Saturday, April 15, 2006

Computer classes

I forgot how much I hate registration. You have to pick your stupid classes and figure out what 1 SEMESTER means, and listen to all the people not so good at math complain, "I REALLY wanna take annual. How do I take annual?" in that really whiny voice of theirs. But for me, it REALLY stunk cuz I couldn't take the classes I've been wanting to take SINCE 6TH GRADE!!!!!! I had to choose between them thanks to the School Board who's like, "Oh, we need more in depth science!!!!" HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But what's even worse, is when I had to choose alternatives for my semester long elective, in case the school realized who I was and decided NOT to give me drama for one semester, my parents kept pressuring me to take COMPUTER CLASSES!!!!! That's kind of funny. I mean, I freak out when the least little thing happens to my own cpu. I can't figure out how to put links on my stupid blog. I once did a neopets pet page...after reading over my friend's pages and figuring out how to do stuff and flipping continually back to the manual. But my parents were like, "But I thought you liked HTML?" I do. Just NOT AS A CLASS! I'm not Maddie Finn. My career is mostly likely going to be in the Art and Entertainment (that's what it's called in the high school catalogue, I think) or Human Resources (it's this or human helper or humanity helper or something) catagory. NOT COMPUTERS! That's Nathan. And maybe William. But not me. Especially someone who wants to be a WRITER on something other than composition notebooks, Word, and this blog.
Today: My parents (not mad at them like I made it sound) are mad because I have worship team practice at 4 (PM, no duh) for Easter TOMORROW (I felt kind of bad not going to the Good Friday service. I didn't want to go cuz I usually cry, but then I felt guilty that I hadn't recognized a special part of Easter.) and then at 6 (when worship team is probably gonna be over), I have to go to gong show practice. No dinner breaks. I mean, I know Chase eats before 4, BUT THE REST OF US DON'T!!! So I'm probably gonna get a burger and fries or something. Hopefully a double cheeseburger. Unlike the MALL McDonald's. Grrrrrrr, evil...
AAAAAH I have to practice my LINES!!!!! Cuz I've only spent time memorizing them ONCE THIS WEEK!!!! And I might have FORGOTTEN THEM already!!!!!!!! Can't have that. Actually, I've got Legolas pretty much down pat, but Sayid needs some work, and he has less lines than Mad Max!!!! (I didn't choose my parts, believe me. Well, I sorta picked Legolas. But I thought Sarai meant would I like to play him for that particular practice, cuz no one was playing him, and I'd wanted to play Pippin ((I have the hobbit cape AND he's like the best character)), but I ended up with Legolas. I can still wear the cape, tho. And borrow William's bow. Weeeee...)

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