Thursday, October 19, 2006

HOMECOMING! The greatest gathering of superteens...aaaand I lost it.

Well. It's settled. I now have an older brother. Who's Homecoming King. WEIRD!!! Yeah, there was the coronation today and I was escorting him, only we got some really lame song. Then we watched this lame video that was just pictures of the same 6 people and nobody else from the Homecoming Court, and Nathan was crowned King.
It's quite a self esteem downer, seeing your brother a senior, class president, AND homecoming king, but then it's cool, cuz he's really happy AND he'll get to go to UW cuz he's so darn popular. Oldest children are so lucky.
LOL world's unanswered question = pretty funny.
HALLOWEEN!!!!! I'ma gonna be Robin from Teen Titans. How about you? I should get some of my friends to be Teen Titans, too. I still want to be Cyborg. But it would be hard to find an all metal costume. And I'm not black.
Justin Timberlake is a perverted sex-obsessed moron. And he thinks just because he has that gay hat and uses the word f-ers in his new CD makes him sexy AND cool. Sorry, Justin, you're just LAME.

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