Saturday, October 06, 2007

I am going to bad music hell.

I am. Truly, I am.
I am also in financial trouble.
So I bought 2 CDs today. I was totally going for some White Stripes, but Walmart decided to be dumb and raise their old stuff from $10 to $15. Lame. So their newest CD is cheaper than the old ones.
But I passed on White Stripes.
Because I found another CD.
And I didn't really want to buy it.
But then I listened to it.
And it was just so good.
Better than I'd originally thought.
So I bought it.
But I'm too ashamed to tell you what it is.
Yes. I am truly going to bad music hell.
I also bought an Atreyu CD, which now might not be such a good investment. Checking lyrics online.


RRock_With_It said...

Atreyu's supposed to sound like Haste the Day's Pressure the Hinges. So I'm sure it sounds good.

Matt Wilson said...

what other cd did you buy? as long as it wasn't mainstream hip-hop-pop crap.

Lauren said...

becoming the bull. best song ever.
after living with nathan for 19 years? heck no.

Matt Wilson said...


I bought 2 cd's today.

Matt Wilson said...

but I"m going to good music heaven hahaha.

Lauren said...

what cds?

Matt Wilson said...

uhm the flame in all of us and Sunday.

quiero el remedy ahora.

Lauren said...

tfk. don't recognize the other one.
for what...and why?

Matt Wilson said...

tree 63!!! its totally better than the TFK cd.

the remedy is the new DCB cd. lol

Lauren said...

guitar hero controller....
aaaah tfk.

Matt Wilson said...

whats aaaaaaaaaaah supposed to mean?

RRock_With_It said...

TFK is so much better than Tree 63.

Lauren said...

meaning they're not my fave.
i'd definitely have to disagree with that statement.

Matt Wilson said...

dude. tree 63 is really on the last 3 tracks of there new cd its like. the badn they always wanted to be but were held back by all those dumb spirit 1053 people. they released one cd after there debut that was kinda like that but no one bought it...I ahve it and its really John Ellis is an amazing Guitar player. so is McNevan (I think he plays guitar too doesn't he? well nevertheless the TFK guitar player is amazing) is the guy from skillet whose name I spontaneously forgot. and Lincoln brewster is pretty awesome too...but John Ellis. ugh most underated guitar player in christian music.

Lauren said...

all really good christian musicians are underrated.

Matt Wilson said...

well within the "christian music" community he's not given enough praise.

Lauren said...

so the secular music industry does???

Matt Wilson said... know what I mean...I think...maybe not...but I"m right because...WE'RE SWEEPSTAKES CHAMPIONS O.o