Wednesday, November 23, 2005


5 months ago, my mom and walked into Barnes and Nobles looking for a new book in my favorite series "Avalon". One problem: No Avalon. Avalon is gone from the shelves, there's no trace of it anywhere. So we ask an employee for help.

Employee: Hmmm, it should be on the shelves... Let's go check.
Duh. It's not ON the shelves. We just CHECKED!
Employee: Wow, it's not there. Hm...this is very interesting. Well, would you like me to order it for you?
Me: Please and thank you.
So she logs onto her little cpu and is all, "And what is the title of the book you're looking for?"
Me: *freezing* Um.....I dunno.
Employee: *annoyed* Do you know the author?
Me: Rachel Roberts.
Employee: *types quickly, then appears deeply confused* Well, Dark Mage, #5, is out.
Mom: Wow, I didn't know that one would be out.
Employee: *in a bored tone* It came out in December 2004. Is that the one you're looking for?
Me: No. I'm looking for #4.
Employee: Oh. *types, looks confused* Well, there's Heart of Avalon, #4, but that doesn't come out until January 2006! Huh?
Me: Um...could you order Dark Mage then?
Employee: Are you sure?
Me: (in my head: Duh) Yes.
Employee: Okay. I'll order it for you. *types* Okay, we'll call or e-mail you when it comes in.

That was 5 months ago. Not only that, they said in July that it had backordered and wouldn't come until August. Well, August was 3 months ago, don't you people think they're a litle OFF?

Not only that, the book sorta stunk. My favorite character was portrayed as a weakling and a loser that DOESN'T GET NO STINKIN PET! Not only that, there's all this foreshadowing of Kara and Adriane not getting along. Kara did something to Zach and Adriane's all, "OMG YOU ALMOST HURT MY BF'S MAGIC! BLA BLA BLA, YOU'RE SO OUT OF CONTROL!" Only she's dark and mysterious, so she didn't scream. She just yelled. At least Emily got to level 2. And got a paladin. Yeah. You people probably don't know what I'm talking about.


RRock_With_It said...

I have no idea what Avalon is, but it sounds weird... like, like, like a soap opera!!!!!!

Lauren said...

it's way awesome, amber, and you know it!

Lauren said...

dude it is sorta like teen drama lol