Sunday, September 16, 2007

Gripe gripe gripe

Aaaaagh I'm just in a way horrible mood.
And if I'm still mad about what happened an hour and a half ago, I'm probably not the kind of person that bounces back easily.
Ha ha.
We were just at the fair, and I got to watch a draft horse competition, see more horses than I have ever seen in 8 years where I live, find out what kind of cows I should get for my dairy farm (Ayrshire?, Holstein ((does the "i" after "e" apply here?)), and some others, but I really can't remember), look at bunnies and have them all glare at me, go through an African village, and then eat a delicious oreo snowball.
And then I lost all the money I had on me.
AAAAAAGH it made me so angry, because it was probably my fault (like I dropped it while taking something else out of my pocket, most likely), and I didn't have much money at home and this money would've given me at least 2 Pony Pals if I got bored. Sure, it was only $10, but...yeah. It made me way angry. And that just put me in a horrible mood and I wanted to go home, but my parents made me stand in the freezing cold for ten freaking minutes while they watched some freaking Marines do pull ups. WITH ICE COLD LEMONADE.
And I was being a brat, and, come on, they bought me LEMONADE, but it was kind of cold and Marines doing push ups isn't that thrilling.
I sort of hate men in uniform now.
Yeah. Other than that, though....
I just need something to do.
Tomorrow's school. Both good and bad. I have to wear red for "Red Day". I swear, I did not make up that Spirit Day.
Sorry for putting you through that...


Matt Wilson said...


no me gusta chicas.

do you play video games?

Matt Wilson said...

more specifically halo?

Lauren said...


Matt Wilson said...

video games in general?

Lauren said...


Matt Wilson said...

like what.

Lauren said...

super monkey ball, animal crossing, harvest moon...
you know, all the lame ones.

Matt Wilson said...

monkey ball is awesome.

Matt Wilson said...

except I like to play golf and no one else does...they like billiards and bowling more. dogfight is pretty cool.

Lauren said...

because billiards is easier. i've never actually played golf. just bowling and soccer and stuff.

Lauren said...

only i always play with baby.

Matt Wilson said...

man this brings back such fond memories of california...and monkeyball at daniels house...ahhh...

Lauren said...

do you miss it at all?

Matt Wilson said...

yes but I like it here to much to want to go back. he's planning on moving up here even lol. cause its so awesome up here =O

Matt Wilson said...

he wants to go to college here with me.

Lauren said...

really? what college exactly?

Matt Wilson said...

not sure. WSU seems to be a popular choice. I mean everyone seems to want to go there. but personally I'd rather go to UW simple because nationwide is more prestigious. and ranked as the 42nd best college in the US where WSU is like 108. and texas A&M (my moms school) is 62.

Matt Wilson said...

plus UW is closer.

Lauren said...

and huskies pwn cougars.

Matt Wilson said...

I dunno I think a mountain lion could pwn any kinda dog.

Lauren said...

football wise, anyway.

Matt Wilson said...

I wouldn't know.