookstore, thank you. Or a missionary. Or a vet. Darn, I had another job interest in the "Human Resource/Helper/whatever" field, but I forgot. I dreamt about it last night, too. Grrr...


RRock_With_It said...

You don't want to get married? I've heard otherwise....

RRock_With_It said...

Wow, it's boring here. Emily is saying "sucka sucka." and then jason goes "Yo yo.

Lauren said...

FOUL FOUL NOT FAIR!!!!! yeah I'm going Helen North. Except for the artist and free expression part. But she got married... whatever, i'll just adopt. So sue me.
Wow, sounds

RRock_With_It said...

yeah, really. it was kind of funny but really stupid.

Lauren said...

like the whole "little einstein's" thing?

RRock_With_It said...

what thing?