Sunday, January 18, 2009

Good haul. Excellent haul this year.

My mom made me drive to Tacoma today.
It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it was definitely very irritating sitting in the car with two parents who thought my tense shoulders and annoyed expression were due to extreme nervousness rather than extreme anger.
Because it's really annoying having your mom sit in the passenger seat going, "Slow down. Speed up. Okay, speed up a little.... Okay, okay.... Lauren! Are you paying attention? He's merging! Okay, just STAY IN THIS LANE. STAY IN THIS LANE. STAY IN THIS LANE. What are you doing? Make a lane change."
And then my dad decided to compliment my driving whilst clinging desperately to the back seat.
Yes, Dad. My peripheral vision is THAT good.
Too bad that, regarding love languages, "Words of Encouragement" is bumped down to #4, right next to "Acts of Service", when I'm driving.
Ironically, we were listening to The Ting Ting's "Shut up and let me go".
But we made it, and now I've completed 7 hours of driving time.
Only 43 more hours to go.
My birthday was fairly EXCELLENT, by the way. Not to brag. It just was. And all my teachers liked my birthday chicken.
I got three of those, along with a pretty awesome promise ring, some giftcards, and a cross necklace.
Then I got more practical gifts from family.
But they all came in pink, which I'm sorry to say I really like.
The party was pretty cool, but things got kind of out-of-hand with a game of Truth or Dare when the sheltered people refused to answer Truths, but didn't want to take part in Dares (yet still insisted on playing?), and then a couple that had broken up a week previous "got back together" and made things awkward and confusing for everyone (especially the guy's Tolo date. Yeah, I know.).
Other than that, though, it was fun.
And there's no school tomorrow, which might just be the best birthday present of them all.
No car, but there's always next year.
And until then, I have a pretty sweet Buick LeSabre I can run you over with.
16 is looking good so far.
I can now legally get drunk in Germany on their crappy German beer! Woooo!


Jocelyn said...

actually, the legal age in germany is now 18, but its 16 in russia !

haha this is jocelyn, which im pretty sure you only know one, but hey, yanno, the one from oefc ?

yeah, im in finland right now, which i dont think you an exchange student :) ive been here for 5 months and 2 weeks now, and im coming back sometime in june ? im not really sure when...but hey, like in five months. I read your blog sometimes, it helps keep me entertained when life in finland gets boring :D

i hope youre doing well, happy birthday !

Lauren said...

I heard about Finland, actually, and it sounds pretty cool.
Thanks for the birthday greetings.
Glad to be of service, lol. ;)