Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Pick Your Political Party (I dare you to say that 5 times fast)

GAAAAAAAAH I hate politics. Hey, maybe THAT'S my gift. THAT'S WHAT MY BIG MOUTH IS FOR! POLITICS! OH THANK YOU LORD! It might be...but I thought writing was? Eh. I don't know. It's probably cuz I've been thinking politically since...yesterday.
I guess I have no political party.
Wait that came out wrong.
I mean, if I were 18 (which I'm not and probably never will be...wait), I'd vote Republican, but I looked up stuff on Libertarians and Independents and I agree with what they say.
(WARNING!!!: The following is just a bunch of political junk. If you don't want to be bored out of your very existence, stop reading here.)
Libertarian: Believe the government's job is to protect us from initiating force or whatever (I read all of this at school, yet when I go on Google at my house, that website doesn't show), not use that force to make decisions, even if it is for our "own good". People that do stupid things should be held accountable (I think...WHERE IS THAT GAY WEBSITE?). (Only downside, they think pot is okay. And they also said that if someone watches a porno, and then commits sexual assault, it's the assault they should be punished for, which I agree with, but they make it sound like porno's okay. Um...what if I think differently? Still, most of it sounded really good. Only there are pacifist Libertarians and militant Libertarians, and I'm not really...either.)
Independent: Want to reduce immigration (FINALLY), and stop all government subsidies to illegal aliens; no driver’s licenses for illegals (this was the part I got stuck on: I mean, they finally got here. Doesn't that defeat the purpose? And what if they've already become American citizens. AM I THINKING WRONG ABOUT THIS?), restore a debt free money system, uphold traditional marriage and family values (HALLELUJAH), protect the right to life of the innocent unborn (YES! YES! I TOLD YOU ABORTION WAS MURDER!), and stop the undeclared wars which are daily costing American lives and billions of tax dollars (I don't know EXACTLY what this means, but it sounds like the war in Iraq...which I kind of support...uh oh...).
So it's like I'm choosing between ice cream flavors, only instead of chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry, I've got Reagan, Less Government, and Family Values For Everyone.
Only 4 years to figure it out...

Monday, October 30, 2006

Kick off your Sunday shoes

My mom finally got "Footloose". AAAAAAAAAAAGH!
Pros: FINALLY GET TO SEE WILLARD! Not as at as the guy from the play, tho. In fact, with those pants, he kind of bothered me, but he was still really hilarious. Um, good soundtrack. Even tho it was all 80's.
Cons: Lots of language and awkward scenes (Ariel admitting she's not a virgin, Chuck and Ariel getting dressed after a "rendevous", Ren describing a sex scene).
But it was still okay.
Umm, carmel shake.
Caramel malt sounds pretty disgusting, but it's actually really good.
Survey edits:
Movie #4: Prisoner of Azkaban and instead of "Breathe into me", I like "Accidentally in Love" a lot more.
Like y'all care.

Deep Political Insights

We're researching in SS about the upcoming elections, leading up to a mock vote. My group got I-933. I don't understand why everyone's opposed to this.
I-933 in a nutshell: The government won't be able to take possession of your property (your PRIVATE property) for public uses without your consent and their money. AND if your property is damaged, they will help you COMPENSATE FOR THAT!!!
Why do people think this is a bad thing?
I was trying to be unbiased about the whole thing, but then I saw, "Maria Cantwell votes no on I-933," and that sealed the deal for me right there.
But it's going to be kind of funny seeing the results of the mock election. Everyone: *votes Democrat*
I think I might be an Independent. It would help some aspects of the voting process (even tho I won't be 18 for...4 more years), like how I tend to vote for someone if I at once see the word "Republican" by their name, but then again, it's on the person and not really the party.
Agh. I have to go watch Footloose. Weee. Willard better be hot like he was in the play.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Post 300 and my homemade survey

Okay, enough celebrating. Yes, my font is still purple. Behold, my homemade SURVEY!
w00t w00t! Feel free to rip it off my blog!
Shallow Survey For Girls
WHAT…is your name?:Lauren
WHAT…is your current state?:WA
WHAT…color is your house?:Pukish green with white trim
CD:End of Silence
Movie #1:Lion King
Movie #2:Sky High
Movie #3:Over the Hedge
Movie #4:Willow
Movie #5:I think Shrek 2 or something
Top 5 favorite songs:Sweet Home Alabama, Breathe into Me, Starry Eyed Surprise, Hello, Keeping You Warm
Band:Red or something preppy punk
Actor:James Earl Jones
Actress:Anne Hathaway
Ice cream:Chocolate anything
State:Oregon is pretty cool
This or That
Coke or Pepsi:Coke
Republican or Democrat:Republican
Drums or Guitar:Drums
Surfing or snowboarding:I love water
Math and science or English and social studies:I love math and English, but hate the other two
French or Spanish:French!!11
Rain or sun:Rain is cool, but then my mom makes me wear a coat. :P
Blondes or brunettes:BRUNETTES
Red or blue:Blue
Mario or Luigi:Luigi!
Pink or black:Both are nice
Preppy or emo:EMOS!!!!
Your Ideal Guy
Hair color?:Brown
Eye color?:Does anyone really pay any attention to ones eyes?
Tall or short:Over 6'0", PLEASE don’t be shorter than me
Do you care if he doesn’t share your views/religion?:YES!!!!!
Most important aspect of a relationship:He BETTER be a Christian
Turn ons?:Sense of humor, doesn’t laugh at my favorite movies or preppy music, good relationship with God
Short or long hair?:SHORT, I BEG YOU
Super random questions
Have you seen Over the Hedge?:YESSS I love Steve Carell
If so, was it good?:DUH!
Were you eating chicken while watching this film?:Wth?
Do you even like chicken?:YES!!!!!
Do you know how long this quiz took me to make?:Do I care?
About 30 minutes. Does that make you feel better?:No
What’s your favorite crayon?:Butterscotch
If you dye your hair within the next 24 hours, will you give me coloring tips?:Sure…


