Thursday, August 31, 2006


HAHAHA I crashed the cpu system at the library. HAHAHA!
I was playing "Legacy" and it took me like half an hour to beat level 2 cuz I kept getting stuck in the wall, so I'd have to start over from like a way earlier spot. I ended up mucking the stalls like 80 billion times. Weeee...
I currently have: Monster (hee), Darling Ox (hehe), and Magic xx (hehehe). AND THEY ALL ROK!
Hmhmhm. Must check library site.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Mmmm, Civil War...Zzzzzzzzzzz

Tonight was Open House at the school, so I got all my classes and stuff.
I have Kelsey for one class, which is cool, but none of my other friends have the same classes. Toni said she'd jump on me in the hall. And we might have the same lunch. I hope. Waaaaaah...
I got Mr. Anderson for science. He was in a McDonald's commercial. And he has hamsters. I was going to request a seat by the hamster so we could chill. But he woulda said no. :(
We gotta cool new band teacher. He's only 24 and pretty coolo. Trombone player. Woooo!!!!
Uh, weird math teacher. Gonna have to watch her.
Semi awesome PE teacher. Got Eathorne, too. Yeaaaya, like Eathorne.
Cool LAR/hist teacher. She's pretty awesome and like best friends with my mom kinda? And she loves to write.
And some dude for study hall. But who really needs an open house for study hall? "Hello, parents, I'm Mr. Mulligan and this is study hall. This year I plan to sit at my desk and do, my expectations for the class? Uh, I hope they're quiet? And uh, materials needed, they need a book or paper and pencil for notes and yeah. I guess y'all are prepared..."

OMG!!!!! *girly scream*

Someone, I'm pretty sure my dad,
Ima gonna go play it!

Ima goin bullridin'.

I'm actually not. But who really cares? It's a fun title.
I need to write today. Short story. Something. NOT A SOAP. And I need to read today. Yesterday I watched TV, went online, and played board games for like...ever.
William's all, "Oooooh you can't hack into my blogger account?" Um, why do you want me to? And he's like, "It's a mystery," and he thinks that's soooo hilarious, but I think it's the gayest thing I've ever heard. So now he's all excited that I'm going to hack into his flippin account. What would that prove anyway? He can hack into mine. Ooooh, amazing. Not. I'm seriously wondering if there are any illegal substances in his bedroom.
My e-mail does not want to work. -_- I love e-cards, they be fun.
GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I'm pretty much really ticked. THEY KICKED ME OUT OF DRAMA! It's like a WEEK before school starts and they take away my favorite class! Well, I wouldn't know if it's my favorite, I've never taken it, BUT COME ON! They're all, "Well, Advanced Band isn't going to work because of honors, so honors is 5/6 period, but drama is sixth." Crap. So I have three elective choices: guitar (:P), office assistant (major :P), and library assistant (total major flippin XP). The last two aren't even classes; they are forms of human TORTURE. I was totally willing to give up my honors classes, but my parents are like, "No, remedial reading will drive you crazy and they'll make you switch anyway." SUPER willing to give up advanced band since I hate playing trombone (well, I don't hate it, but I hate carrying it to school every day and it's way behind piano and drums) and I don't want a new band teacher who's probably a woman and women make the worst band teachers (they're so LOUD). AAAAAAAAAAAH! So I just picked office assistant since Nathan said you can just walk around the school for a whole period. Sounds promising. Hope I don't have to work under certain office person. *glares* THANKS FOR NOTHING!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Oh my gosh, what a horrible nightmare. *Randy wakes up on other side of bed* HEY MAN! I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!

Aaaah, that would be scary. If you were Simon, anyway, and you woke up and found Randy there. Meep.
I watched "Matlock" for the first time in a long time. The first one freaked me out so bad cuz it was about a serial killer and he carved capital pi in his victim's heads, and Matlock didn't realize it and no one picked up on it, but all his victim's last names started with D. :O NO WAY! I could totally be a detective. But the bald guy was like, "Oh no, it couldn't be the serial killer I'm looking up on, that guy is so different!" Um, hello, he's being different ON PURPOSE!
Yum, delicious milkshake.
The second one was scary, Julie the DA wins this trip to Nevada and invites all the lawyer freaks to go with her and they do, but then Ben gets hit in the head with a saloon sign after the bus breaks down and passes into this weird dream about the old West and all that. And all his friends and stuff were in it. The bus driver was the sheriff, Julie was the boardhouse dude person?, Michelle was a hooker...which was gross. She kept hitting on Ben and then it turned out she was the killer anyway. And at the end of the dream, she puts a gun to Ben's head and is all, "Nyaaaah, I'm leaving and no one can stop me!" But then Tom won't get out of her way, so she's about to shoot Ben, but he wakes up to Conrad clapping his hands, trying to wake Ben up, which sounds soooo much like a gunshot (not). And the judge turned out to be a scary mechanic with heart problems. o_O Weirded out.
I need to do my soap. Bah. Lame. And I don't got a movie plot.


I'm tired. And I think I'm getting sick. Yaaay me. My throat hurts. *coughing* I took a Vitamin C. Hmmm, all right, then.
I need to finish "Two Towers" today. Or at least get farther than 380.
Soap. Don't wanna do it. Too tired....

Monday, August 28, 2006

"I remember Oregon...there wasn't any tax..."

Maybe that site has been deleted...
Sorry, talkin to myself.
Aaagh I'm not going to do my dumb soap tonight. It would take too long and I'm tired. And I actually kind of want to play Sims tomorrow. I'll see if that goes away. *pause* Probably not.
Yay Oregon.
Lol, how stupid does that sound. "OMG, OMG, I TOTALLY WENT TO OREGON THIS SUMMER!" It was seriously my first time there and all my friends were like, "Eh, I been there and watch da OC." Only they don't talk Canadian/Jamaican. Like that.
I got to go to the zoo. Weeeeee...
My mom stole $13 and I want it back so I can buy a Red CD. It's so cool, out of the $30 bucks I brought with me, I only spent 12. Some was on a burger and pinball, and then there was that Bon Jovi thingy...yeah. So I still have money...FOR CDSSSSSSSS! We went to Powells, but they only had hardcover and they were all like 16 bucks, which I could afford, but who wants to spend 16 bucks on a book? *sigh* I did buy one and I got a Romance game. Ooooh... It's pretty shallow. Scratch that. Really shallow. Paris Hilton's idea of LITERATURE, shallow. But the game's okay. Only I keep ending up with guys who smoke, listen to country, and collect roadkill. *screams and runs away* *silence* Are they gone? Okay. Phew. I seriously used like my 6 favorite names and ended up with some personality less guy who took me on one date. :( And then I did an all LOTR one and got Shadowfax. Hm...
Maybe I should delete all the posts on my silly soap blog and just make feminist LOTR. He. That would be fun. Hehehe.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

A short lil reminder

I remembered I'm going to be gone all today, tomorrow, and possibly Monday, so I won't be posting for that long.
Just thought I'd let you know.
Even tho most of you don't care.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Rio Rojo is the man. Hey, I'd been wondering where I put these.

Nathan got an Ipod. I wanna touch it. But he's like, "No, it's mine." And he didn't buy me one. When he supposedly has like $2000 bucks. :( I want an Ipod. Which I didn't win on that stupid DQ game. Which is LAME. Aah, well.
Why do I smile every time I see a picture of Speed? It's insane. That's all I need and I'm like, "GOOD MOOD!" Weirding me out. My favorite's probably the running one. The man has skills. :)
What? Love is not a strange thing. What's going on? This is a dumb quiz. Nyah! *hits it with magic staff* *static* Ooh, pretty.
The guys are yet again watching a lame thing on the Discovery Channel about terrorists and how we're totally screwed cuz we have weaponry, bla bla bla. Right. The world is not going to end cuz someone stopped Coke commercials from airing. Get a new theory.
Ew, Tom Felton is not the hottest guy alive. Not like I know the hottest guy alive. If I did, I probably wouldn't consider him that. Probably true for all of you, too. Only about me. Yeah.
Hehehe I played "Herd your Horses" for the first time in like 2 years. Or probably less. I like board games. They're fun. And I finally found the missing mini stallions. Which were in the box. And I was like, "DUH! *flashback* *flashback ends* *mwahaha, I didn't tell you about my flashback*" So yeah. All is well. Except for me not having an Ipod. Or a horse.

