Friday, January 20, 2006


Oh boy oh boy oh boy, today we had a PEP ASSEMBLY! YAAAAAAAAAAY! As if. Sure, I guess they're sorta fun. Okay, I admit, I enjoy them immensely, but seriously. WHAT IS WITH FRESHMAN ALWAYS WINNING EVERYTHING? The stupid 8th grade judge was all drawing everything out and it was like, "Shut. Up. We KNOW we lost, quit RUBBING IT IN, YOU FREAK!!!" Only you can't say that to adults. Which sometimes makes me MAD! But seriously, she was all, "Oh, bla bla bla, sevvies lose. And now, it's between the blue...and the white. The white did very good, but the blue was very loud........and.........the second place winner is..........*pointing at freshman, than points at wedgies* THE BLUE! *freshman scream*" And there was this warped twisted contest where two people from every grade would spin this "genre wheel" and whatever music genre they got, they had to dance to. No offense, but us sevvies got OWNED! The really sad thing: the other people weren't even that good. They were just a lot better compared to US! :( I hate life.
Today was an interesting day. I got yelled at alot, especially in 1st and 6th period. Sorry. I just realized I don't like dissecting frogs, which is what we had to do today. Ew. They smell like rubbing alchohol and vinegar. And how are the teachers NOT puking when all the fluid spills out?
Note: A lot of you are probably going, "Wow, Lauren sounds manically depressed." In a way, I am, if you count mood swings. I have no clue what it is, but at about 12:30, life starting stinking and I got really tired. And mean (so say some). And semi...never mind, if I say it, it'll just offend a bunch of people. So yeah. That's my post for today, in the mindset of Edgar Allen Poe. Because he, like me, was manically depressed. I need help.


RRock_With_It said...

"What? You think I'm up here for the breeze? It's ammonia, i tell you!!! It seeps through your shoes. It burns, It burns! I hate ammonia. I hate this room. And I hate my straight jacket!"

just quoting the pretty much most awesome guy ever.

Lauren said...

:O please never do that again.

RRock_With_It said...

you shouyld have heard him. it was awesome.

Lauren said...

since i have no clue who you're talking about, i won't say anything.

RRock_With_It said...

Murdock!!! except i don't know how to spell his name. it's like the
a-team ten years later.

RRock_With_It said...

Pretty much awesome.
Stop the Cruelty!!! Liberate the Golfballs!!!!