Nuff said.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH I had to practice trombone for a flipping HOUR. I mean, yeah, I know it's my fault for procrastinating all week, BUT COME ON, AN HOUR ON A FLIPPIN BRASS INSTRUMENT?
Making a survey... Not yet... But I will... MWAHAHAHA! HA! HA! Yeah...
My grandparents are here. Just thought you'd like to know.
If you even care. *sniff*
I'm busy feeding my HP obsession. Hm, is Emma Watson REALLY British? I don't THINK so. Dang, she is. Sad, she's only ever been on anything about Harry Potter.
My first kid shall be named...STANISLAV!!!

Saturday, October 28, 2006


Wow...it's true.
I still want to make a survey. REALLY bad. But I signed up on Bzoink and tried to log in, but they're like, "wrong password" so I tried to get an "I forgot my password" e-mail, but they're all, "Sorry, that e-mail is not registered here," or something, so I try to make a new account and they're all, "That e-mail is already registered." WTC?
Walker had a Halloween party last night. I'm pretty much sworn off cupcakes and ice cream for a while (tho I had some cake for breakfast...oops) and "Resident Evil 4" scarred me for life. What's wrong with me? But it was fun.
I am seriously rethinking my writing career. Because I would not be able to make the deadlines. Even if, as a self-employed independent writer, there are none. I mean, I'm writing a flippin soap and I can barely get one part out a week.
Speaking of deadlines, I know Meg Cabot has more than one series and writes for adults AS WELL as teenagers, but I require at least two Princess Diaries books a year. And I don't care if this is nearly impossible. I want Mia to break up with micheal. Badly. And she's keeping me from knowing what's going on. "Sweet Sixteen Princess" didn't even count as a second Princess Diaries book, so she better start writing. She only has two months left. Tick tock...
My hair isn't dyed turquoise, unfortunately. Wha? Don't ask.
I'm going to have to rethink my Halloween costume. There are no Robin costumes in my size, especially not for girls. Okay, I am not a slut. I wish those weren't the only costumes they have available. Only a few teenage girls who were looking at the "Hot, Hot, HOT!" costumes didn't look too happy when I mentioned this at party city. Hm, I believe Little Red Riding Hood actually wore CLOTHES.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Just say it: "I'm a dirtbag."

No, seriously, I love that movie, it's COOL.
I saw it last night and it's probably the funniest movie I've ever seen. Dr. Phil makes a cameo appearance. Only you don't see his face. Is that considered a cameo?
The only part that was weird was when Stella and that cat...NOTHING BAD, I just get bothered by things like that.
The best part in the movie was when Hammy had caffeine. YESSSSS!
Wow... That's all I really had to say.
Dakota scares me.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

HAHAHAHAHA I did another survey and I know you all hate me now cuz you're like, "EW, I HATE LAUREN, DANG ANOTHER SURVEY" OOOH yes my sad little losers

Everything Anyone Ever Wanted To Know About You
The Basic Stuff
Height?:5'8", 5'9"
Weight?:134.5 pounds
Current Location?:Washington
Zodiac Sign?:Cappy
Chinese Zodiac Sign?:Chicken possibly?
Righty or Lefty?:Righty
Haircolor?:Brown and curly
Skin Color?:Whiter than anything you have ever known
About You
What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)?:Two parents, together, two siblings
Any Pets?:Yeah
If So What Are They?:Dog and bunny
Favorite Relative?:Grandparents?
Least Favorite Relative?:*humming...*
What's Your Heritage/Race?:White
Political Affilation?:REPUBLICAN
Love & Sex
Sexuality?:I thought I was bi, but I'm hetero
Are You In A Relationship Now?:No
If So, With Whom?:hello, look up
For How Long?:AAAAAGH
Are You In Love?:NOOOOOOO
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?:NOOOOOOOOO
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?:Gross!
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?:NBK
Virgin?:You know it
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?:I'm not a slut, thanks
Was It Enjoyable?:SICK
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?:Florida
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?:SICK
Best Love Quote?:I don't believe in love
Your Friends
Best?:Do I HAVE to choose one?
How Many Do You Have?:Why do you care?
More Guys Or Girls?:I don't want to have to count them all
Love Them All?:Yes
Any You Wish You Were Closer To?:Well...
Oldest?:Wouldn't know
Pen Pal?:THEY ABANDONED ME!!! *sob*
Friends And Words: Associate Them
Flower:Omg, I was talking about that today...Walker
Mother:My mom?
Bread:Mark lol
Music:Amber or Emily
This Or That
Boxers or Briefs?:BOXERS!!!!!!!
Thongs or G-Strings?:Gross, sicko
Shorts or Pants?:PANTS
Shoes or Barefeet?:SOCKS
Books or Movies?:BOTH
Night or Day?:MEOW
Mountains or Beach?:BEACH!!!11
Snow or Sun?:SNOW!!!!!11
Pepsi or Coke?:COKE!!!!!11
Guys or Girls?:hello, straight...GUYS!!!!!
Swim or Surf?:WATER!!!!!!!1
For or Against
Gay Marriage?:AGAINST
Bush Getting Re-elected?:For, I guess
Clothes In General?:FOR
Holiday?:Christmas or Halloween
Movie?:Lion King
Book?:Too many to choose from
Drink?:MILKSHAKES!!!!!1 FOR THE EMOS!!!!!!
TV Show?:...Ya like winkles?
Song?:Oooooh we gonna dance all night, dance all night to THIS DJ
Band?:Nickelback cracks me up
Computer Game?:Sims
Video Game?:Eh?
Shirt?:That black perfect fit tee
Pants?:My dark jeans
Actor?:I know I have one...
Actress?:Anne Hathaway
Singer?:Usher is FUNNY
Flower?:I hate flowers
Scent?:Almond extract
The Future
Want To Go To College?:No, but I HAVE TO
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?:Alive
Want To Get Married?:Yeeeeeeeeeeeno
Want To Have Kids?:yes...wait...how does that work? VIRGIN HAS SIX KIDS, WOOOO!
What Would Their Names Be?:TOO MANY NAMES
How Many?:8
Where Do You Want To Live?:New York
Where Do You Want To Get Married?:NOT GETTING MARRIED
How Do You Want To Die?:AWAY FROM YOU!!!!!!1
More Stuff About You
Piercings?:I wish
Do Drugs?:No
Skinny Dip?:NO
Greatest Fear?:Rejection. Not even joking
Chocolate or Vanilla?:Chocolate
Go To Church?:YES
Religion?:Don't have one, I'm a Christian
CDs Owned?:A LOT
Like To Be Naked?:NO
Ever Eaten Sushi?:NO
An Entire Case Of Oreos?:I WISH
Been On Stage?:YES
Danced In The Rain?:YES
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?:NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Weirdest Dream?:People in my youth group were really stupid
Best Dream?:I totally DIED, it was COOL
Saddest Dream?:No comment
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?:When you wish upon a STAR...
Think You're Attractive?:If I were a boy I'd marry me
Been Caught "Doing Something"?:no
Weirdest Makeout Place?:up your butt and around the corner
Like Thunderstorms?::)
Favorite Shoes?:Converse
Favorite Quote?:SHUT THE HECK UP
Best Advice Given?:SEE ABOVE
Worst Advice Given?:If you just ignore him, he'll leave you alone
Favorite Song Lyric?:This song's for the emo kids, with their punk rock rockabilly screamo lids
What Quote Says Most About Your Life?:EMOS!!!!!!!!
Glad This Is Over?:I'm so glad to be alive
Take this survey Find more surveys
Bzoink - The Original Survey Site