Chicken is good

Pretty much yeah. Cuz we had some at Alicia's party. And it was good. Until I burnt it on a candle and spent the rest of the night playing with fire and making fun of the midget dog Maggie. She was pretty adorable, tho. Acted a lot like Oggy. Only she didn't bark every five minutes.
Then Alicia kept trying to set me up with John. Gah. Please no. "HOLD HANDS!" "I'll hold your wrist." "Wrist."
I started "Two Towers again" last night. Okay, I didn't START it again, that would have taken me forever, but I did start reading it again and things just got more interesting. :) Merry is a pretty darn good storyteller. Yaaaay for Merry. Only I hadn't pictured him with brown hair till then, so now he has brown hair. And I think there's something in the second part of the book where Sam has red hair. Yeah, okay, in the movie? Um, could you try harder and make his hair a little REDDER. But Pippin's looked red. I just picture it more brown. He looks better that way. But in ROTK it was all shiny and red when he was riding Shadowfax. Yay.
Billy Boyd's supposed to be in another movie about a guy swimming the English Channel. I don't know when that's coming out. But it looked good, if not partially funny.
Writer's block...
Oooh movie night tonight. I wonder what the movie is. I hope it's Bill and Ted. :) That would be pretty bodacious.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

LOTR vs. Star Wars

Excuse me if I think that would be so awesome. And it was totally my idea last summer and then Sean and Spencer were all, "TOTALLY original video game idea!" Liars. I wonder who would win. Wait a minute.

LOTR crew: Consists of hobbits, elves, men, dwarfs, orcs, cave trolls, scary monsters, wraiths, wizards, and a crazy power hungry warlord named Sauron, all equipped with mostly iron weaponry and horses. Sauron totally owns, using the ring to reflect Sidious' Force lightning back on himself. And Gandalf is doing his little chanty poems, along with Saruman, who desperately needs an eyebrow waxing. Only everyone else has swords and arrows and stuff, which is no match for lightsabers. However, Legolas has been known to pull some pretty amazing stunts. Legolas: *takes down whole Star Destroyer singlehandedly with just a few arrows*
Gimli: ...That still only counts as one!

Star Wars dudes: Consists of Jedi, Sith, clones, aliens, and ordinary people who aren't even a little bit special. Besides the bounty hunters and space smugglers and stuff. Oooh, and Mafia bosses. Kinda. All are armed (except for Padme. :P Loser.) with blasters and lightsabers that could easily take down the average horse. *sniff* Also have ships (it's such a pretty boat. Ship. Haha just kidding, I meant spaceships, such as the Millenium Falcon) and star destroyers and what not. Only Legolas just took down one of them. Sorry. And Anakin has those crazy issues, could probably take down half the LOTR army. Just not Sauron. Sauron OWNS.
Sam: Aren't we supposed to be destroying the Ring, Misser Frodo?
Frodo: After we own these punks.
Sam: ?

So yeah. I took a walk. It was...envigorating...
I read "Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods". *sniff* Sad book. Could you live with just your dad present while your mom was terminally ill? I couldn't.
That is all.

American girls walk like this. *walking* "Bonjour, bonjour, bonjour." *model pose* "Oh my gosh."

Another classic line from a wonderful "foreign" film.
So today I had to go to school, pick up my classes, planner, and what not, and get ASB pictures. WE got there at like 9:30 and it only took an hour. Sheez, that's a long time in a gym full of eighth and ninth graders. And people I thought had graduated are apparantley younger than I thought. And BILLY'S back! Yay! We all thought he was going to a different school. And all the guys are different in that A) They grew out their hair. B) Their voice changed. C) They're like 6 inches taller. Like John? Used to be really skinny and short. No longer short and is normal sized. AND his voice changed. :O Shocker.
I'm so glad I'm a girl.
Except my ID picture's weird. I look like John from "The Slipper and the Rose". Only a I'm a girl. And I don't have a ponytail. Tho I could if I wanted to. And I'm only kind of smiling so all you can see are my top teeth and my wonderful blue braces. And I'm wearing black. EMONESS!!!
I had Coke with Lime. Diet Coke with Lime. Hehehehe caffeine.
Not my fault, I had like 7 hours of sleep. Maybe that's cuz my parents FORGOT to pick me up at Bible study. -_- Thanks, guys. But I had some pretty flipping awesome dreams. Still weird, yet unfailingly awesome. "I'm leaving to join the army. You'll have to take my place." And then I had to climb into a moving Jeep and Jared was like, "You're so slow," cuz I was almost falling off.
My bad.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

French! Wish I could speak French...

That's what I thought, anyway, before watching the award winning film "Passport to Paris". Omg, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen are such WONDERFUL actors (actresses. Whatever). Not. That was probably one of the dumbest movies of all time. LIKE UNCLE RECO'S FOOTBALL MOVIE! Only LAMER! I mean, besides the fact that there were all these weird computer graphics and all that. Oh boy. And what was with the scary adolescent French boys? "You have to worry." "Ah...he means you don't have to worry." "AWFUL!" "Ah...he means awesome." They looked pretty interesting, too. Although, that one guy stole my hat. Or rather, I stole his. But that was the one good part in the movie. I jumped up and down screaming, "HE'S GOT MY HAT, HE'S GOT MY HAT!" And then Jon (crazy French boy #2) was like, "NON! We will go with Ally and Melanie Porter or none at all!" And he was like ready to start a revolution. :P
Maybe I should take Spanish...
Or Italian...
Even tho that's not an option at my lovely school...
Currently editing my profile...
Someone called my house! That happens a lot. But someone called my house, listened to the answering machine message, then hang up. Like they were going to leave a message and then were all, "Nah..." and hung up. I'M NOT LYING, I COULD HEAR THE BREATHING! Hmmm, my life is turning into a soap opera. Only no one's pregnant yet. Maybe it was Elmo, calling to tell me he ate the liver of my third cousin twice removed with fava beans.
I need to go on a walk.
After I edit my profile, THE PHONE LINES SHALL BE OPEN!
*Hallelujah chorus*
Not like anyone's going to call. For me, anyway. Which is fine with me. I like e-mail better.

So here I am, it's 3 A.M., I don't know where to begin...

As in my little soap. How the heck do you start a soap? I asked my mom and she's like, "Usually with dialogue." ....yeah, BUT WHAT'S THE SITUATION ON THE PILOT FIRST SEASON THING AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH HOW DO I START THIS? Ooooookay then.
I went to the beach yesterday. My mom was laughing at Hawk Nelson's attempts to be screamo. And my grandma made fun of Stellar Kart. Which is just...wrong. And a chipmunk got trapped in the house. And grandma was like, "Get it out of my house." "But he's CUTE." "He's cuter outside!" And he (the chipmunk) was squeaking like a guinea pig. :)
I am getting better at Super Mario.
Hmmm, my internet is totally blocking this one site. I don't get it, it was fine before... That's like...the only site I can't go on now...except for when I search for images on Google or dogpile and they go, "THIS IS ON THE GLOBAL DENY LIST." Yeah...for INTEGRITY, which is THE LAMEST internet service EVER. "Hm, I think I shall look at Manafest's Myspace." "THIS IS ON THE GLOBAL DENY LIST." Crap.
I want more french bread.
Grrr, now almost everyone in my family has a cellphone. Save me and William. And my mom made me program hers last night and it was being gay and I didn't know what to do. Hmmm, if it's your cellphone and I can't have one for another two years (this had to be the year the highschool went "unplugged". That's so gaaaaay...), YOU PROGRAM IT. But I programmed it. And I hated every minute of it.
Just like I hate every minute of my dog's being awake.
Oggy: *annoying helpless bark*
Oggy: *barks again, continuing to do so in 30 second intervals*

