Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Another round of naan for my friends!

VBS: Cool. Except that my team thought the ketchup water was very disgusting and we lost every time. And that everyone figured I wouldn't want to eat at all during my stay as a drill seargant. Ranger. Whatever. Learned "ABC Peak" without messing up too much. So it wasn't too bad. And this one kid totally worships Jared. "Jared, I brought you a present. *gives him a weed*" Lol.
I baked cookies. Sugar cookies. Shaped like H's and R's. In honor of Catbert. William's Dilbert obsession is rubbing off on me. There were some birthday cake ones I think. And a three dimensional one shaped like a chocolate chip. It started out as an icicle, then an elf hat, then a chocolate chip.
I love Subway. And bacon. And chicken. And cheese. And CRISPY!
Sims: Okay, I thought Pierre the Clown was scary? Not as scary as Betty the Yeti. And no one is as scary as Archie Archery. Beach resort: Fun. Winter vacation: Fun. Roughin' it: Besides endless burgers? NOT FUN!
Emily is the most famous. She's one star compared to our .5 stars. Oh well. I just need to "work out". Who is really looking at an actresses' body when she's wearing a HOSPITAL GOWN? PERVS! Wait. Now I know where to find the place for PRINT ADS! But I need to "work out" then. Cuz acting: charisma. Music: creativity. Modeling: I wonder, body possibly?
This is the second time I've worn these pants. I want to make snickerdoodles. Badly.

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