Sunday, August 06, 2006

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

I have seen many things, but nothing as bodacious as "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure". It was excellent, even tho Keanu Reeves looked REALLY ugly in it. Okay, he's not exactly attractive now, but he was definitely worse then. It was heinously bogus that Billy the Kid didn't get more screen time, tho. But I liked it when Socrates called the Frood-dude a geek. "Hahaha...GEEK." "Look for Socrates. You'll find him under So-crates." "Billy, you stay with So-crates." Billy is amazing. :)
I was in nursery again today and I didn't have one kid. I had three. Things are looking up. Except Noah was getting mad about stuff and he might've stolen Olivia's barrette. But that thing was like a quarter inch long, so it would've been easy to lose. But he kept touching it and he was like really fascintaed by it and his dad was like, "Noah, stop touching the baby's head." But she's almost one. She only looks like a baby. Cuz she can crawl, make scary animal noises sometimes, and almost walk. Maybe she's a midget. Noah's the man, he likes ducks.
:( Everyone in the Youth Group is either on the Missions Trip or camping. So my blog is getting 3 less hits. Grrr. I should get a hit counter. If only I could find one...
Andrew got baptized today in the Wilson's hot tub. But I had to watch from the couch cuz Caleb said it was too warm outside and he wanted to go see the doggies. But I got to at least watch, and then we said hi to Bear and Pepe. Me: Awww, hi Bear! Caleb: No, no, she's not a bear, she's a doggie. *pauses* *incomprehensible* ...'sh a baby doggie! Me: ....yes....
My house has been South Beach dieted. I feel bad for my parents. No carbs or fruit for two weeks. My dad's cheating. He had nuts and coffee.
I just figured out I'm not going to die, because the stupid "nurse practitioner" (AKA quack) didn't know my whole family history. "Oh you had an uncle die at age 35 and you have a grandpa with diabetes. YOU HAVE A HORRIBLE HISTORY." Then again, my uncle died because he smoked like 6 packs a day and drank a whole case of Mountain Dew right after, THEN went and worked out. And my [paternal] grandpa isn't the healthiest eater. So duh. I don't have a history, silly boo.
Ooooh I have a selection of Christy Millers on my bed. Hmmm, sounds like fun. Not.

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