Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Heh. I watched "Ella Enchanted" again with my mom. That movie is so amazing. There's this one scene, tho, where Hugh Dancy goes all Cary Elwes/Wesley and is like, "WERE YOU ONE OF THE OGRES THAT KILLED MY FATHER!!!???" And he's breathing all heavily and he has a nice lil mustache. It sort of angered me.
Like Pillar's "Break Me Down". I don't know why, it just does.
But I am loving his blue velvet suit. That suit is amazing.
Aaaagh, what really peeves me off is when people with little to know musical talent compare themselves to other people. Take William for instance. Our family is okay at singing, we can carry a tune, but my mom is probably the only one with a singing talent and suitable range. William was comparing himself to Robert Platt and Freddie Mercury. It was like, "...." I don't know, I hate Robert Platt A LOT, but comparing yourself to Freddie Mercury is like comparing yourself to Stevie Wonder; HE'S A GENIUS, YOU ARE NOT. I don't care how talented you are, there will only ever be one Stevie and one Freddie.
And my dad was wrong. Freddie totally died of AIDS.
AAAARGH, it just makes me mad.
And on "American Idol" when Ryan Seacrest is all, "Hey, dawg, who do you think you sound like," people are always all, "I sound just like *insert really famous/talented person*," or, "I have my own unique, personal style." Which always means they suck. But it's like, why do you even have to ask that?
School pretty much rocks. Except we had an ASB meeting and I wanted to go to study hall. Oh well. French is cool and we got to order food today. No French names. :( At least I know how to order un sandwich, which is masculine, and une limonade, which is feminine. Get this: Hot-dog is both masculine (un hot-dog) and feminine (une saucisse du Francfort). Lol.
Pre-AP English rocks my socks. We got to go to the library and we're going to start a BOOK JOURNAL!!!! WEEE! I think I'm the only one excited about this. But I have to divide "Teen Idol" by Meg Cabot (not exactly going for fine literature, but whatever. She's cool. I mean, "Pants on Fire", people.) in 8 sections and NOT READ IT ALL IN ONE NIGHT. But she expects us to do a book a month. Psh, I got this.
Math was confusing and I hated the homework, but then he gives us a crazy easy assignment. ??? WHAT'S UP WITH THIS? I hope it won't be like last year.
Band is pretty sweet. We're playin some Scottish music. I HAVE NO RANGE! A high D is hard for me now. It's just sad. I need to practice.
Da da da. Science is too easy now. Not really. But I like to believe that.
Do do do do.
Of all the things on Wikipedia...
Heh. My dad was wrong.


Matt Wilson said...

Freddie Mercury was a butt sex addict. I've never heard you mom sing but now I want to. and william to rofl.

and i have great range mwahahahaha. double G sucka.

Matt Wilson said...

I'm sorry I won't try and sound gangsta again.


Matt Wilson said...

more allnighting wooo!!!!!

Matt Wilson said...

not to suggest I don't like freddie mercury. he's awesome.

Lauren said...

thanks to freddie, i learned what a gay bathhouse was. my dad said he blew his brains out. heh.
you should just quit and work at starbucks.
because starbucks is where the party people...erm, party.
see, you can too sing.
i forbid you to listen to william.

Matt Wilson said...

I meant trumpet range actually...if thats what you were referring to but nvm. what does he mean. blew his brains out? he rocked to hard and the decibels crushed his skull? or like suicide? pfft wikipedia. he was a queer.

Matt Wilson said...

why freddie why...

when is the mariners game this saturday? like when are we leaving the churhc or w/e?

Matt Wilson said...

yup we're having a uhm. brass quintet/clinic that Im gonna put togteher for uhm whoever plays brass at our church. which is uhm. me and uhm allison kreifels and uhm...you and uhm...jeff swanberg...and uhhhhhh...yeah! maybe not such a good idea...

Matt Wilson said...

you know I don't think I could stand being an elementary school band teacher. I used to go in everyday and work with the trumpets at my old elementary school for an hour about and man I jsut couldn't stand it. the terrible sound. oh the blaring and the farting noises and just the crappy sound...the crappy crappy sound.

Lauren said...

especially beginning band students and the only songs they can play are like "C C C C C, B B, C C. BBBBBBBBB."
i'm thinking my dad was referring to shooting himself in the head.
i think we're meetin at the ferry at like...4???? i don't know the exact plan, actually.
two trombones, two trumpets, lol. that's amazing.

Matt Wilson said...

yup I can't work that day...but I'm scheduled to so I'll just have to uhm. not show up.

jessica47 said...

um. in the bulletin it said everyone was finding their own ride. just to like give yall a heads up. is p matt going ?

Lauren said...

i'm at least 98% sure he's going. didn't he organize it?

Matt Wilson said...

thats retarded. we should go in agroup. cause thats really retarded. I heart car rides.

Lauren said...

so many things happen on yg car rides. we should create our own reality show. "oefc car rides: UNRATED"

Matt Wilson said...

it would be unrated o.O

Lauren said...

the "mask of zorro" cartoon was unrated...
not sure why that applies.

Matt Wilson said...

Halo 3 is the first in the franchise to be rated M (well theo thers were rated M but!) for : Graphic Violence, Blod and gore, and LANGUAGE duh duh DUH


Lauren said...

how is that any different from 1 or 2?

Matt Wilson said...

the other were only rated m for violence and blood, not language, implying that there will be stronger language in halo 3. its been speculated that in one of the videos thats surfacedo n youtube you can here an enemy combatant say the F word.

Lauren said...

i suppose that makes it more "realistic" or whatever.

Matt Wilson said...

lol I guess.

Lauren said...

but it sort of defeats the purpose if a punch is more effective than a sniper.

Matt Wilson said...

its not...

Lauren said...

maybe that's just on medal of honor.

Matt Wilson said...

you ever consider playing halo?