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Found a most excellent survey. Okay, it wasn't THAT excellent, but I like taking these. Here are my answers...if y'all care.
Lame-Stupid-Random Survey
Current City of Residence::


Family Members::4
Movie::Lion King, or Sky High
Musical::High School Musical, uh, I loved Footloose
Board Game::Life
Computer Game::Lame horse games wif bad graphics...or Sims
Game to Roleplay::Uh...?
Book::Wow...I'd have to say...LOOK, A BIRD! *runs away*
A Day In The Life..
School::Wha? I'm in junior high...
Typical Mood::Get out of my way, loser
Usually Found?::At school, on cpu, etc.
Have You Ever
Been kissed::NO
Done drugs::NO
Eaten an entire box of Oreos:I wish
Eaten sushi::Gross
Been on stage::YUP
Been in a car accident::Thank you God, no
This or That
Cold or Hot::Cold
Blue or Red::Blue
Rain or Snow::Surprisingly rain...cuz it never snows here *tear*
Wool or Cotton::Cotton
Private or Public School::PUBLIC, PLEASE, I BEG YOU!
Chocolate or Plain Milk::Chocolate...duh
Celsius or Farenheit::Whatever's normal
Spring or Fall::Fall
Science or History::Wow...science
Math or English::At the moment...English
"Love Life"
Do you like somebody?::Kind of
Do they know?::No, we don't really talk
Do you want them?::Naaaah
Are they hot?::I guess?
Who do you e-mail the most?:Amber...or Emily
Who do you IM the most?:no one, I hate Im
Who are you talking to now?::myself
Are you currently in love?::Yeah, with a fictional character
Is this survey lame?::Oh yes
Isn't bzoink! nifty? =) ::No
In 24 hours have you...
...Showered?::Have to
...Had a serious talk?::no
...Hugged someone?::Yep
...Gotten along with your parents?::Yep
...Fought with a friend?::No
...Done something kind for someone?:Sorry!
Do You Like To...
Give hugs?::Uh huh...just not some people...*shudders*
Give back rubs?::NO
Take walks in the rain?::Aaaah yes...like in Canada...
Cook?::Bake...but whatever
Sleep?::10 hours a night!
..Knows you the best?::My parents
..Have you known the longest?::Parents
..Do you know the most about?::My dog
..Do you consider your friend?::My friends...wait...
..Is most likely to end up in jail?::Cadell
..Can you go to with your problems?::God
..Do you want to get to know better?::Ooooh...*looks longingly across hall at school*
..Do you spend the most time with?::My computer
Have You...
..Been to a concert?::How can you NOT have been to a concert?
..Loved someone so much it made you cry?::Well, not LOVED, but yeah, I cried
..Cheated on a test?::No, but people copy off me all the time
..Ever stalked someone?::YESSSSSSSS!
..Done something you regret?::Who hasn't?
..Been in an online relationship?::No, gross
Random Questions
Single or Hooked?::Single :( Actually, I'm quite happy with this arrangement
What is your worst habit?::Beating people up
Scariest moment?::I used to have a stalker, too...*gulp*
Do you swear too much?::Not swearing per se, but I need to tone it down a notch
How do you feel about homosexuality?::God said no. Why do you care? Sicko.
Where are you right now?::AT home.
Are you sitting by anyone?::No. They all hate me.
What song are you listening to?::We're all in this together from HSM
What is the last thing you said?::"You're so weird,"
What's on your mousepad?::Dilbert...and MJ
What are the last four digits of your phone number?::nyb, loser
What was the last thing you ate?::HOT POCKET...pepperoni kind
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?::BUTTERSCOTCH!
How many buddies do you have on your list?::15 or so...:(
What's the weather like right now?::It was raining...
What do you feel like doing?::TRACKING YOU DOWN AND KILLING YOU!!1
What is your favorite quote?::Anything Speed has ever said or done
Take this survey Find more surveys
Bzoink - The Original Survey Site

