Monday, November 26, 2007

Le frere de ma mere est mon oncle...duh.

Do do do. I sort of finished chapter 4 in the French book, but I don't supposed that counts when you don't understand all of it. Guess I need another readthrough.
Stupid Rachel Roberts. Couldn't even finish up the Avalon series. Maybe "Dark Mage" is the last book. Hm. Looks like a showdown between Adriane and Kara. Lame. I like how Rachel Roberts was suddenly all, "Oh, I really hate Emily," and just made her side character while she wrote pages about her two favorite characters. :P
I don't know why I'm suddenly obsessed with that series. Probably because I have nothing else to do.
Oh, that's a lie, I actually have a lot of homework. I have to finish "Watership Down" by Friday, do all the letters, memorize the Raven, and...nothing else. I lied.
Hahaha. They still have up the Ravenswood website. So cool.
Do you believe in the magic???
This really makes me feel like playing Warf Rescue Team.
Yay, I found the secret website. Here is the burning question: do I believe IN MAGIC?? Well, no, but I'll click yes anyways.
I like how Storm is still considered one of the magical creatures. Sort of dead.... Oops, spoiled #6.
Do do do do aaaagh had to change the reader board today.
Noooooo I'm a warrior. Aaagh. Don't ask.
Paul decided to be all nonchalant and scare me to death. So thank you, Paul.
Agh, Tyler said the same thing like 10 times, but it does bring up an interesting point: why pay 80 cents more for a large drink if refills are free??


Matt Wilson said...

woooooooo heroes.

Lauren said...

what happened this week?

Matt Wilson said...

some people died...yup...

Lauren said...

doesn't that happen every week?