Sunday, November 18, 2007

The early bird gets the Krispy Kremes.

"Who Needs Air" is still my favorite song. Lol.
I'm addicted to andkon games.
I posted a new Madison Finn book if anyone cares. It's Thanksgiving themed. How nice.
Ew, "Dreamcatcher" is totally grossing me out. I got to page 225 on Friday and haven't read it since. It's NASTY. And my favorite character died already. Not only that, I couldn't sit on a toilet all yesterday. I'm not even a guy and I was worried about aliens in the toilet and ruptured testicles.
I also read a really lame book that was by the person who wrote "Saving Zoe", which was also lame. I hate it when a book has a lot of hype and then it sucks.
I'm up way early. I almost didn't wake up. Okay, it's almost 9:00 AM, but this is early for me.
I actually finished all my homework. :O shocking. I hate English, though. Least favorite class. Even more so than science and math.


Matt Wilson said...

you don't like many classes do you?

Matt Wilson said...

this week couldn't be over soon enough (schoolweek)

Matt Wilson said...

Idunno if you ever get this. but I always eem to get zits right on my lips right where the edge of my mouthpiece would rest and man...the most annoying thing. it really is dibilitating when it comes to playing

Matt Wilson said...

that is a decent song. although I'm not a huge fan of the classic crime overall. lol I really think its the vocals lol. I dunno he just doesn't tickle my fancy.

Matt Wilson said...

woo what an episode of heroes eh? pretty awesome.

Lauren said...

aah sort of brisk change of subject but i don't think friday is going to work.

Matt Wilson said...

I work that day anyways. and saturday. and tomorow.