Revelations about chapstick

NO WAY! Chapstick is the bomb. Especialy DQ flavored Chapstick. Whoever created Chapstick is my friend. Especially DQ flavored Chapstick. I love Chapstick.
Just thought I'd tell you.
And all you emos out there, in case I start stalking you.
I just fixed myself a flipping meal. And I had pizza at lunch, so a pepperoni hot pocket isn't that wise a decision. Or a cheese stick before hand. *sigh*
TYLER IS BEYOND PERVERTED! I had to sit behind him in study hall. AAAAAH!
Ew, this pocket is cold. GROSS!
Finished "Sanctuary" by Jenny Carroll. "Safe House" was better.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Hulk angry

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah we had to do this dumb "Are you proud to be an American?" essay. And I love my teacher, but she ALWAYS uses this as an oppurtunity to do some cArAzY Bush rant. Which doesn't even have to do with America. Um, hello, he didn't commit mass genocide, he was just ELECTED. Oh yeah, and what about CLINTON? He sucked worse than Bush! And NIXON? But noooo, of course it's "BUSH SUCKS" 24/7. I'm no Bushwhacker, but he is the leader of our country, he's not doing THAT bad of a job, so SUCK IT UP, LIBERAL CRAP FOR BRAINS.
Waaah! Enough political rant.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

What Kind of Republican Are You? (I wish I'd thought of it)


I still want a nose ring

I'm skipping Sunday School.
No, really, my mom said it's okay.
It's basically my dad's fault.
But I'm not really blaming him cuz I didn't want to go.
I wanna see if I can switch to the guys' sunday school. And not because it's all guys. I've known some of them forever and it's like, "Ew..."
And Jodie teaches that class...I think.
But I have to get back to church today for nursery. CUZ BRENDAN'S GONNA BE IN IT FINALLY! YAAAAAAY!
Hahaha I killed Victor, read my soap.

Saturday, October 21, 2006


Our next song is "Angels We Have Heard Get High."
Bertha Belch, a missionary from Africa, will be speaking tonight at Calvary Methodist. Come hear Bertha Belch all the way from Africa.
Announcement in a church bulletin for a national PRAYER & FASTING Conference: "The cost for attending the Fasting and Prayer conference includes meals."
The sermon this morning: "Jesus Walks on the Water." The sermon tonight: "Searching for Jesus."
Our youth basketball team is back in action Wednesday at 8 PM in the recreation hall. Come out and watch us kill Christ the King.
"Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Don't forget your husbands."
The peacemaking meeting scheduled for today has been cancelled due to a conflict.
Remember in prayer the many that are sick of our community. Smile at someone who is hard to love. Say "hell" to someone who doesn't care much about you.
Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help.
Miss Charlene Mason sang "I will not pass this way again", giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.
For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.
Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get.
Barbara remains in the hospital and needs blood donors for more transfusions. She is also having trouble sleeping and requests tapes of Pastor Jack's sermons.
During the absence of our Pastor, we enjoyed the rare privilege of hearing a good sermon when J.F. Stubbs supplied our pulpit.
The Rector will preach his farewell message after which the choir will sing "Break Forth into Joy."
Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.
A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.
At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be "What is Hell?" Come early and listen to our choir practice.
Eight new choir robes are currently needed, due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.
Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles, and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children.
The Lutheran men's group will meet at 6 pm. Steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, bread and dessert will be served for a nominal feel.
Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered.
Attend and you will hear an excellent speaker and heave a healthy lunch.
The church will host an evening of fine dining, superb entertainment, and gracious hostility.
Potluck supper Sunday at 5:00 pm - prayer and medication to follow.
The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.
This evening at 7 pm there will be a hymn sing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.
Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10. All ladies are invited to lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the B.S. is done.
The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday.
Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM. Please use back door.
The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 PM. The Congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.
Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.
Mrs. Johnson will be entering the hospital this week for testes.
The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new tithing campaign slogan last Sunday "I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours."

Lol, these are so bad, but they're FUNNY!
So we went to the Homecoming Game last night to watch the Knights get KILLED. Which was cool. BTW, Knights isn't my team, so that's why it was awesome, in case you're confused. But our team won, only it was painful to watch cuz I guess they're good, but they play sloppy. Grrr... I saw so many people I knew, tho. Dylan hit Walker in the face and Walker hit his root beer. I had a puffy green gangsta coat. And I got to wear Nathan's crown.
I made a pretty amazing cellphone movie today using images from today's paper.
Policeman: *looking through window* We're looking for a very important suspect today.
Woman #1: *covering face with hands* He's such a monster.
Man: *eating Twinkie* I don't know...I just live here.
*Little children are shown trick-or-treating*
Woman #2: Keep our children safe.
*Scary man is shown*
Narrator: And no...it's not this guy.
Nathan: *walks in*

Thursday, October 19, 2006

HOMECOMING! The greatest gathering of superteens...aaaand I lost it.

