Monday, January 09, 2006

Talk about dumb

Okay, who here likes poetry? *sees no hands* I don't blame you. I mean, come on, limericks were cool in, what, 3rd grade? But I had to write a poem today in LAR. It was pretty much awesome. Odes are the only good kind of poetry because they can be totally random. Yeah.
MR. JANSEN IS BACK! YAY! (Mr. Jansen is my algebra teacher) Seriously, I walk into the room and he's sitting there talking with Mr. Fox about basketball. After about a month of subs (actually, it was only like two weeks, but we had winter break), that sort of thing is totally unexpected. It turns out something was wrong with his knee.
"Fantastic Four" is pretty much the dumbest movie ever. What's with Ben's whole, "I'm good as is," attitude? And why does he end up with the blind girl? She should be so glad she's blind... Jessica Alba is pretty much the best actress ever. If you don't count Natalie Portman and Alexa Vega (lol I seriously hope you're catching my sarcasm. Or like Micah would say, sarCASm).
Band pretty much rocks, as usual. Except we're playing this Bach song called "Fireworks Music". Apparently during the concert he played this at, the whole hall burned down. It's super dumb. But we got to play the Star Wars song, so it wasn't that bad. DUEL OF THE FATES IS THE BEST SONG ON THE PLANET!
I really need to cut my nails. They're the only things touching the keys. Which isn't right. Whoa that was random. Okay maybe I should stop...


RRock_With_It said...

i have to memorize poetry in english. i mean, i know people who write poetry have talent, but i think it's reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally boring.

Lauren said...

i know, seriously. the only person i like is robert frost cuz he has books with illustrations.

RRock_With_It said...

well, there's this one poet my history teacher was talking about, and his poems sound cool, if they weren't in poem form.

Lauren said...

ooooh who was it pray tell?

RRock_With_It said...

i don't know, i think it was Poe, but i'm not sure. he wrote "the tell-tale heart" and stuff like that. it was about a guy who hated this other guy because his eyes drove him mad. he kept sneaking into his room to kill him, but his eyes were closed. then one time he woke up, and the other guy killed him. then he cut him up to hide the evidence, and hid the heart under the floorboards. then someone came into the house. the guy hid, but he heard the heart beating. he started scuffling and making noise so that the other guy couldn't hear the heart. it was his immagination, the heart wasn't actually beating. and history teacher told us to read it ourselves to find out what happened.

Lauren said...

DUDE I READ ALL THIS EDGAR ALLEN POE STUFF he seriously scares me. the tell tale heart FREAKS ME OUT!

RRock_With_It said...

i'll have to read it sometime. :)

Lauren said...

some of his other stuff is just demented.

RRock_With_It said...

i think he suffered from chronic depression.

Lauren said...

mental depression you mean.

Lauren said...

he's scary and blue.

RRock_With_It said...

"Would you like your face painted blue?"

RRock_With_It said...

You don't know what to say. :)

RRock_With_It said...

a british person seriously went up to someone and said that.