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Yeah, that pretty much says it all.
Lol, I'm pretty bored and since everyone is flipping forcing me to write, I' you'll see. Don't take it seriously, tho. It's just cuz I'm bored. Not because I seriously want it to win the Caldecott thing (sp?). It's not as though I'm trying really hard. No posts yet, btw.
Hmmm, currently trying to find a picture of Will Harris. MUST PUT IN PAINT. Ew, one of Gwen Grayson (Mary Elizabeth Winstead, the looooser.). And Warren Peace (Steven Strait...whatever). Ew, what the heck, all the random photos of cast have evil shapeshifter boy in them. And all of them are with GIRLS! Oh wait, is that Micheal Angarano? *smirk* My bad. Hm, no Will Harris so far... They must really hate him or something.
Going to the beach today. So no more blogging. I can probably post on my new one when I get back...hopefully.
William is playing Mappy...and other fun Pac man like games.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Sorry, I didn't catch your name, is it LOSER?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I saw "Material Girls" this afternoon. What better way to have fun than watch Hilary and Haylie Duff make total fools of themselves? Seriously, did they like drop 10 IQ points since I last saw them? Not that their IQ was that high up there, but COME ON. "How do I look?" " rockstar." "Likin!" "Lovin!" "NO WAY! OMG!" And then it turns out Tommy was EVIL! So Craig did a little rap dis thing that wasn't exactly skilled, but pretty hilarious to watch.
GAAAAH William's all, "Oh, I told Jason he was crazy." WTH? So I was all, "Geez, delete that." "Why?" -_- Guys are complete morons.
"Hey, sexy."
Yeah, the thing is, gentlemen, there's a little thing here called TACT.
Blogger being sufficiently dumb here. Either that or my Internet. Yeah, probably that.
Why is William obsessed with finding Amber's blog? SCARED.
Hm, that's really all I have to say.
Besides the fact that my tongue hurts like heck. Skittles + Crunch = Bad. And that Emily should totally come to Ft. Warden. AAAAGH. What are we supposed to do with all the potatoes now?
I wanna put a picture of a potato as my...permanent picture, possibly. Aaaah alliteration. AAAAAAH God's trying to get me to write again. NOOOOO I SHALL RESIST! Actually, if it is God trying to get me to write, wouldn't resisting be a bad thing?

X = If you're suffering emotional issues + 2 hours talking to yourself/God(reading for half an hour)

Wow, that was a long post title. And I still got to use X.
Yeah. I'm still partially emo. Then again, isn't everybody. At least I'm not slitting my wrists yet. Cuz that would be, um, bad. Yeah. Bad.
AAAAAAH my computer is letting me down. Well, I guess it's not its fault that Sims is so incredibly boring. Gah. So technically, my Sim is dating Ryan from High School Musical, but I made Ryan wearing a purple disco suit. Like some ancient disco relic. Maybe that's why we can't get married...? Cuz he's ashamed of his chest hair? *shivers* That reminds me of the picture they put on the front of our yearbook: some bird doing the disco (in red white and blue ensemble) WITH HIS SHIRT OPEN! BIRDS DON'T HAVE CHEST HAIR! IF THEY DO, I DON'T WANNA SEE IT! And the theme for the yearbook was..."70's Stayin Alive". What the heck? I guess all "Stayin' Alive" means is that the people who made it get to put more pictures of themselves than anyone else. So they "stay alive" so much longer than the rest of us. THANKS.
I would say how lame William's blog is, but then's pretty much just like mine. Dang.
Soooooooo yeah. I learned something gross about the human body yesterday. *shivers and drinks more water*
*sees if what made her emo yesterday depresses her today* Aaaah, not depressed, still a tiny bit TOed.
That reminds me of Kip.
And like how on Saturday all I did was sit at home reading that Napoleon Dynamite devotional book I got for my birthday. And it had RECIPES that were pretty amazing. "Grill the steak in butter." "I'm never eating eggs again." "Tots and nachos are okay, but that would be, like, all vegetables for dinner. Eat some steak so you have a balanced meal." I wish I'd written that.
Then again, I've renounced writing.
Cuz all they want is essays on how I feel.
*writes a paragraph about Tyler the most amazing book character EVER*
Critics: Bah, lame. He's too sarcastic. (Um, that was the POINT.)
*writes a paragraph about heart racing around and ripping a whole through stomach*
Critics: *sniff* THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL!
Almost as beautiful as those Ginny and Draco love stories I read.
And that is NOT a good thing.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

This has nothing to do with ponies, I swear

"I hate being 5." "Oh, but being 5 is wonderful! Remember all the things you couldn't do before? You couldn't tie your shoes or go to kindergarden when you were 4." "Because I was nothing." " just weren't 5. You should say, 'Yay 5,'" "Yay 5." "Yay 5." "Mom, how old are you?" "Old?" "Yay old!"
Whoa, that was a whole Clair and Rudy exchange from Cosby Show: Season 1. Can you say I'm a loser? Go ahead. Say it.
Lunch was an interesting ordeal:
Me: Something's wrong with my fish.
Dad: It's fine.
Me: Are you sure it's not bloody?
Dad: It's fine.
Me: Um... *holds up piece of fish dripping with blood*
Dad: It's...oh.
So I'm still a little hungry. Well, I was before I ate like 2 pounds of chocolate. I was like, "Yay endorphines!" And then I read a wonderful little Christy Miller on how chocolate makes you feel. No, Katie, I don't think I'm in love.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! I got to play for an Ipod Shuffle AND I LOST! AAAAAAAAGH! Well, I only had 2 DQ things anyway. My bad. I still want to win. Kinda badly.
So about my emo state: Better now. Not as depressed. Especially after like 20 pounds of chocolate. But now I'm ticked rereading it. Nyaaaaaah you must die.
Walker was finally on AIM today. Well, I was finally on for like the first time this summer. Or the second. Something like that. And he was like, "Hey...who the heck are you?" And as soon as I was done explaining, I had to go eat bloody fish. Sick.
Laaaame. I don't free blizzards for a year. I want myself an Ipod. Or a Demonhunter/Red/KJ CD. Okay. One more code. And I probably won't win.
Okay then.

Third time's a charm...wait, that has nothing to do with ponies!

Hmmm, last three posts involve ponies/horses. That's a shocker.
I know it's anatomically impossible for any of your body parts to change position and still manage to keep you alive (e.g.; your heart racing around and ripping through your stomach, which is what just happened), but that's um pretty much what it felt like.
I'm speaking riddles.
Riddles...about FEELINGS.
Ew, something's wrong with me. Maybe it's because I woke up at 4 A.M., having to go REALLY BAD and having just dealt with mental ponies, or that there were no good cookies at church, or maybe I'm having a mood swing. Yeah, that's probably it.
Boy, my life sucks.
I mean stinks. Yeah, stinks. (I keep getting lectures about not saying "sucks"...might as well start now.)
*sewing hole in stomach and trying to keep heart from ripping another one*
Please look away.
You: *looks away from protruding innards*
Thank you.
Hmhmhm. I wonder if I still have those striped flip flops. The ones that DIDN'T FIT. (Sorry Marie, they were like a 1/2 size too small.)
Aaaaaaaaagh I can't believe I spent 20 minutes waiting for "George of the Jungle 2" to resolve itself last night. My life is over.
Gee, Plugged in, if you're going to start in about "sexual content" in G-movies, try that one. *cough cough* Hm, maybe they have a review for it. Goody.
Wow, this is this longest post I've had in a long time. Well, actually, the one about "The Wild" and Nigel was longer, but still. Why is it that I hate, yet love reading reviews. I especially loved their LOTR reviews. Except they put "eating conies" in violent content. Hello? It didn't show Sam ripping their heads off. Wait, Sam never ripped no conie's head off. That was Gollum. "Little pool, so nice and cool, catch a fish, so juicy SWEEEEEEEEEET!"
Where is that silly cat hat. Bah, it wouldn't match my outfit anyways. AGH, what am I a plastic? Who cares if it doesn't match? ................... Uh, actually, I do. Hm, just switch from random topic to random topic, get it all out, oh shoot here come the talkshow hosts. HIDE!
Talkshow hosts: Where's that girl with the low self esteem? I hear she's going through an emotional issue because-
Me: *jumps up from behind bush* THAT'S ENOUGH! We're not putting this on the Internet.
Then again, I acknowledged there was something wrong...yet I refuse to say what it is...twisted logic, but it works, I guess. That G section in plugged in is totally calling me, sorry.
I think today would be a day to spend
a) in Scripture.
b) reading motivational Christian fiction (that's cheesy and really stupid cuz everyone eats frozen yogurt, but it's fun to laugh at their plights...sometimes.)
c) listening to my depressing music CD/Hawk Nelson/Stellar Kart/something screamo.
d) dying all my clothes black so I can go emo. Hehe, just kidding.

I WAS gonna let you keep the ponies, but I want to take them home.