Well. It's settled. I now have an older brother. Who's Homecoming King. WEIRD!!! Yeah, there was the coronation today and I was escorting him, only we got some really lame song. Then we watched this lame video that was just pictures of the same 6 people and nobody else from the Homecoming Court, and Nathan was crowned King.
It's quite a self esteem downer, seeing your brother a senior, class president, AND homecoming king, but then it's cool, cuz he's really happy AND he'll get to go to UW cuz he's so darn popular. Oldest children are so lucky.
LOL world's unanswered question = pretty funny.
HALLOWEEN!!!!! I'ma gonna be Robin from Teen Titans. How about you? I should get some of my friends to be Teen Titans, too. I still want to be Cyborg. But it would be hard to find an all metal costume. And I'm not black.
Justin Timberlake is a perverted sex-obsessed moron. And he thinks just because he has that gay hat and uses the word f-ers in his new CD makes him sexy AND cool. Sorry, Justin, you're just LAME.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Lauren's NEW and IMPROVED List of Awesome Books (YEAYA!)

I wrote this today in LAR. Some might be from the last ones, but DO I CARE? NO!

1. Bad Kitty, by Michele Jaffe: A forensics obsessed teenager goes to Vegas, gets attacked by a cat, and stumbles upon a murder mystery. Then her friends take a road trip to come visit her whilst listening to country music ("I wanna whack your pinata." It's not perverted, it's about a guy at his little brother's birthday party) and there's that really hot British guy with GREEN ADIDAS! I don't know, he actually didn't sound that hot, I'd have to see him first, even tho British guys rule. However, I seem to have never met one. *sob* Although, from what I've heard, they can't seem to pronounce Cheetos. (Pass the Classics.)

2. Princess in Love, by Meg Cabot: A book in "The Princess Diaries" series, Mia Thermopolis tries to break up with her boyfriend while stalking her best friend's descriptively sexy older brother, who is Jewish (just a fact, so is his sister, I finally figured out), dark haired (YESSS), a musical genius, a regular genius (MENSAAAAAAA!!!!!!!) and a senior. :( My favorite part was the journal entries about movies and stuff. I looked for that one book and it doesn't exist, which stinks cuz I would have liked to have read it, lol. I LOVE FOOTLOOSE!

3. Safehouse, by Jenny Carroll: A book in the "1-800-Where-R-U?" series, Jessica Mastriani is blamed for the death of a high school cheerleader. In the mean time, the cheerleader's ex-boyfriend (well, he wasn't really her ex, cuz they were still going out before she died, so I don't know what I would call him), ahem, FORMER boyfriend starts hitting on her and being really MANLY emotional like (I loved his description. I was like, "DUDE, I KNOW THIS GUY!") and then ANOTHER cheerleader gets captured and all this wonderful stuff happens. IT'S A GOOD BOOK! READ IT!!!

4. Surviving the Applewhites, by Stephanie S. Tolan: COOLEST BOOK EVER! A juvenile delinquent who burned down his former elementary school, Jake Semple is taken in by the Applewhites, a scary artsy family (oooh, I feel your pain, Jake...) and discovers himself and all this lame zen stuff. And then there were parts where it was in E. D.'s POV (she's one of the Applewhite girls and she's all depressed that she's not talented like her family. She's also REALLY ANNOYING) and she's just really annoying and has CDO (like OCD, only in alphabetical order...like it should be...) and stuff. But it's a really good/funny book. And Jake has red hair and is all super talented and lands this part in a musical.

5. The Lord of the Rings, by J. R. R. Tolkien: Hobbit finds Ring, hobbits leaves with Ring, hobbit destroys Ring, meanwhile all his friends fight evil and hook up (GUYS AND GIRLS, EVERYBODY, GUYS AND GIRLS!) and stuff. I LOVE FANTASY!!!! (also a good fantasy series that I just started: The Dragonlance Chronicles. Seriously. READ THEM.)

6. The Chronicles of Narnia, by C. S. Lewis: Coming from a guy whose name was Clive Staples, this is a most excellent series. All these kids get transported into this magical land called Narnia and meet this lion called Aslan, who is an allegory for Jesus. "The Magician's Nephew" is one of the best books because it describes what Creation might have been like. And it's funny. ("I MADE THE FIRST JOKE!" "Dude, you WERE the first joke.")

7. The Scarlet Pimpernel, by Baroness Orczy: Okay, when I started this is was all lame and boring, but it got WAY BETTER, except I accidentally found out the end too early and I was sad, but it was STILL GOOD. Apparently the French did drugs back then? SNUFF POWDER!!! Ways to foil a frenchman: Switch his snuff with pepper, then laugh and run away while he sneezes.

ChaseR, by...I forgot: City kid moves to the country. A novel written in e-mails, Chase Riley tells his friends of country life, how much he hates cicadas, girls, and how much he hates hunters. Especially after they shot his dog. Which was really sad, cuz I kinda could relate. I mean, it's kinda heartless to kill animals, but that's what God made them for and stuff, but I would be mad if someone shot my dog. But it's funny. He swears a lot, tho. And is kinda perverted. But it was a good book.8.

9. The Girl Who Invented Romance, by Caroline B. Cooney: I don't actually like this book, cuz it was incredibly shallow and really stupid and stuff, but it came with a REALLY FUN GAME. Okay, not really fun, but when you're bored, it’s hilarious. Yeah. So anyways. 16-year-old Kelly whats-her-name creates a board game that will ROMANCE. She totally starts dating this basketball dude at the end and it's all lame. Sorry if I told you the end, but you kind of saw it coming, cuz the whole time she was like, "I only want to date a basketball guy," or something, cuz everyone else was a loser, which isn't fair cuz YEAH they might be obsessed with anime, but they know Harry Potter like no one else. I AM ONE OF THEM. But I wouldn't date a girl.help her better understand the oh so complicated and really gay um...thing of

