Friday, October 19, 2007

Let's all become doctors!!

Aaaaagh too much drama in this house. I had two major fights with my dad and then one with my mom this morning. :P It sucks. They're calling me out on a respect issue and complaining all the time. Or at least yesterday.
I do feel pretty bad, and they're actually right, but I don't feel like they're taking any of the blame. Yeah, typical teenage thing to say. Whatever. They're telling me about all this stuff I did and I recall them doing the same thing in this situation. What's up with that? We're supposed to have this big talk today so my dad and I can resolve all our issues. So not looking forward to that, because I'll just explode again and that will mean more "talks", but if I'm all meek and begging to be forgiven, well, that's not honest now, is it? :P Aaargh.
School was actually pretty awesome, tho. I got to skip French (altho I heard they watched a movie. Awww.) and the rest of the day was pretty fun. I learneded!
Yeah. School is amazing. I want to live at school like Harry Potter. And take more than one language.
Yay, I finally got my book journal back, so I got to finish with stupid "Stardust". Ugh, lamest book ever. Well, not lamest, but it was a letdown. I had pretty high expectations for it. "Golden Compass" rocks.
I had to write a thank-you note today. Then everyone else copied it.
Science was cool. Did a lab. Awesome.
Yeaaaaaah, if vampires don't drink blood, what DO they do??
If the movie is better than the book, didn't the author fail? Because you can't make a book from a movie (unless it's one of those junior novelizations). It's sort of implied that if there's a movie being made from it, the book was amazing. I'm thinking of movies that were better than the books.
1. Eragon (sadly, and the movie was pretty awful, but Murtagh was a hottie)
2. Ella Enchanted (sorry)
I guess that's only two examples. As Mrs. Sims would say, not enough evidence. But I was totally looking forward to the transvestite pirate in "Stardust" and I guess that's only in the movie.
Aaaaaagh All-District tonight. Please no, please no. But yes. I'm forced to go. I have the sudden urge to dance to "All For One". That's like my new favorite song. Besides "Earthquake".


Matt Wilson said...

I'm so sorry...

Lauren said...

Wow. Didn't see that one coming.

Matt Wilson said...


Lauren said...

dumbledore is gay???

Matt Wilson said...

yeah thats the general idea. in my mind he will remain very straight though...

Lauren said...

he doesn't seem gay, tho. besides the whole plum suit thing.

RRock_With_It said...

I reject your reality and substitute my own. He's not gay.

Lauren said...

he's quite gay.