Saturday, July 29, 2006

Hmmm, those combat boots look nice...

There's game day or whatever at the church.
Would I like to
I'm sort of in a solitary mood.
Not a bad mood.
I'm just good right now.
Well, there are other reasons.
Leave me alone. *sob*
I had Fritos, ham, and Gatorade for lunch. Did you know Gatorade was named after a college football team that wasn't very good because it's star players kept fainting from dehydration? I didn't.
My favorite books are not Eragon and Eldest, tho they are up there. I would rather have Princess Diaries. Sorry, talking to myself again.
Okay, so last Sunday for Youth Group, we asked questions about stuff, and one of them was like, "What happens to the people that don't know about Jesus?" So I'm starting Romans, and God's like, "Hey, lookit." So, since I have a Teen Bible that explores stuff, I see a question on the bottom of the page that can supposedly be answered by the given Bible passage. "What happens to people that don't know about Jesus? Romans 2:12-16" So I look...and I hi-lited it...and it made NO SENSE. I'm sorry, but a lot of stuff I read in the Bible SHOULD mean something, but sometimes I don't get it cuz it's a cultural thing or something. It's like I need Kent Hovind's or my pastor's CONSTANT interpretation. AAAAGH. I mean, I guess it made some sense, like people that sin outside of the law and under the law have still sinned, but then it goes in a totally different direction. SOMEONE HELP ME!
Aly and AJ aren't that good. And if they really are Christian, I couldn't tell.
Um, who just took a Harry Potter quiz?
Who didn't get Harry Potter?
.....ME!!!!!! YESSSSS! Well, I got Ron. And Neville. BUT STILL! HARRY AND I ARE OVER! YESSSSSSS! I mean...that's too bad.
Sharpay proposed to Zeke, but he's being a loser. And Troy and Gabriella are on vacation, but William made me get off so I couldn't save and I'll have to vacation all over again. Oookay.

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