10. Skye's the Limit, by I forgot again: Same with this book, I don't actually like it, but it's REALLY FUNNY!!!! Skye BERYL O'Shea (she has this thing about her middle name) goes to an ADVENTURE camp and meets two really mean girls, two really nice girls, an evil counselor that looks like a man, a really hot guy (and she's in like 6th grade. Eh? Wth? He wasn't THAT cute.), and learns that she has strength. (LOL there was this part where they had to say their name and an adjective that started with the first letter of their name. Laaame. But they did it and it was really funny. "I'm Amanda, and I'm ANNOYED." "I'm Mason and I'm...magical." "I'm Skye and I'm...um um um *succumbing to peer pressure* um um um um um um um SUPERGIRL!" And then Mason writes her a letter. She's apparently the coolest girl he knows. And she never sees him again. *shakes head*)

Saturday, October 14, 2006


I just swiffered the kitchen floor. And I'm going to have to practice before 5. I'm worked so hard. *sniff* LOOK AT MY FINGERS!
You: Um...
You: Sure...
But yeah.
AAAAGH Jared is having a party, but I can only go for like 2 hours and then I'm forced to go to the church sing-a-long. And my dad's really mad that the party's tonight cuz he feels like now no one will go to the sing-a-long. I don't know, I kinda would be too, but I still would rather hang out with friends then go to the sing-a-long where I doubt my friends are going to be. Then again, consider: Would I rather hang out with kids I'm not sure I consider friends, or go with my family because they're not going to have it any other way? Hm...
That Swiffer stuff is gross. It was sticking to my feet.
Grrr, I'd like to bite them.
If I were a HTML master, I'd create my own HP rp. But I'm not. I can only think of ideas, like an accurate House placing test and more. Cuz that LAME rp I joined, everybody was Slytherin and it was like, "Why even bother? Um, Ravenclaw?" Slytherins: *shun*
Hm...thinking...I HAD something, but I forgot.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Ewwww, tequitos are GROSS!

I tried one and I guess I'm not very open minded. MY BAD. They are perridy gross. I want chicken.
Phew. I couldn't say that at all at school cuz they would give you a detention if you did. WHAT? You're desecrating this beatiful holiday! Well, yeah, it doesn't exist. BUT IT'S STILL SO MUCH FUN. Some of the sevvies seriously believed it. "Awww waaah you wouldn't do that to mee I'm your best girrrrlfraaaaaand." AGH we got the ANNOYING kids this year. Hmmm...a mere 5 months ago, I was one of them. WHY DOES IT SEEM SO DIFFERENT NOW? Well, for one I was wearing blue at the pep assembly. YES. But Mr. Faxon made us sit on the freshmen side, which was WEIRD. So I ran over to help the wedgies during "We've got Spirit". And....
We lost.
But we got second place, unlike last year when we got third EVERY TIME except that one...GLORIOUS...day. *sighs dreamily*
HP RP = LAME. I'm quitting. I want an active one. Hm, Google search.
EWWWWW I'M NOT DATING A BRODY! Quizilla is home to a vast amount of SICK PEOPLE. EWWWWWW.
Actually, I don't really know why I needed to say that, since I have nothing else to say.
Except that I need a CD to listen to right now. NOT FAMILY FORCE 5.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Disappointment comes in small packages...wait...that made no sense

Phew. Anyways. I had a pretty good day. MR. FAXON WAS WEARING PLUM AGAIN! LOL!
We had to take this lame survey in science. It was like a health youth survey whatever. "Have you ever taken drugs?" Uh...no. "When was the first time you did drugs?" I don't do drugs. "Have you ever gone to school high?" -_- NO. Hm, apparently I am bipolar. Like other people I know. *glares*
We were playing the news game. I AM A RED PERSON! AND I WISH I WERE A RED STATER! RED STATES ARE NOT FOR HICKS! Mrs. Schultz-Story gave me Laffy Taffy for reading. And I got a carmel apple pop after Victoria threw it at my head. *rubs CAP indent* We had to watch this weird "Telltale Heart" dramatization, it was SCARY. We didn't get to see him stab the old man, tho. There's a bloodier version. I think we should watch it. :)
Hm hm hm... PIZZA!!!!!!!!!
SOMEONE JOIN THE HP RP I'M BORED Y'ALL! GO THERE! Here, I'll give you the link again!
YOU MUST JOIN!!! *uses mind powers and forks, plus blasts Hawk Nelson from speakers* Actually, I'm not blasting Hawk Nelson right now. BRB. *sings Counting Crows while waiting for CD to work* These lines of LIGHTNING mean we're NEVER alone, NEVER alone, no no, COME ON COME ON!!!! Oh....sorry...
HA! I'm blasting it now, sucka!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Come to the dark side, we have cookies.

I just found this HP rp and y'all should join.
I'm iseethrestals. Message me or something.


They're bribing me. They're bribing me to continue with piano. They say it's not a bribe, just to help with motivation. And I guess it's not a bribe since they won't let me quit anyways. Hm, let me see...THERE'S NOTHING WORTH 30 MINUTES EVERY WEEK OF TORTURE!!!!!!!!! NYARRRRRRGH! Let's see, computer, pony, purple hair...all out of the question. Hm, so I guess there is NOTHING. And I don't CARE if I have a flipping "gift", cuz I HATE PIANO!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!
Okay. On a happier note, after much venting...
Britton doesn't think I could be a gangsta.
Okay, not prom, WHATEVER.
Ew, I just realized she went to the prom at like...13. WEIRD.
Oh yeah, LET IT BE KNOWN, I REFUSE to do my soap every day. If I don't want to, I won't. I'll just do it when the muses move me.
Muses: *don't move me*
Me: *kick 'em in the toga*
Whoa, taking a weird quiz, WHO MADE THIS PICTURES, THEY STINK! Okay, that fairy? She looks like something off of Sailor Moon. Like one of the demons or something. HELLO. FAIRIES ARE PRETTY AND SPARKLY, NOT SPIKY AND DEMONY! Dragon looks like a rabid fish... They have some okay ones, like the centaur (the male one's okay, not the female) and the Pegasus... Lol, satyr, not stayr. Crappy unicorn. Naiad not wearing a top... Wow, and neither is elfy.
I'm actually in not that bad a mood, piano just ticks me off.
Omg, Nicole said she was "POed" today, only like said it, and someone seriously said, "SHE IS RATED R!!!" :O Um...whatever you say...
I had OREOS. Princess Diaries marathon. At my house. Yeaaaaaah.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


