Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Wait, you were kidding, weren't you?

I have a sudden urge to make one of my playlists movies a silent film consisting of just music and actors walking around with different facial expressions.
Because I'm bored and artistic like that.
Actually, I'm not very artistic and I don't qualify to make movies. I'm not ABSTRACT enough to do that. I'm too concrete; I listen to a song and try to find a storyline that I go can go on that makes sense. I don't think up random images, then have frequent shots of the band playing.
And I really hate live music videos where it's just them playing. It's like, "I could just listen to the song for this, I don't really care to see you playing..."
Lol, could someone honestly hate themselves for being a fast thinker? "I think too quickly!"
I do, though.
How conceited and wrong of me.
I'm just thinking of the times where someone says something and I know it's sarcasm, but I'm already saying a serious response before my brain can click.
Actually, that's not thinking too fast.
That's just stupid.
Jazz band Thursday, mrrooooooownoooooooooooo.
I thought today was the last day.
I FINISHED ALL MY FINALS! Wait, never mind, I have to finish the science final tomorrow (21 QUESTIONS LEFT!) and the math final starts tomorrow. Should be easy, I finished almost all the review. Guess I have some homework...
But seriously, all the finals reminded me of Harry Potter, when they were always getting ready for finals and stuff. Hehehehe. :D I'm a nerd.
We had the track banquet for two hours after school today. It was pretty cool, and apparently I was one of the people with the most records (only 8 all season, but hey, I got recognized for something...), but they messed up my shotput thing. I got FIRST PLACE in shotput with 21.1 feet, and they said I got SECOND PLACE with 18 ft 5 in, which was something ANOTHER girl got. And the other girl didn't say anything, and I was mad, but not assertive enough to do anything. Mainly because I am lame, but also because her friends don't really like me and look down on me and think I'm annoying and I didn't want to be all, "Oh hey there, um, yeah, I have like, um, you have my ribbon?" And they'd glare at me and say, "She's so annoying." I heard them say it literally behind my back on the last track meet. Or something close to it. But then they have to act all nice in all the classes I have with them.
Wow, I must be hormonal, because I just reread everything I just wrote.
Either that or I'm a loser that spends too much time venting into her personal blog that 4 PEOPLE READ!
I'd like to say the former, but the latter looks pretty accurate.
There. I have a first place ribbon and a second place ribbon. I should have TWO, like I said above, because my life has been cursed by too many second place (or "excellent") ribbons, but I'll settle for this, I guess.
I already got a coach's award once this year, so I'm not missing out.
I have never seen the "Sugar, We're Going Down" music video. Now it is attempting to play on my computer. Hm... He has no male organ? Eh?
Nah, I'll do it some other time, some other place, some other computer...
I need a camera, two people willing to play lovers, a mean ex boyfriend, and...I don't know...
Actually, this most likely won't work, unless my dad gets a new camera to replace his 85 year old video camera that DOESN'T WORK!
Along with Comcast...but hey, that's just me.

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