Friday, June 12, 2009

When you think about it...

...Nair is sort of disgusting.
It does awful, awful things to your bodily hair.
When you feel the hair in question, it's awful and stringy and disgusting.
But that's after not shaving for a while.
It keeps the hair away longer! Yay!
Enough about that. I probably shouldn't be telling you that.
The crazy cheerleader that made me so angry yesterday is once again sending confusing signals.
But what else is new?
Soooooo one day she's insulting me, and the next she's trying to engage in stimulating conversation?
Or throwing herself at the guy I like for weeks at a time, then joking around with me and ignoring him for three days in a row?
WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME??????????????
I doubt her intention is to make my life hell.
At least not all the time.
But it's so weird. I can't figure her out.
And there are days when I'm bipolar like that, too, so I can sort of understanding, but still...?
The oral book reports continued today.
I was really surprised by the one this one kid gave.
He did it on Laurie Halse Anderson's "Speak", which was a good book, but he didn't just like it, but it seemed like it really affected him.
And he was super honest in answering the questions about how he related to the main character and how he felt for her and you could tell me meant all of it.
It was really cool, because I'd never seen that part of him before.
He might be an ENFJ. Hm.
But, when reading up on personality types on this amazing website, they mentioned that everyone is different. Even a group of 20 ISTJs are completely different people, even though they might think or act similarly in certain situations.
So it helped remind me not to prejudge or go off on another rant about Sensors vs. Intuitives or Judgers vs. Perceivers.
Even when someone was asked WHY men abuse women, and someone answered with WHAT men do to women.
Because they gave the WHAT information, it was assumed they'd also covered WHY.
And the Intuitives in the room freaked out. Myself included.
It's part of dealing with people, I guess.
Phew. Sophomore's almost done. 4 more days. Then a whole summer of missions, sun, and working on people skills.
And teambuilding, now that you mention it.
Hm. Our team better start planning soon. And drama! The meeting's in two days! Memorize script!

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