AAAAAAAAAAAAAH I SAW FOOTLOOSE LAST NIGHT! I thought it was going to stink, but it was really good. There were some girls who were really bad actors and couldn't sing, but they got lead roles, and it was like WHA???? But I saw a bunch of people I knew there. Like that one guy. I saw him at All-D and then there were some kids from my school/band. The guy who played Willard was hot. But he proposed to his girlfriend at the very end of the show. In front of everybody. That takes guts, my friend. I really hope it works out cuz they looked happy. I WANT THE SOUNDTRACK TO FOOTLOOSE!!!!! Except my mom said there's a song called "Dancing in the Sheets". LOL sounds funny. But it's not like I didn't know Ariel was sleeping with Chuck, there was an entire song dedicated to that. But it was so lame, cuz the play had like a lot of language, and the actors with the most language in their parts were supposedly "Christians". Seriously, it was like, "Bull----. And I would like to thank Jesus Christ for this wonderful oppurtunity." WHAT THE HECK? Kind of ironic, dontcha think?
HOLY COW, great Harry Potter quiz results cuz they're so accurate. All HP stories are lame, but I like the results. I'M A DADA TEACHER!!!! WOOOOOO! EWWWWW I name my kid Elizabeth, supposedly after my mom, but my mom's name is Sara. Elizabeth is my middle name, tho. Hm...
This is my favorite part:
Life after Hogwarts:
Your Job: Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher
Harrys Job: Auror
Kids: 2. 1 boy (James, after his father) and 1 girl (Elizabeth, after your mother)
Your Lifespan:86 years
His Lifespan:87 years
This quiz was okay, take it. http://www.quizilla.com/users/Gilmore427/quizzes/%26%239829%3BWho's%20Your%20HP%20guy%3F%26%239829%3B/

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Career Options...

Since everyone is deciding what college they're going to go to and what they're going to do after that and what they'll eat for breakfast in 10 years when they have bad cholesterol, I've been thinking of career options. Actually, I didn't start thinking about them till like 5 seconds ago. WHY WON'T THIS CPU LET ME GO DOWN!? Whenever I press enter...SCROLL DOWN. Yeah, I'm actually at my grandma's for Braeden and Keith's birthday. IT STILL WON'T LET ME PRESS ENTER!!!!!!!! But Braeden just turned 6 and brought a strawberry mousse cake. -_- Why me? So Grandma let me eat ice cream and chocolate cupcakes. I love how not wimpy that sounded right there. Snorg. Hm, for a career, I guess I'm too far ahead of my time to be a professional athlete. Or a dancer. *pukes* I mean, yeah, my school won every single dance off last night...but I did not contribute to that awesomeness. MY BAD!!! Lol, Nathan was reading a book with the twins. They're funny. But evil. "Dere's Lachy. And DUCK!" Unfortunately it was Brooke Lachlan was calling Duck, not me. :( I still want purple hair. I'm escorting Nathan to homecoming. WEIRD!


Yahoo music RULES! I can FINALLY watch music videos. Well, okay, my internet doesn't play the video, it just keeps freezing and plays still images the whole time, but I WATCHED COUNTING CROWS!!!!!! It's pretty nifty. Watching that music video right now...even tho it's kinda scary.
ALL-D LAST NIGHT!!!!!! YEAAAAAAAAAA! I actually attempted dancing. With all my friends. Pretty fun. Especially to "Dance, Dance". But yeah. I got to eat candy, too. Hehehe. Hershey's Cookies and Cream bar = pretty amazing.
I saw a bunch of old 6th graders from previous school. Only one said hi back. And he was like, "WHOA, I KNOW YOU, THAT IS SO WEIRD!" Yep. Basically... He's tall.

Friday, October 06, 2006

*violins* Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

Listening to my depressing music playlist. I solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. LOVE THAT SONG. KJ rules.
Hm, my grape soda actually tastes good. -_-
Today was our first Distinguished Readers meeting. *yawn* LAME. We did get popcorn, tho. With LOTS of butter. But we talked about the book we were reading, our favorite book...END OF MEETING. Wth? I was expecting Book Lovers Anonymous. I was wrong. Daniel and Colton are in my group. I haven't seen Colton a lot this year.
I think one of my friends disappeared off the face of the earth. Which she does. A LOT.
OMG went to Penny's, bought a thermal, WHICH I CAN NOW WEAR UNDER ALL MY BLACK STUFF! All three shirts...but whatever. YAAAAAAAH! And it has THUMB HOLES! I have THUMBS!!!!!!
Listening to Novocain. Cool song, lol.
I need to read 10 books by the end of the year. HAHAHAHAHA that's funny.
I'm going to reread the Princess Diaries. The whole series. That and the Inheritance trilogy or whatever it's called. Starting with Eragon.
They should make a movie of "Survivng the Applewhites". There's a lot of good scenes in that.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Biking + hills + out of shape = no lungs