WHAT IS WITH THE WEIRD AND CRAZY DREAMS I'VE BEEN HAVING LATELY!? Of course, I can't REMEMBER half of them, BUT I KNOW THEY WERE WEIRD! Seriously. In the latest one, Jeannie had some pony stencils and she wanted me to help her babysit them. And then Jocelyn beat me up cuz I wouldn't watch "The Omen" and locked me in Kara's room. Then there was a little LOTR adventure in which I was Will Harris (talk about weird...yet strangely satisfying) and had to save Frodo, Gandalf, and some blonde chick from the Black Riders/shiny train/bunnies. Maybe it's those zinc pills?
My life is sad. I spent all yesterday afternoon reading Ginny and Draco love stories. Come on, THEY WERE FUNNY! And they had funny pictures. Except for that one. I was like, "...awkward..." :O SHOCKER! Ginny goes back to HARRY! But...wth? "HE JUST CALLED ME A SLUT AND YOU JUST STOOD THERE!" Um, you're the one saying, "No, Malfoy, no, don't get in another fight." Ahhh, I'm getting a little too involved in these silly little stories. I need help.
Only 2 parts left.
I really feel like a chicken bacon sandwhich. Like eating one, anyway.
The Missions Trip people did their little skit today. Matt isn't going to heaven, apparently. Poor Matt. Cuz he waited too long and Chase wouldn't let him through. Never mind. Don't ask.
Whoa, slightly stalker.... "I COULDN'T GET OVER YOU IF I TRIED!" Hmm, I just noticed I always type overdramatic stuff in caps. My bad. Because it usually isn't. But it's more fun that way.
Only 1 part left.
Apparently Sarai has pus and stuff on her leg. *shudders* Dan: *trying not to puke*
I've noticed my posts stray from my daily life and go to random. Like that.
OOOH I saw Bashkir Curlies yesterday! As in the horse. :) And they sucked on my shirt. :) And chased us. :) It made my day. :) :) :) :) :)
WHAT THE HECK? THAT'S IT? AAAAAAAGH that was a horrible ending. Well, I think she's making more still, BUT IT STUNK. Wow, this is just like Jedi Apprentice: it goes from a!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Neigh! We have come to take over your computer!

Hey, you all remember that lemonade game link I gave you? Well, don't go to it. Cuz apparently it sent a virus to my cpu and my parents got mad and forbid me to play any of those online games now. So I feel bad now. I thought could be trusted. Grrrrr... It's fixed now, but some stuff is a tad delayed. -_- I'm such a failure.
Oprah: Now, now, now, don't feel bad about yourself. We want you to have high self-esteem!
Me: Don't you talk to me about self-esteem.
Dr. Phil: You see, that is negative. Look for the positive.
Maury: Has your boyfriend ever slept with your sister?
Me: Wha? I don't have a boyfriend. Or a sister!
Rosie O'Donnell: Hey, wanna hear some of my not funny jokes?
Phew. They're gone.
I made dinosaur eggs oatmeal today. Nathan was eating his frozen oatmeal cake. It was pretty nasty. I want a cheesecake.
Hoooooly cow, that scared me so bad. Music just started exploding from my cpu. Aw, shoot, I'm a wolfravenfox, but not a horse of tiger/dragon. Ew, it's an anime quiz...and they're looking in my soul. EW GET AWAY! Hehehe, my anime picture looks like a cat. Darn, it is a cat.
Wait. I wonder if no more online games means Disney channel or quizilla...AAAAAAAAAH.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Looks delicious, but it stings like a scalpel...

I wonder if they're referring to steak with soy
So I couldn't blog yesterday cuz I tried to log in but my computer was being dumb yesterday so I was just like, "BAH!" and...didn'
Dude, check out this site.
It's pretty amazing. I love it. Except even after beating the game, I only end up with $11. My lemonade isn't exactly in demand right now. :( No money for me. And I have to buy ice, too. Grrr...
AAAAAAAAH Bianca Ryan won "America's Got Talent". WHAAAAT? WHAT ABOUT THE MILLERS? Okay, yes, the older brother did look a heck of a lot like Jeremy Camp, and the younger brother had weird hair and gross leather pants, BUT THEY WERE GOOD. Better than Irish dancing family. But out of the three that were left (Taylor Ware, yodeler chick; Celtic Spring, Irish dancing family; Bianca Ryan, singer), Bianca was the one I hated least. So yeah. You're now screwed up for life. At least you're rich! Yay you!
EEEEEEEE I'm so excited cuz I got Two Towers in BIG PRINT. And I'm on page 125!!!! Well, that's not exactly far, BUT STILL! Then I can rent "Two Towers". Party on.
Gah I'm now hated on quizilla cuz I made fun of this one user (not really, but she got pretty ticked) and happened to be 5 years younger than another. :(

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

"I know you're cuddly, but the question is...can you float?" *evil grin*

I can't help it if there was a free movie today. Sure, "The Wild" is probably the dumbest movie this world has ever seen, but I like Nigel and I thought my mom was going to buy me some Skittles. *glares* Oh well, free popcorn. I need fruit. Although, between "Madagascar" and "The Wild", I can't exactly say which one I like better. Let's compare, shall we?

The Wild: Yet another "Dad-messes-up-and-must-go-save-son-from-danger" movie. Ohhhh boy.
Madagascar: Four zoo animals are sent to an island off the coast of Africa while four penguins wreak havoc on a boat headed for Antarctica. Hehehehe.

The Wild: Better detail, more realistic, but with some of the most annoying voices ever. Ryan: "DAD DAD!" Samson: "I know, son. I'm not really wild. Heh heh heh." Not hehehe. Heh heh heh. Pathetic.
Madagascar: Alex looks like a 2-D picture out of the toaster, but I like Ben Stiller better than "Father of the Year". Except he had some emotional issues (what lion doesn't?). "I'M DANGEROUS MARTY, GET AWAY!"

Comic relief:
Between Nigel the koala and the penguins. Tough one.

So yeah.
Hey, I'm at the library again. Wooo, that means changing my password...again. Darn. I was getting so comfortable with my new one.
Oooh I made a new quiz. Just use one of my other quiz links and look at my homepage, it should be there. "Win a date with Legolas". Yeah. It's pretty stellar. :) And so much cooler than Harry Potter. :) :) :)
Seriously, we were shoe shopping before we came here (I'm going to end up with dollar bill Converse, but anyways) and it's like, "COME ON!" I think it's time to sing the only Good Charlotte song I know...revised, that is.
William: Let's go.
Mom: Let's go.
Me: *singing Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus"*
Mom: Um, people are looking.
Me: I know people are looking, but the question is...can they sing?" *evil grin*
Except I have braces, so an evil grin doesn't make as much of an impact. GAh.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

36 Days

Did I fail to mention I bought that Hawk Nelson CD, FINALLY? Nope. Ah. I'm such a failure. Hawk Nelson stinks. Sure, I enjoyed...5 of their little ditties, but the rest really stink. Like when they tried to be all screamo. And then "Fourteen"? What was up with that? And I realize the band is different because they have a new drummer/guitarist, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOUR SONGS HAVE TO STINK! If Johnny is all, "Um, I'm more comfortable with showtunes and screamo music," you should tell him, "NO, SCARF MAN, GO CLEAN YOUR GLASSES AND SHUT UP!" Okay, that's a tad harsh, but HELLO? Whatever happened to "Letters to the President". Now we have people that will never pull your lever.
As for the new Stellar Kart, I have come to love that CD dearly. The slow songs add to the mix. The slow songs on Hawk Nelson DON'T. They just make it stink more.
I'VE FOUND MY CALLING! Seriously, I'm thinking I should become a choreographer. I mean, I did dance routines for several of my favorite songs. And I made a pretty stellar rain dance. (my mom liked the Sam dancing and guitar riffs. But she wouldn't let me go make a milkshake, which is a necessary part of this delicate tribal custom. Well, it was either that or sacrifice a frog. Hmmm... Sorry, froggy. *spills frog innards on an array of miniskirts* Chick: Hey, you got innards on my miniskirt! Me: Hmmm? Oh. My bad. You'll get another one. By the way... *does a Sam dance* Chick: AAAAAAAGH you are SUCH a dork. Me: Yeah, but I have a milkshake.)
Note: People, please don't take me seriously. I can't have people going home thinking, "OMG, that girl is soooo stupid, she really thinks she can be a choreographer, hahaha." Yes, but it's called sarcasm. Who's stupid now? And I know sarcasm in writing is hard to detect, but do what your mom told you in preschool when you didn't want to go the bathroom: Just try, okay? (I swear, I had a teacher say that to one of my friends on that very subject. As in going to the bathroom, not detecting literary sarcasm. Although, this isn't literature. Neither was "Blog of a Blind Cavefish", which was just dumb. "I REALLY REALLY REALLY HATE DAN! I REALLY REALLY REALLY HATE GOLLUM! I REALLY REALLY REALLY HATE HEATHER!" And on and on it goes...
My mom wouldn't leave, so my delicious secret chocolate vanilla caramel syrup drink melted and sat for about half an hour. So it wasn't so delicious or secret when she did find out. But I got to drink it anyways. Lots of caramel syrup. Yum.
HAHAHA this T-shirt DOESN'T show I don't HAVE to go to school naked!


