Thursday, January 19, 2006

"I am your wife."

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH yesterday was actually a good Wednesday! I got 1/2 pounds wortha chocolate. And I actually enjoyed piano. I must be sick. And Lost was last night. Omg, I predicted like EVERY LINE, it was HILARIOUS! Me: She's gonna be all, "I am your wife." Sun: "I am your wife." Me: OOOOOOOOOOOH! My favorite part was when I was all, "He died." Jack: "He died." Next week, someone's gonna pull a baby Moses and send Turniphead (Aaron, my bad. Not.) into the ocean in a basket and Claire won't believe Charlie and he'll be all, "I'M TRYING TO SAVE YOUR FLIPPIN BABY!" Wow, that was weird.
THURSDAYS ARE UNBELIEVABLY SLOW! 6th period seemed to drag on FOREVER, it wasn't even FUNNY! -_- And I keep stealing books from my college ed teacher. Well, not stealing, I bring them back when I'm done, but he has such good books and I DON'T! And I kinda got no books for my birthday OR for Christmas (don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining), but COME ON! I'm lacking in reading.
THE DRUMS ROCK! Actually, I haven't touched a real drum set ever in my sad existence, but my dad got me a drum pad for my birthday (:D) and sticks, and he's letting me borrow an Accent book on percussion. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I'm pretty much the best percussionist ever. Not. Lol, I'll turn into that girl I saw on TV when channel surfing with my brothers (I swear, I don't even know what show it was.): "I'm a drummer, and I can lay down a beat and rap." Lol, it was really funny the way she said it, and she was white, so yeah.
I should write soap operas for a living. Seriously, I finally started writing again (yay) and the story's okay, I guess, but there are some parts that I've written that make me laugh when I reread them. And I've discovered that Shakespeare's theory doesn't work: Person A likes Person B likes Person C likes Person A. Unless one of those people was gay, that's not gonna work. Come on, Willy, explain this to me! How did you get it to work? Cuz I can't figure it out. :( Oh well.


RRock_With_It said...

after all that lost stuff, i am seriously confused. :(

Lauren said...

don't be sad! it's carnival!

RRock_With_It said...


Lauren said...

lol that was from the simpsons. how is it confusing?

RRock_With_It said...

i don't know.....first you were talking about lost, then moses...... by the way, my mom called charlie a dopehead.

Lauren said...

cuz he's on crack. literally.

RRock_With_It said...

manhobbit is on crack?

Lauren said...

he's kind've a druggie...

Lauren said...


RRock_With_It said...

a druggie manhobbit.
(you started it :P)