Sunday, August 20, 2006

Third time's a charm...wait, that has nothing to do with ponies!

Hmmm, last three posts involve ponies/horses. That's a shocker.
I know it's anatomically impossible for any of your body parts to change position and still manage to keep you alive (e.g.; your heart racing around and ripping through your stomach, which is what just happened), but that's um pretty much what it felt like.
I'm speaking riddles.
Riddles...about FEELINGS.
Ew, something's wrong with me. Maybe it's because I woke up at 4 A.M., having to go REALLY BAD and having just dealt with mental ponies, or that there were no good cookies at church, or maybe I'm having a mood swing. Yeah, that's probably it.
Boy, my life sucks.
I mean stinks. Yeah, stinks. (I keep getting lectures about not saying "sucks"...might as well start now.)
*sewing hole in stomach and trying to keep heart from ripping another one*
Please look away.
You: *looks away from protruding innards*
Thank you.
Hmhmhm. I wonder if I still have those striped flip flops. The ones that DIDN'T FIT. (Sorry Marie, they were like a 1/2 size too small.)
Aaaaaaaaagh I can't believe I spent 20 minutes waiting for "George of the Jungle 2" to resolve itself last night. My life is over.
Gee, Plugged in, if you're going to start in about "sexual content" in G-movies, try that one. *cough cough* Hm, maybe they have a review for it. Goody.
Wow, this is this longest post I've had in a long time. Well, actually, the one about "The Wild" and Nigel was longer, but still. Why is it that I hate, yet love reading reviews. I especially loved their LOTR reviews. Except they put "eating conies" in violent content. Hello? It didn't show Sam ripping their heads off. Wait, Sam never ripped no conie's head off. That was Gollum. "Little pool, so nice and cool, catch a fish, so juicy SWEEEEEEEEEET!"
Where is that silly cat hat. Bah, it wouldn't match my outfit anyways. AGH, what am I a plastic? Who cares if it doesn't match? ................... Uh, actually, I do. Hm, just switch from random topic to random topic, get it all out, oh shoot here come the talkshow hosts. HIDE!
Talkshow hosts: Where's that girl with the low self esteem? I hear she's going through an emotional issue because-
Me: *jumps up from behind bush* THAT'S ENOUGH! We're not putting this on the Internet.
Then again, I acknowledged there was something wrong...yet I refuse to say what it is...twisted logic, but it works, I guess. That G section in plugged in is totally calling me, sorry.
I think today would be a day to spend
a) in Scripture.
b) reading motivational Christian fiction (that's cheesy and really stupid cuz everyone eats frozen yogurt, but it's fun to laugh at their plights...sometimes.)
c) listening to my depressing music CD/Hawk Nelson/Stellar Kart/something screamo.
d) dying all my clothes black so I can go emo. Hehe, just kidding.

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