YEAAAAAAH HEATHER WON HELL'S KITCHEN WOOOOOOOOOO! Everyone in my family was like, "Shoot, it's gonna be Virginia," BUT IT WASN'T CUZ VIRGINIA STINKS IN THE KITCHEN! And Tom cut himself, giving one of their customers anemia or whatever, BUT ANYWAYS. So yeah. I was pretty awesomed out last night.
I FINISHED FOTR! Now for TT! HURRAY! I forgot some of the witty dialogue in those Tolkien books. "I hope the reason you blushed was for nothing but a wicked plot to steal one of my blankets!" "A'course not, Pip. *dialogue being revised from memory* I just felt like I had nothing on, if ya get ma meaning." *sniff* I love you, Sam. So does Frodo. Except there was that one part where Sam wanted to hold hands. ? Sam-o... And Boromir was way stalker, he's like, "I MUST SEE THE RING-BEARER'S FACE!" Nyaaaah. Except I kinda pictured him like the guy from "The Silver Chair" (as in the lame movie), Rillian or whatever, except not so buff. Well, the Rillian dude wasn't buff. Whatever. Yeah.
Hehehe I got "Bad Kitty" from the library. *sigh* Now that's good stuff.
Lalalala. Oh yes, I need to put a hold on "Attack of the Smart Pies".
Why are people so scared of frogs? Even tiny baby ones? It's pointless. Sure, it was gross when that one jumped in Chase's ice cream, but still... "OMG IT'S A FROG!" "...yeah..."
I think the frog was hungry. We were listening to TFK, tho. Maybe he wanted a different selection.

Monday, August 14, 2006

You're a very fat dog...

No, seriously, Nathan's friend Peter came by and brought us this really fat beagle. "I found it and I didn't want to drag it all the way home, do you know where it lives?" No, we didn't. I thought I did, but I was wrong. Besides, the beagle was a girl, not a guy like the one that lived there. So we walked all around the neighborhood dragging Bertier/Gordon Dean (we couldn't decide what to call her. Hmmm, the two names warped together is Gertie...ew.), but no one knew where she lived, so we took her to the Humane Society and looked at the kittens. Anita adopted a cat there. I want it. Then my mom got scared by a Persian. "Mom, look at this one. *knows full well it's a Persian*." "Yeah, it's nice. *can't see it's face*." "Okay, now look at it." "AAAAAH!" Persians are quite scary.
So everyone from the missions trip came back. Yay! Except then someone had to ask why I didn't go. Thanks so much...Tevyn.
We had ice cream and Mallory finally came, which was cool.
Yeah, that's uh, it?

Sunday, August 13, 2006

St-st-st-stellar! I like to say st-st-st-stellar!

AAAAAAH I had to watch Caleb and Jaylin yesterday. Holy cow. They never stop running. We went to the park and Caleb was like, "I'M GONNA GONNA RUN IN FRONTA SHWINGS!" And all the parents with their kids were like, "OH NO!" and stopped their kid's swing while I try to steer him away. Not working. And he weighs like a ton. So does his sister. And she kept trying to run, but she's one and that's like a new concept. Then we got home (Caleb thanked us for "the very nice dinner") and watched 2 "Donut Man"'s and part of "Toy Story" before Jaylin fell asleep and Kaia came to pick them up. Ah.
I now have enough money for the Hawk Nelson CD and to spend when we go to Oregon. "I remember Oregon...they had no tax." Hurray. But it's tempting... $30 bucks = "The Tryptych" and a Red CD. AAAAAAGH. I WANT TO SPEND IT. But then I can't get any certified Oregonian souvenirs. Yay me.
Today I'm wearing another outfit that doesn't exactly match. Blue shirt, jeans, black hat, bright green and yellow wristband. *flinches* I mean, I like the wristband, and it was totally worth $5 or whatever, but it doesn't go with any of my clothes. "DUDE, CHECK OUT MY PURPLE SHIRT!" " that a green wristband?" "YEAH, I KNOW, ISN'T IT COOL?" Meep.
Hummmmmmmmm... I made a sequel to my Insane License quiz. It's not as good, but you can reach it by checking my profile on the first quiz and looking at my other quizzes. It's for those of you who didn't pass the Isane License test. :( Sorry. It's lame, tho. There are some scary serial killer answers and talk of bunny poop and jellybeans.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

My heart is black as evil can...

Been listening to my Depressing Music CD.
YAY I got my insane license today. Check it out. I made this quiz about insane licenses and it's pretty awesome. I especially like the part where I get to MSG someone.
:) I love Demon Hunter.
And I've only heard one song.
Pathetic. I like this song tho.
So here's the quiz. Go take it and get MSGed. Whoa, it's already been taken 64 times!
Aha, average rating: 4.83! I'm getting better.
There aren't any spirits in the bathroom. I'm convinced now. And we got a new flusher. Like you really needed to know that.
DEEPENED OUR GRAVES! Okay, that song's over.
I got really far in FOTR yesterday. I'm alraedy on page...98 possibly? Okay, that's not extremely far, but if I get 100 pages a day, I'll be done by Monday. TWO TOWERS, HERE I COME! Only they better give me the movie cover version.
Apparently potbelly pigs are selfish and ferrets need constant attention. Not only that, they're both expensive.
I'm wearing two wristbands. One is black and white and the other is black and red. My shirt is black and my jeans are blue. YEAH, I MATCH! Not. At least my headphones match. *headphones: silvery taupe and black don't match*
Sorry, it's a song.

Friday, August 11, 2006


I've been reading Sierra Jensen. I swear. It happened to Bob. It could happen to anybody.
Lol I was listening to my mix CDs. For the next Gong Show, someone should totally do an interpretive dance for "36 Days". Either that or have some girl lip-synch it. I was pretty proud of myself, I made motions for it. It was quite emotional. I got in touch with my inner Jason Dunne. And I was wearing really big headphones and a Spongebob Little Square Dude shirt. I still don't know why that guy last summer thought I was a boy. "Son, you just cut in front of that boy, who was there before you were." Me: *embarassed beyond belief, and very sorry for the little kid with a gender blind father* "I, um, uh, I'm, uh, not in line?" "Okay, then, Jeffrey. Get in front of that boy." I swear he emphasised "boy". *glares* My hair wasn't THAT short.
Apparently I will grow up to be a famous Quidditch player, then marry Oliver Wood and have a kid named Liza. Ew. Not only am I athletically inept, I hate the name Liza.
But it was a nice thought.
I'm going to make a Depressing Music CD. Nothing too depressing. Just some of the more melancholy Christian music. Like Stellar Kart's "Only Wanted"? Or Demon Hunter's "One Thousand Apologies"? How about the ever famous "Novocain" by Olivia the Band"? Actually, all those songs are pretty depressing, even if I do like them.
I would put "Vacation" by Simple Plan on there, cuz that would go perfectly with the depressing music theme. Anyone have a Simple Plan CD I can borrow?

Mighty cold in here...