I have emotional problems. Maybe it's cuz I'm a writer. URRRRRRGH! I decided to go on a bike ride for the first time in like 3 years. Well, practice definitely makes perfect, cuz I'M SO DEAD OUTTA SHAPE! I can't even go up one hill and it was like 15 minutes before I called it quits. Not only that, my tires were out of air and stuff and my seat's too high. So I was MAD. And then I REALLY wanted to cuss. But it's like, as Christians, it's not like we're NOT ALLOWED TO. I mean, yeah, in the Bible, they're like, don't do it, but you still have the freedom to do it. And I was mad. So I did. It made me feel no better. Imagine having all this freedom and not wanting to use it. But then after I got all mad and was ON THE VERGE of slitting my wrists, this guy was like, "Need some help?" and it was weird, I just felt better knowing he wanted to help, so I was almost crying. EMOTIONAL EMO WRECK. *gasp* Emotional - tional...I'M AN EMO!!!!!
Anyways. And so walking home, this guy let me pass in front of him in my town's version of rush hour, so I felt better again.
Weirded out.
I hate practicing. I hate being told everything is easy for me. I hate everything.
I need more practice.
By the way, that was a delighted scream. I'm going punk if not goth. Actually, some of my clothes come off as too preppy/normal to be goth, so punk it is. Only my hair won't be purple for some time. Oh well. I can dream can't I?
Could someone make me soap banners? I would love you forever. Not like that. But it would be cool. Does anyone actually read my soap? Besides my friends.
Hmmm, my hair is supposed to be turquoise. Weeeeeee... Oh, nm, I know how to get purple now. :)
Mrs. Schultz-Story gave me Twix. Mr. Plum says I should be in jazz band (NO). Mr. Johnson thinks I'm good at basketball. HA!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I'm sure you've all met my boyfriend...

I WISH! I got this bookmark from the library (at school. Had to go there for book interpretations. Long story.) and got this "1 in 3 kids dies from smoking" bookmark. Hello, one of the guys on it is HOT. He looks like a Mark, but that's my dad's name, so that would be weird... "Hey, this is my boyfriend Mark...I mean, DaveCarlson..." Yeah. But he's pretty smokin. Mrs. Schultz-Story agreed with me. "Mrs. Schultz-Story, do you like my boyfriend?" "Oh, wow." "Isn't he beautiful?" "Yes, he is." Wow. That's called fine.
I had yet another issue. Grr, I hate piano. Just TICKED ME OFF. And as a Christian, I kind of wish I could cuss. Cuz when I'm mad, I can't SAY anything. I have to be all, "MMMMMMMMMMMRRRRRRG can't cuss!" Maybe that's just me. But I felt like God gave me all the sucky transitive verb gifts. Piano and writing and never shutting up as opposed to basketball. I HATE PIANO. But I guess we're cool.
BACK UP, YOU DON'T KNOW!!!! Listening to TFK. Urgh, read a story, and someone called them TFC. WTH, IT'S TFK MORON!!!! Sorry, but it makes me mad. You: I can tell.
So PLEASE LEAVE until the storm is over, and I can't understand anything after that. :( I love this song. *sniff*

Remoras, remoras, I love the remoras

YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH CHECK OUT MY NEW PET FISH MR. WALKER! w00t w00t! Dang these zeroes are small. BUT YEAH. And actually, he's not that new. I adopted him a while ago, but I put him in my template and he didn't show up, so I was like WHATEVER. But now he's back. Cuz I saw a monkey named Percival and wanted one (a pet, not a monkey. :P monkeys transitive verb.) He's a sickly shade of green because he's going to die soon. Mwahaha. Like that fish in the science lab last year? Anyone actually remember that? I do... Weird... So go ahead and overfeed my fish.
GROWL no one rates my quizzes or stories! But when they do, it is between 4 and 5. Eh? WEIRDED OUT. Only 13 people have read my high school musical stories. SAD. Maybe cuz I was kinda racist but not. Yeah. Chad and Jason: *sing "My Humps* Whatcha gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside your trunk? Me: ENOUGH! Eh? All my quizzes are rated E...except for my stories. Check out my newest one. http://www.quizilla.com/users/leatherconverse/quizzes/QUEST%20TIME%3A%20Search%20for%20the%20ultimate%20prize/
I finished "Rebecca" and didn't really get it. So they find out stuff about the dead chick...and the house lights on fire? What about the staff? What about the dog? Huh? What about JASPER? But no. She leaves it at, "Crimson skies," and crap. Snorg. So Mrs. Schultz-Story made me go to the library to discuss it with the librarian and she hasn't even read the book. She just read the movie. And all I wanted to know, how the heck did the fire start and what about the dog? SNORG! I love Ben, he's funny. "Ya like winkles?" I don't even know what winkles are. Shellfish? SNORG.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Which is what I am. Yeah. I totally walked into the wrong classroom today. And then I saw my substitute teacher at Albertson's. Where we bought crappy cinnamon rolls. Yeah.
I'm not allowed to say sucks anymore. I need some more desirable interjections.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH guys bother me. ALL MY FRIENDS ARE HOOKING UP! AND IT'S WEIRD!!!!!!! Why is at that all the guys I'm attracted to (as in not my friends) like preppy girls (nothing against that, but COME ON) that only like girls and are scared of mice and frogs. Hello, GET OVER IT. So it's like, me: AAAAGH she's so annoying. Guy: *instantly loves her* JUST BOTHERS ME! TOed.
That's basically all I had to see. Wow. Three days and I just want to rant about guys and preps. I WISH I WERE PUNK/GOTH. But I couldn't pull it off. My hair MUST BE PURPLE. *begs mom* I wanna dye it REALLY BAD. But yeah... yeah yeah yeah. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs! I fell off my desk today.