Monday, January 14, 2008

Red's like eating an ugly but delicious-tasting kitten.

I just started "White Fang" and am more than halfway through already. White Fang is sort of messed up. I know he's quite wolfish (at least a quarter wolf blood), but all he does is kill things and hate people. He ate a kitten once. It sounded kind of gross and sad, because I love kittens and I could hear it purring, but kind of good at the same time, seeing as I am attracted to all things meat.
Connor stepped on my shoes and I was like, "Rawr!"
Connor, Kevin, and I are going to play "Winnie the Pooh" together. Yeah.
I made hot dogs for aliens and New Yorkers yesterday.
Online, of course.
I hate Mondays.
"Animal Farm" is great. Too bad I've already read it.


RRock_With_It said...

I used to love that book! Call of the Wild was my favorite, though.

Lauren said...

I've heard that's a better book. Death and eating kittens made my day, but end weirded me out. Hm, White Fang in coma. White Fang not in coma. White Fang save the day...and has kids???