I saw "Sixth Sense" last night. I think that's one of Shyamalan's best movies. Okay, one of his better ones, since other than "Signs", all his movies suck. I don't know why I always cry during Bruce Willis movies. Okay, I've only seen like 3, but I've either cried my guts out or held it in during each of those movies. I mean, "The Kid"? HOW CAN YOU NOT CRY DURING "THE KID"? "Unbreakable" had kind of a sad ending. Cuz even tho it ending "happily", Elijah still killed like millions of trillions of people. Sure, he went to prison, but that many people are still dead. And in "Sixth Sense", it was good that he decided to let his wife move on and stuff, but where does he go after that? Heaven, or whatever? Cuz Shyamalan believes in all religions. WTH? That's not possible, buddy. Cuz there are SOME religions where people don't walk around as ghosts. Actually, I think that's MOST religions. So where does Malcolm Crowe go? Heaven? Nirvana? Or the Mormonistic god-kingdom? Or all of them? "WOOO RELIGION PARTY IN THE SKY!" -_- So I think it's sad that M. Night's so spiritually confused. It was a good movie, but it could never happen in real life. Although, that didn't help last night since I was so flippin scared. I was like, "AH, A GHOST!" And there was no ghost, but I kept waking up like every hour, so I got little to no sleep, but I feel a lot better now.
Since I couldn't sleep, I read R. L. Stine's "The Cheater". Omg, his books are so dumb. I mean, a girl gets this gothpunkemo math geek to take this test that will determine whether she goes to Princeton are not for her since she stinks at math. And then the gothpunkemo starts asking her out all the time and stalking her and asking for money (she totally sells like all her stuff and I'm like, "YOU'RE SUCH A BLONDE!" Really.), then someone shoots him in the chest. And everyone thinks it was Blondie because she'd threatened to kill him, but it turned out to be her boyfriend. I couldn't believe it! IT WAS DAN! I was really depressed, cuz Dan is the man, but then it turned out it was really self defense and the girl's dad TOTALLY LET HER OFF SO EASY! "If you ever feel pressure from me again, let me know." Um, hello Bob? YOUR BOOKS SUCK! "Who Killed the Homecoming Queen" was the only good one, since it was so incredibly stupid yet amazing. And it wasn't as awkward. Seriously, all Carter (Blondie) and Dan did the entire book was make out and play tennis and I'm like, "Um, chocolate ice cream? That's just sick."

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Amber got a new bird. His name is Gordon Dean, since her mom wouldn't let us call him Zach or Zach Attack. Or Speed. :) Parrot Jack is being adopted by a farmer. :( That was not the highlight of today. I didn't want to leave Parrot Jack, but "Larry" wants him. *sob*
So I was at her house today. Amber's dating Zach. Emily's dating Will. I'm dating SPEED. *sigh*
Gordon Dean peed in the box. And pooped on my shirt. -_-
I finished "The Slipper and the Rose". The end was pretty dumb. Cuz the king had totally banished Cinderella to like Monkey Island and she's all, "Tell him all this bad stuff of me, tell him anything, BUT NOT THAT I LOVE HIM." Hmm, okay...wouldn't you WANT him to know that? Then Annette Crosbie's like, "He's marrying the wrong chick," so she bursts in on the wedding in what was supposed to be a really pretty dress. I don't get French people. And so she and Ed hook up and get married.
The end
And John got knighted and finally got to marry his girlfriend. Except he had no hair on the right side of his forehead. It was like, " hair....ponytail..."

This is an amazing HP quiz

House: RavenclawBest Friends: Ginny Weasley, Fred Weasley, and Lee Jordan Boyfriend: George Weasley Students-Gryffindor Harry Potter thinks you're nice, but kind of strange because you have blue hair. Ron Weasley thinks you're really funny and chats with you about Wizard's Chess in detention. Hermione Granger is getting tired of lending you notes. Neville Longbottom has reoccuring nightmares about you cooking Trevor in a stew. Fred and George Weasley think you should've planned that last prank a bit better. Lee Jordan frequently asks you to help him commentate at Quidditch matches. You turn him down, saying that you "...rather like the ability to hear, thank you very much." Poor Lee. Ginny Weasley is one of your best friends because you don't get angry when she performs the Bat-Bogey Hex on you. Oliver Wood wishes you would concentrate your creativity on coming up with new tactics for the Quidditch field. Ravenclaw Micheal Corner had a small crush on you before you were partners in Herbology, which is, admittedly, your worst class. Luna Lovegood is still laughing about that time you implied that Snape had a Wrackspurt zooming around in his head. Cho Chang is just jealous! Hufflepuff Susan Bones has no idea who you are. Justin Finch-Fletchley wonders about how sane you are. Cedric Diggory thinks you are a very creative girl. Slytherin Draco Malfoy hates you :) Pansy Parkinson agrees with Draco, of course. Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle are not capable of thought. Sorry. Marcus Flint is jealous of your straight teeth.Teachers Dumbledore chuckled at your pranks. McGonagall almost congratulated you a few times when you pranked Umbridge. Flitwick thinks you are funny. Sprout does not appreciate you torturing her dear plants. Snape gives you detention regularly. Trelawney is convinced you will be mauled by a puma. Hagrid likes you because you continued to take Care Of Magical Creatures in your sixth year. Other Characters Lupin was your favorite DADA teacher. Sirius Black thinks you should join the Order. Molly Weasley thinks her son should date someone with more sense. Arthur Weasley explained to you how telephones work. Tonks is your role-model. Mad-Eye Moody is really creepy. Lucius Malfoy hates you. Voldemort wants to kill you
No, seriously, go take it, it's awesome.
It's done by stageblood and it rules.

Quite funny, I should think

Lol there's a quiz titled, "Are you goth, preppy, or normal?" Um, normal, I guess, if you don't count the fact that I am mentally insane.
Hehehe Josh Blue won "Last Comic Standing". Ty did a better set that night, but Josh Blue's funnier. "Sorry I said you were dead on National TV, Mom." "That's okay, sweetie, I knew I wasn't dead." "HEY MAN! I WANT WHAT YOU'RE ON!" "....You want my seizure medication?"
Darn, I'm going out with George. I wanted Fred. Fred Fred Fred. Anyways.
I didn't get to see all of "America's Got Talent". I had to go to bed. Yeah. Hahaha. I actually woke up at 7:32 this morning. Then I went back to sleep and woke up at 8:30, fully rested. I'm getting better at this.
Apparently Leonid is gay (big surprise) and did some scary Victoria's Secret meets Brazilian Barbie modeling. But I don't know for sure cuz my parents didn't watch it. :O Shocker. David Hasselhoff's performance last week was horrible. "Oh baby, jump in my cah." It was like, ARE YOU FROM MAINE? NO!!!
OMG THIS IS THE COOLEST RESULT EVER! I shall post it soon enough.
So yes. Today is Unleash-the-Floppy day. I didn't have any CHOCOLATE yesterday. Hehe. Hope the day isn't too awkward. I'M WEARING MY NEW SHIRT! It's CAMOFLAUGE! You can tell I'm really proud of this fact. So I can see you, but you can't see me.
I watched half of "The Slipper and the Rose" last night and it was actually really good. Except the prince had scary cheekbones and John had no hair on the right side of his forehead and Cinderella had a high pitched squeaky voice, it was really good. John's good with horses. I'd rather go out with him. The prince needed a leg up on his horse. Well, so do I, cuz I stink with horses, but John was just like, "I exude manliness," and hopped right on. Hmmm...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Straaaaaaaaaaaange things are happening to me...

Luke is shedding/molting. The flusher fell off my toilet at 11:30 last night. Strange things are happening in this household. Also, Luke was acting all nice and letting me pet him, then he attacked my arm. Grr, the little bugger must die. And I didn't do anything, the flusher thing just fell off, so it wasn't my fault.
AAAH it was so dumb, there was this Sky High story on quizilla and it was about Lash and this girl and the spelling was really bad and there was no punctuation and it didn't make any sense, yet it supposedly got an average vote of 5. WHAT? It was total crap and at the end of each part of the story there would be this totally pointless anime picture. Hello? There was a pretty stellar Sky High quiz, tho. Apparently I'm Magenta. They called Speed a fast little bugger. I'm pretty sure I don't do what he does, which is run by so fast he picks up loose articles of clothing. Hm.
Yeah we finally got "Sixth Sense", even tho I know the end, but I need to see it. That and Mothman Prophecies. Then I'm hoping my dad and I can go see "Lady in the Water", since we're the only ones that one to see it.
I still think the little boy on the Life commerical is extremely adorable. I think that was Life, anyway. Might've been Fruity Pebbles. Nope, no cavemen or brontosauruses in sight. So yeah, I think it was Life. That little kid is adorable. I want to adopt him. :)
I'm going to write a stellar Sky High story. Maybe. SO THERE, ANIME FREAK!
Or a feminist LOTR story. Either one works.


