Sunday, April 09, 2006

Winnie the Horse Gentler

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah the stupid library supposedly has NO books in the "Winnie the Horse Gentler" series by Dandi Daley Mackall. They have her OTHER books, but not THIS series. It's not THAT recent. 2002 at latest. AAAAAAAH IT BOTHERS ME!!! They might have some old copies at Joy and Peace. Or something. I hope. I haven't exactly been following the series, so I reread #1 today and need ALL the others. I know some of my friends have some. Maybe I could borrow them......
Blaaaaaaaaaaah had to change the rabbit in new clothes. And I had to wear old sweatshirt over them so they wouldn't be "soiled". It made me look like a dairy maid/boat.
So we went to lunch with my grandparents today at Red Robin. There was an egg on my burger. I didn't think it was so funny. And I made everyone mad by drooling over the VERY realistic pictures of milkshakes. It's not MY fault! The waitress was all, "Did y'all save room for dessert?" YESSSSS! But Mom and Dad produce the funds on which I live. :(
"THE DIAMOND MYSTERY IN ROSEMOND VALLEY" ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!! It's either the sequel or prequel to "Legacy" (I think prequel: Annie works in a diner and it's like, "HeLLO, you totally have your own ranch/stable/whatever.") and it's about Emma, Annie's sister, and you have to do mysterious stuff as an undercover reporter. At first I couldn't figure out how to dust, tho, and got really mad. Then I discovered the items button, which is "I". So then I featherdusted porcelain cats and listened to a turban wearing senior talk about their daughter's husband slurping sherry. And people at the museum were stalking me. Minus the Japanese tourist, who, in my opinion, the gamemakerdudes were kind of stereotypical about. "Um, do you know where there's an empty display case?" "The cookies will be served at 9." Lol, that's not what he said, that's actually a line from "The Lizzie McGuire movie", but you get the idea.
I'd like to go to New York. Hahaha like that's ever gonna happen. But I wanna go on a missions trip this summer and since I can't go on the youth group one, I wanted to go to NY (thanks to the awesome missions catalogue) and throw block parties and stuff, but it was 1.6 k. And I don't have a job. And won't for a long time. :( My life long aspiration is to be Dave in throwing block parties. But not getting them made into R-rated movies that 13-year-old duck obsessives want to see but aren't allowed to.

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