Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Hip to be a square (except if you're a music teacher)

It's true: Being musically square is not a good thing. Especially in jazz and during worship at church. Just a random thought.
I can't believe I'm chewing spearmint gum. It's disgusting. I just needed gum. And we only have spearmint. I feel like playing Mario. And beating the stupid fortress (yes, I'm still in World 6). *sniff* IT'S SO HARD! I hate Boo Diddleys. This is what I don't understand: if Boo Diddley is a ghost, why is it possible to kill him with a hammer, fireball, or Koopa shell? *Twilight Zone music*
GAMEWINNERS OFFICIALLY ROX! There was this whole thing on how to beat the White Witch (I haven't got that far, but someday ((lol in like a week)) I'll need that) and she apparently sends ogres after you and you kill them with barrels. And then I was like, "Duh! There's barrels in 'The Beaver Dam'." Silly me. I'll try it out tomorrow as I've fulfilled my quota for video games today. :( It's not my fault Nathan wanted to play Battlefront with me. (older siblings cheat, I'm sure of it. He won every single time. And no, it's NOT because he's better. >:P)
HOW GOOD IT IS TO BE WRONG FOR ONCE! I never thought I'd feel this way, but while rereading the best book on the planet (yes, The Two Princesses of Atlantis), I found out I was WRONG! Everybody DOESN'T go to Africa. Only Talar, Eva, and Da go to Africa. Leorbur and Lydia land in JAMAICA...or something like that. It was in the Caribbean. Wait...is Jamaica in the Caribbean? My brain is so fried from so much time away from school. Anyway, that means there's a possibility Eva and Talar DID end up together! YAAAAAAAAAAAA! YAAAAY! I'm kinda jealous, tho. I mean, Talar = Will Harris. And he ends up with someone else. :( I'm sad now.


RRock_With_It said...

He won every single time. And no, it's NOT because he's better. >:P)

suuuuuuuuuure, lauren.

Lauren said...

it's not! i've gotten better i swear. hi score: 30 compared to my old, what, 18!!!!!!???

RRock_With_It said...

it'll be okay lauren, just put this nice white jacket on. isn't it pretty?

Lauren said...

who are you and what have you done with amber?

RRock_With_It said...

i just had to say that.

Lauren said...

:O you're not yourself!

RRock_With_It said...

Yes, I am. I've always been myself. Except when I was someone else.

Lauren said...

like you are right now...

RRock_With_It said...

which one me or someone else?

Lauren said...


RRock_With_It said...

lol me too.

Lauren said...

aaaaah i'm so confused.

RRock_With_It said...

i do that to people :)