I finished "Safe House". It was really good, one of Meg Cabot's better books. But then I found out I hadn't read "Codename Cassandra" before hand, so I was reading the series in the wrong order.
But it was a good book.
Unfortunately, Mark Leskowski ended up being a perverted sicko who killed his girlfriend. :( It was kinda sad, when you thought about it. And then Jess' brother comes home from Harvard cuz Claire Lippman gets stuffed in Mark's car.
Hehehe my mom is so going to kill me. I'm putting a hold on Bill and Ted's most excellent collection. Hahaha. We're taking Bill and Ted back today, tho. Grrr... I need to finish the rest of my books: "Timeless Love" and "The Cheater" are the only two that are due on the 13th that I've renewed 80 times. R. L. Stine is probably the lamest author ON THIS PLANET. Besides "The Red Pony" dude and J. D. Salinger.
Hmmm, yeah, that's it.
Oh yes.
Amber and I are unlocking the fourth trail journal tomorrow, which has been sitting on my dusty floppy disk for a long time. I also need to delete some stuff.
Bah. All I remember of it was that Frank sang the whole time and it wasn't nearly as awesome as the other three.
I think I shall play Horse Illustrated again today. And then I'll burn a depressing music CD. Hurray.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Feminist LOTR: Hmmm, that would be interesting

Dude, someone should totally write a feminist LOTR. Okay, yeah, I'm sort of anti-feminist, but there should be like a spoofish girl version, possibly? Orlando Bloom could still be in it, for those who actually find him attractive. Since all the boy characters will become girls...Orlando can be Galadriel.
If only I could think up a manly elvish name.
Lol, Meg Cabot's "Safe House" is really funny. It's not supposed to be but it is and I love it. Mark Leskowski is apparently super amazing. The description sounds awfully familiar. Oh wait. I know who he looks like. *says nothing more*
"We could like...go for dinner...nothing fancy, pizza, or something." And then he takes her to the restraunt she owns. It's funnier when you read it. And I know his girlfriend just died, but seriously, the part where he cried was less than moving.
Maybe a tad...
I have no emotions.
I'm so unfeeling.
Agh my teeth feel gross. They do that, especially after I've been sucking on an entire bag of Skittles. Which is what I've been doing. No, I wasn't sucking on the bag, I was sucking on the Skittles. It was a bit bag, too, what they like to call "Tear and Share size". I did tear but did not share.
Heather better win "Hell's Kitchen" or I will seriously hurt someone. I mean Virginia has no skill and SHE'S SO ANNOYING. Heather is only a little bit better, but you like her more.
A. She has skill.
B. She's not stupid.
C. For all you feminists out there, she's going out there and making a way for herself as a woman. Yeah. Woo. Not.
VIRGINIA GETS ON MY NERVES! She probably did cheat on the recipe thing. Well, the whole couscous thing was totally gay, but I bet she read the book, too. And the only reason her recipe was the best last week is because she was flirting with all the construction workers. This show is about cooking, not bra size. Get that through your construction helmet, savvy? Thank you.
The Canadian channel is sick. Even Red Green stooped to the very awkward subtle-sexual humor-that's-awkward-with-your-brother. Although, I guess it's a good thing, cuz some shows aren't so subtle.
Such as...let's not go there.

I love Blaze...I love lamp...

Do you all remember when I was addicted to "Legacy", best horse game ever? Actually, I still am, I just haven't played it since Harry Potter flippin stole it. Well, now I'm addicted to another game. No, it's not Sims. Try "HORSE ILLUSTRATED CHAMPIONSHIP SEASON"! WAHOOOO! "Legacy"'s more fun cuz it actually has a point (in HICS, all you do is try to get all the horses and beat your own high scores. The game never ends). But I swear, they have some pretty nifty horses in that game.
Barney: Really old Paint gelding. Has one patch that looks like a radish and another that looks like the Girl Scouts logo. (I find it sad that Barney is short for Kissing the Blarney Stone. Poor boy)
Thistle: Really scary looking gray mare.
Taffy: (lol her real name is Taffeta Golden Princess. That's fun to say.) Palomino mare with weird diet. (I swear I put 1 scoop of barley, 1 scoop of sweet feed, and one scoop of pellets in there and every single time it's like, "YOU GAVE HER THE WRONG FOOD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOOL? MEOW!" Actually, Sylvia, the annoying cartoon horse that narrates the game to you, doesn't say meow. She just says, "Whoa, slow down there. That's too fast. Let's try it again.")
And last but not least...
BLAZE: The most amazing horse on the planet, even for a 2 dimensional computer program. He's awesome like CHOCOLATE. (hehe, I just had to put that in) I spent like 2 hours trying to get 800 stable points so I could ride him. Now that I have him and all the levels, it's like, "What's the point? I've already got all the high scores." I'm thinking of uninstalling and reinstalling the game. That would be fun.
I'm putting a hold on Bad Kitty so I may read it...AGAIN.
*gasp* It's almost one. So I've been playing computer for a while.
Oh well.
AGH I read "Shelf Life" last night. That book is so pointless. There are all these characters with issues and none of them are resolved and there's no sequel and in the end this guy asks a girl out and it's supposed to end there. WHAT THE HECK?
Excuse the weirdo suddenly lesbian goth girl who's convinced she came back from the dead (I was actually glad when she was fired. That plot twist was quite uncalled for and very disappointing.)
Excuse the Muslim chick who's working at the meat counter.
Excuse the guy with ADHD AND Bipolar Disorder who tried to kill his mom and is selling his best friend drugs.
All you need to know is that Adam asked Louisa out.
That book was depressing.
Highly not recommended. I probably spelled that wrong.
Also I don't even know why I finished it. I thought everything be different at the end.
Actually, I thought it would end.
But it didn't.
And the author's an Aussie? Um, no Aussies write better books.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Seattle's Best CHOCOLATE

I officially declare this CHOCOLATE week and because I so like CHOCOLATE, CHOCOLATE shall appear in caps all week. Hehehe.
Bah. Stupid keyboards. Don't work right.
Okay then.
Hmmmm... *peeks at screen next to hers* Aaaah, Fjords for sale. Ooops my bad. Stupid shift key, keeps sticking. I wish I had enough money for one. A Fjord, that is. Or a Morgan. Or that horse in the Classifieds. "I'm so good-looking, I stop traffic." I swear, that's what the ad says.
Someone put in an add for Sugar Gilder's. Hmm, I think you mean Sugar GLIDERS sir, and without the apostrophe. Heheeeee.
I'm actually writing this at the library, that's where I picked up the Fjord tidbit, so I probably have to change my password when I get home. But honestly, who really reads the history on these computers, hello? Unless someone who REALLY likes reading the cpu history comes by and is all, "HEY, _lucky_duck_'s password is totally here, I'm going to vandalize her blog!" *vandalizes* "Wow, it looks so much better now!"
These sandals are quite painful. I would've worn flipflops, but I had to wear sandals. The kind with the things that are supposed to massage your feet on them. Yes. THOSE kind of sandals.
I just realized this jacket only KINDA goes with these jeans. Oh well. At least I feel good. Hey, Oprah's always going on about self-esteem. I have pretty good self esteem. I doubt self esteem is even real. It's another Communist trick. Lol. Sigmund Freud probably thought it up. Sigmund Freud. The Frood dude. I probably spelled that wrong.
Ew Keanu Reeves' ugly face is haunting me.
The only part of the Gordon Dean rap that I can remember is the part where he had to pee. Not like I want to find out. But I mentioned it to Nathan and he wants to know the rest. Thinking....nope, Gordon Dean still has to pee.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

I have seen many things, but nothing as bodacious as "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure". It was excellent, even tho Keanu Reeves looked REALLY ugly in it. Okay, he's not exactly attractive now, but he was definitely worse then. It was heinously bogus that Billy the Kid didn't get more screen time, tho. But I liked it when Socrates called the Frood-dude a geek. "Hahaha...GEEK." "Look for Socrates. You'll find him under So-crates." "Billy, you stay with So-crates." Billy is amazing. :)
I was in nursery again today and I didn't have one kid. I had three. Things are looking up. Except Noah was getting mad about stuff and he might've stolen Olivia's barrette. But that thing was like a quarter inch long, so it would've been easy to lose. But he kept touching it and he was like really fascintaed by it and his dad was like, "Noah, stop touching the baby's head." But she's almost one. She only looks like a baby. Cuz she can crawl, make scary animal noises sometimes, and almost walk. Maybe she's a midget. Noah's the man, he likes ducks.
:( Everyone in the Youth Group is either on the Missions Trip or camping. So my blog is getting 3 less hits. Grrr. I should get a hit counter. If only I could find one...
Andrew got baptized today in the Wilson's hot tub. But I had to watch from the couch cuz Caleb said it was too warm outside and he wanted to go see the doggies. But I got to at least watch, and then we said hi to Bear and Pepe. Me: Awww, hi Bear! Caleb: No, no, she's not a bear, she's a doggie. *pauses* *incomprehensible* ...'sh a baby doggie! Me: ....yes....
My house has been South Beach dieted. I feel bad for my parents. No carbs or fruit for two weeks. My dad's cheating. He had nuts and coffee.
I just figured out I'm not going to die, because the stupid "nurse practitioner" (AKA quack) didn't know my whole family history. "Oh you had an uncle die at age 35 and you have a grandpa with diabetes. YOU HAVE A HORRIBLE HISTORY." Then again, my uncle died because he smoked like 6 packs a day and drank a whole case of Mountain Dew right after, THEN went and worked out. And my [paternal] grandpa isn't the healthiest eater. So duh. I don't have a history, silly boo.
Ooooh I have a selection of Christy Millers on my bed. Hmmm, sounds like fun. Not.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Gordon Dean

Wow. I haven't listened to music in 2 days. Ahh, scary thought.
But William took my Hawk nelson CD and he's not even listening to it, so I'd like it back. Ahem.
Aaaaaaaaaaaah, I'm actually reading "The Cheetah Girls". Pretty sad. But the library has every single book, so I was like, "What the heck, let's do this." Since they don't have the 14th Phantom Stallion, I need a new series, here's this one. Although, I am rereading LOTR. And possibly "The Hobbit". And maybe I'll even get around to reading "The Silmarillion", which, according to Matt, I need to be a real LOTR buff.
Oooh, the Phantom Stallion website...
AAAAAGH! THERE ARE MORE THAN 15! *sob* I'm so behind...
I need to request more of my stupid library.
Maybe after lunch.
So after I don't eat dinner, maybe I can prevent heart attacks and early teenage death by going for a walk or something.

Heart attack

Gah I'm ticked.
I went to go see the stupid nurse practitioner yesterday for like two hours and she lectured me on how I have some teen thingy, and that I should listen to my mom about HIV/AIDS, and that I have the worst famliy history and I'm going to die at age 30. So I can't eat anything or play on the cpu for very long, according to her. So guess what I had for lunch?
Cheese and almonds and orange juice.
Cuz that's not something you cook in the microwave.
That is all I wanted to say.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

PUT ON A BRA! *pukes*

Okay, so I'm watching "America's Got Talent" and Cirque du Soleil (sp? I don't care) is performing and Regis is all, "It's got a seductive twist." Meaning it's sexual. AGAIN. And so the balancing chick is wearing a bikini top, basically. And it's see through. I'm heating TOAST here, hello. And I nearly puke when I see this Calvin Klein underwear model in a Matrix coat thing. It was DISGUSTING. And the two shirtless guys in the background? Especially the one made to look like a devil/faun in furry pants? WHAT'S UP WITH THAT? And the singer? HALF A TOP. Sure, her midriff was covered. The other half of her torso WASN'T. *gags* See the title of this post, dearie.
Lol that reminds me of a conversation I had with my mom last year about my school's strict dress code. "Can't I just go to school naked?" "'ll expose your midriff." Hehehe.
If puffins could talk, you know they would have British accents.
"Barnyard", okay... "Lady in the Water"...MUST SEE IT... "Scoop"...checking it out.

Adoption: the scary option

I have nothing against adoption.
Except when it's done without paperwork and it happens at the zoo.
For instance:
I got to the zoo, something I haven't done in like a million years. The one in Tacoma, something ELSE I haven't done in a million years. We were in the aquarium and this kid in a blue striped shirt just runs up to me and is like, "There's an octopus over there." And he's like, what, 6? 7? 8? I have no idea. Hm, I just realized I'm wearing a blue striped shirt too... Only mine has smaller stripes and is form fitting (hahaha I wish) while his wasn't. So I look at the octopus and he's talking to me about it and then he just LEAVES. It was really random.
Then he came back.
I was petting the goats...
"Would they bite your shirt?"
Me: ".....if they got the chance, I guess..."
Ow, throbbing, finger, throbbing.
I caught it in the door just now.
All for the love of Dairy Queen cups.
I can't help it. I mean, I'd like to win an Ipod.
Otters are adorable, but evil. Sort of like the cows at Miracle Ranch. Only instead of, "Heeelloooo Meeester Cooooow Poooonyyy," it's, "HmmmmmhahahaI'mgoingtobiteyourlegsoffhahahaooohfoodJoJolooovefood." One actually bit a tapir.
Two things I'm mad at myself for liking: zoos and carousels.
Except that stupid little girl took the husky I wanted to ride and that dumb skater punk was like, "THE SEA SERPENTS MINE!" (It was a mermaid pony. Loooooseeeeer.) so I rode a beluuuuga. :(
Oh well.
OOOOW Finger throbbing very badly.
*leaves to go win an Ipod*

Bon Jovi vs. David Hasselhoff part 1

Before I say this, *hides behind protective barrier* Okay, now I'm safe.
I listened to all of the new Stellar Kart last night.
And it was...
okay. *ducks as pineapples and coconuts are thrown at her*
I mean, it was good. I really liked some of the songs. But "All Gas, No Brake" was a whole lot better. I mean, come on: "Livin' on a Prayer" or "Finding out"? The songs on the second one are less memorable.
Final verdict: SK, OKAY! *ducks again* STOP BEING SUCH A COCONUT! *smiles, pleased with "Bride and Prejiduce quote* Then again, all you have to do is screw in a lightbulb with one hand and pet the dog with the other. Will you teach me? *smiles again*
Hehehe David Hasselhoff is going to sing tonight.
That should be a disaster.
I feel like watching "Baywatch". Which I have never watched.
William stole my Relient K and Hamster Dance CDs (I don't even know why I still HAVE Hamster Dance. It was like, my favorite CD in 4th grade and I guess I only keep it to remind me of my dead hamster. I saw "Yours, Mine, and Ours" yesterday. The hamster got blown out of a saxophone, dropped in a bucket of paint, and almost skinned by a crazy Boy Scout. And the whole time Jimi's like, "WHERE'S RAINBOW!?" Hurray.). Grrrr. I still want a Red CD. And the Hawk Nelson CD. And "The Tryptych". Ahahaha.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I saw "Smile, it's the end of the world" at Walmart, too, and I was very tempted to buy it.
Cd Wishlist:
Hawk Nelson (see above), Demonhunter (The Tryptych ((sp?))), KJ-52 (Re-mixed), and Red, only I don't know what their CD is called and if it's even out yet. But they're really good. I heard "Already Over" on X 2006. It was a bonus track.
Lol. Lawyer joke.
A dog ran into a butcher shop and grabbed a roast off the counter. Fortunately, the butcher recognized the dog as belonging to a neighbor of his. The neighbor happened to be a lawyer.
Incensed at the theft, the butcher called up his neighbor and said, "Hey, if your dog stole a roast from my butcher shop, would you be liable for the cost of the meat?"
The lawyer replied, "Of course, how much was the roast?"
"$7.98." said the butcher.
A few days later the butcher received a check in the mail for $7.98. Attached to it was an invoice that read: Legal Consultation Service: $150
I love free movies. "Yours, Mine, and Ours" was playing, so I saw that with my mom and William. Okay, William didn't even want to see it, and he brought a GAMEBOY, so why did he come? "Oh, I was thinking about watching it." Right. It's a MOVIE. That's what you DO. You WATCH IT.
I got a tye-dye housekey.
Gah Nathan is kicking me off. *glares* WHY CAN'T WE GET COMCAST? HELLO?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

X...that's a new one...

My room is not usually clean. So I felt bad when my mom cleaned it for me. Yeah, Emily, Emily, and Amber are coming over, but MY ROOM IS CLEAN! It makes me feel like A LIAR! So now it looks like Martha Stewart room as opposed to a 5th grader or depressed artist. Although, I'm not a 5th grader or a depressed artist, but I am a writer.
Which reminds me.
My mom got me this writing book from the library. It's not bad.
But it makes me explore my feelings and I dunno I feel like my writing sucks worse than it did before. Thanks for the help. But it's kinda cool. Some of the exercises are fun. Except for the one about the "my pet animal". Gee, what else would you have for a pet? A bunny, perhaps? But what kind of "bunny"?
My pet was an Irish Wolfhound. Which doesn't really make sense since I was addressing putting my own writing down and Irish Wolfhounds are really nice and make bad guard dogs.
Ew, it was gross, I put some bagel bites in the microwave for 4 minutes, just like the box said, and they were crunchy and all the pepperonis flew off.